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Don't like freedom?


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Look at the posts from the resident leftists. "Dont' like freedom?" No, they don't, or at least not for the people who don't agree with them. In their far-fetched, goose-stepping Obama Utopia of One World Government, we all wear yellow windbreakers and live happily ever after on the taxes we collect from guys like Trump. Too bad, they could take everything Trump has and kick him naked into the streets and all of his real net worth would pay for about 10 minutes of the 4 billion dollars the government wastes on a daily basis. And this is the fate everyone classed as 'wealthy' will face. Nevermind that the Democratic drum beat of taxing the rich as means is a f*cking fantasy. There aren't enough Trumps on planet to cover what Obama and his flunkies and followers want to spend. The truth doesn't matter. What's really right doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the progressive AGENDA to make us all the same (except for the Liberal Elite who'll run everything). Regular folks will be broke, hungry and dependent on government handouts to survive. Oh, and if we don't behave, no handouts. It's actually a good plan. The bane of free will and organic rights but a good plan.


Maybe one day we'll have Baby Licensing and wouldn't THAT be cool? Must have a license to have a baby. That way we can make sure only the right people have babies. And if the license thing doesn't work and people ignore it maybe we can start compulsory sterilizations and abortions. After all, we can't have the people who don't have licenses having babies. Just imagine, we can have the one-mind and pure thought of our agenda enforced by selective breeding! Only people we like and approve of will be allowed to have children. And when they are old enough we can take them from their parents and indoctrinate them into our agenda. All of the children will be devoted to our one cause.


*sits down to pen OBAMA ÜBER ALLES before someone else does*

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Look at the posts from the resident leftists. "Dont' like freedom?" No, they don't, or at least not for the people who don't agree with them. In their far-fetched, goose-stepping Obama Utopia of One World Government, we all wear yellow windbreakers and live happily ever after on the taxes we collect from guys like Trump. Too bad, they could take everything Trump has and kick him naked into the streets and all of his real net worth would pay for about 10 minutes of the 4 billion dollars the government wastes on a daily basis. And this is the fate everyone classed as 'wealthy' will face. Nevermind that the Democratic drum beat of taxing the rich as means is a f*cking fantasy. There aren't enough Trumps on planet to cover what Obama and his flunkies and followers want to spend. The truth doesn't matter. What's really right doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is the progressive AGENDA to make us all the same (except for the Liberal Elite who'll run everything). Regular folks will be broke, hungry and dependent on government handouts to survive. Oh, and if we don't behave, no handouts. It's actually a good plan. The bane of free will and organic rights but a good plan.


Maybe one day we'll have Baby Licensing and wouldn't THAT be cool? Must have a license to have a baby. That way we can make sure only the right people have babies. And if the license thing doesn't work and people ignore it maybe we can start compulsory sterilizations and abortions. After all, we can't have the people who don't have licenses having babies. Just imagine, we can have the one-mind and pure thought of our agenda enforced by selective breeding! Only people we like and approve of will be allowed to have children. And when they are old enough we can take them from their parents and indoctrinate them into our agenda. All of the children will be devoted to our one cause.


*sits down to pen OBAMA ÜBER ALLES before someone else does*


Ah the freedom to take other peoples money, the left are not known for the love of freedom but they do seem rather fond of that one.

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@ Vagrant


Thanks for the video. Penn and Teller are avid Libertarians by the way. Why should my freedom be restricted due to the ignorance of others, otherwise known as the lowest common denominator.


Would you rather have humanity have the freedom of complete choice and end up becoming extinct, or limiting freedom until humanity reaches the point they can make intelligent decisions?


If we are really that stupid we deserve what we get.



To this, I will wholeheartedly concur.


There was an earlier post where someone claimed "It isn't the government job to be babysitters." Or something similar...... Much as I wish that were the case, maybe someone should inform the government of that little factoid, as they seem to be under just the opposite impression.

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"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force, like fire, is a dangerous servant and a fearful master." George Washington


Violence just breeds more violence.

That fundamental lesson is not to be taught and always ignored by those temporarily in power. They have to experience it at first hand first, as usual.

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I only want to add the following to DeTomaso's post

...Additionally hate furthers oppression fear and more hate oppression and fear. As a general rule.


Now if you would now simply not only debate this politically but try more to add the law violations against the freedoms of your country it would certainly help a bit.

Here is an example

Hate crimes in the US and Europe 2006 Comparison (source Wikipedia)

EU = 18142 Cases

US = 7722 Cases

* The numbers are only the approved cases courts and government's publish the darkfield studies of those crimes that aren't seen by the government might at least 5 times higher.


Since Hate crimes are political motivated and against the Constitution of any free democratic country and as well try to violate the liberty's of the victims as well as the oppressor placing himself and his liberty to dish our punishments above any liberty of his victims and trying to destroy the victim by taking his human dignity as well as placing the oppressor above the Judiciary, executive and legislative.

Now if you like to measure freedom try to see it through the victims eyes in your country.

Now to bring it back to the political debate it was before i ask the question what is done against those crimes from the political end and how well are those laws carried out?

Edited by SilverDNA
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I will admit that, for the most part, this thread was a case of TLDR (I started to, then got quickly bored by US political references).


Let me throw this to you, then:


What is freedom?


For example: you have the freedom to sing loudly on public transport. I have the freedom to NOT listen to your loud singing. If you exercise your freedom, what happens to my freedom?


Consider the slogan of The Party from George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four:






Many a true word said in jest, perhaps...?

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I will admit that, for the most part, this thread was a case of TLDR (I started to, then got quickly bored by US political references).


Let me throw this to you, then:


What is freedom?


For example: you have the freedom to sing loudly on public transport. I have the freedom to NOT listen to your loud singing. If you exercise your freedom, what happens to my freedom?


Consider the slogan of The Party from George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four:






Many a true word said in jest, perhaps...?

Seams you don't understand how hate crimes work and your picked quote supports this only because doublethink slogan supports hate crimes.

The joke is beyond my understanding because i see here a vote for hate crimes than against it. Sync182 post is a joke on the victims of hate crimes more than against it. and it is not furthering the debate because he didn't see the the Females and males oppressed he didn't saw the the ones oppressed because of having a sexuality that isn't conform with the norms, he didn't saw the oppressed because of having another colour or from another nation , he dint saw the oppressed poor and homeless , he Didn't saw the oppressed children, old and disabled persons. in my post before. but only expressing egoism to obress isn't furthering a debate of freedom alone it only is a selection of sides you like to be the oppressor hidden cleverly behind the wall of deceit.

Freedom is the right to stand up against oppression and not being bullied for it ...


Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows.

George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four

Edited by SilverDNA
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This really could be Obama's re-election campaign slogan. A Nobel Peace prize winner who has got us into 2 wars without Congressional approval (Libya and Yemen). Every policy he advocates takes freedom and choice from the American people. Every speech he makes has zero substance to it, just flowery rhetoric to play to the ignorance of the people.

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