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Survival discussion


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I would have, but decided to just wait until the construction kit comes out to start a new game. I am concerned about the direction the recent beta took things.


For example, the moderators saying that mods were not actually disabled for the beta. I am forced to wonder if the mods I do use now will be compatible? Or if I can fix them once the kit comes out. Yes,I am aware of the current workaround. However it is not without its flaws.


Then there are the side issues, of the console being disabled as a "feature". Or save only on sleep. I would resent like hell to lose progress because I got stuck in a wall.

None of the pre CK mods are meant to be compatible basically, they are early releases' it is up to their authors to update them with the game. That is why Bethesda has behaved as if modding is not a thing u ntil the official CK comes out, which is going to be when the last major changes to the core game are out as well.


Yea the possible no console after beta is a issue, but could easily fix that with a mod to either enable it or give some sort of teleport out of or walk through ability for those sticky situations.


So far the save on sleep I didn't like at first but it is growing on me. Makes things far more tactical.

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I could have sworn that it was possible back in the skyrim days, to run a pre ck mod inside the construction kit and resave it to fix some issues? Going from memory here, it was a long time ago, and I avoided modding til the kit was out.

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