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Don't like freedom?


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I had to try really hard to get banned from church. I wish it was auto. It would have saved me some ass whoopings.


LOL, as an atheist, emotionally I can support the idea of banning religion. Logically however freedom and liberty trump everything else IMO. If the state can ban religion than they can also impose one. If the state can ban religion they can ban political parties and schools of philosophy. Not a power I wish to grant to the government.

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LOL, as an atheist, emotionally I can support the idea of banning religion. Logically however freedom and liberty trump everything else IMO. If the state can ban religion than they can also impose one. If the state can ban religion they can ban political parties and schools of philosophy. Not a power I wish to grant to the government.

In the US it's already been tried to impose religion *cough* Creationism.

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So kids should be banned from all churches?


Look at his posting history. Not only kids, but EVERYONE. People shouldn't have the right of self determination. The government should be making the decisions, not people.


I think he wants to live in the old Soviet Union. The state can tell him where to work and what to think.

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So kids should be banned from all churches?


Look at his posting history. Not only kids, but EVERYONE. People shouldn't have the right of self determination. The government should be making the decisions, not people.


What? What kind of an answer is that? You want the government to decide everyone's religion? Not only is that an unstable move as history has teached us, it is an illegal one too, hence the seperation from State and Church law.

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I see Conseratives painted with a broad brush on a daily basis on this forum yet concerned posts from you addressing that are nonexistent.


Actually Kendo you are wrong, Granny has spoken up against anti conservative bias on several occasions. She may be a self defined liberal but in my humble opinion still has an open mind and on numerous occasions has sided with a moderate conservative point of view. Though I will say the liberal bias of this forum is self evident and only challenged by a small vocal erudite Conservative minority of which I count myself among.

Edited by Aurielius
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So kids should be banned from all churches?


Look at his posting history. Not only kids, but EVERYONE. People shouldn't have the right of self determination. The government should be making the decisions, not people.


What? What kind of an answer is that? You want the government to decide everyone's religion? Not only is that an unstable move as history has teached us, it is an illegal one too, hence the seperation from State and Church law.


I was being sarcastic.

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As for you Marharth, if really want to align yourself with these raving anti Semites just because you have decided that circumcision is sadistic and evil and should be stamped out, then be my guest. Yeah csgators, I guess he thinks infant baptism should be banned in case junior gets dropped in the font.

Wasn't aware everyone who disagreed with circumcision was anti Semitic.


Also I don't think I ever said it was evil, or it should be completely stamped out.


Should circumcision be illegal? Not really.


Should call everyone who disagrees with it a raving liberal anti Semite who hates freedom? No.


Should you use it as a example to show how liberals hate freedom? No.

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