FastBlackCat Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 (edited) If the character gen faces and bodies are as horrible as usual, definitely the first mods going in for me will be to modify the face, hair and bodies (I'm all for skimpy female elf mods). Armor and weapon mods, of course. And possibly magic mods as well (love Midas Magic). Edited June 29, 2011 by FastBlackCat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
huntsman2310 Posted June 29, 2011 Share Posted June 29, 2011 If the character gen faces and bodies are as horrible as usual, definitely the first mods going in for me will be to modify the face, hair and bodies (I'm all for skimpy female elf mods). Armor and weapon mods, of course. And possibly magic mods as well (love Midas Magic). I don't think the characters will be as plastic as oblivions were......they have overhauled the appearance of the characters, even so I guess people will make body and appearacne mods anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheMysteriousTraveler Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 I am hoping to just do something simple, like a house or a mansion for my charecter to stay in. Nothing special. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nadimos Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 The ability to ride dragons of course and crashing the engine with it, as it tries to load all the land. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted1082189User Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 I've been wondering what people would be adding. In Oblivion, you basically started the game and began seeing parts to it you want changed desperately....such as the bodies/faces on your PC and NPCs everywhere. There were texture mods to improve quality, graphics extenders and complex mods adding more functionality, magic mods which attempted to revamp the way we casted things, animation mods to improve the dead walks (which usually just ended up in an exhaggerated sexual walk either way), and far too many sexy elf mods out there. In Skyrim, the improved customization gives me confidence to say none of the sexy mods will be necessary (unless you want even sexier elves in the game, in which case it would look even more stunning and even more sexy now >_> <_< >_>) unless it adds features....such as the gameplay. But aside from quest mods or immersion mods, I think it's safe to say we won't need many graphics improvements or body replacers since our character creation menu will allow us to manipulate that. That is, unless those bodies can still be improved. But I don't think that will be necessary. To sum it up: I see major quest mods coming out, improved immersion mods, an ish-ton of weapons and armor mods, some race mods, new areas to explore, and various others. I doubt we will see many graphics mods (although some users will likely try to get even more beauty out of the game than it had before) or body replacers (but where would we be without Better Bouncing Boobs? Maybe Bethesda covered that too). Well, yeah, I probably won't be adding much until I learn more about mods and creating items and what not. But I just wanted to give my outlook on things. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pansilva Posted June 30, 2011 Share Posted June 30, 2011 i personally would add my own castle on high hrothgar right on topp where i can see all of skyrim the way i like it and have it being gaurded by stationary dragons that shoot ice breath Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kazakovich Posted July 1, 2011 Share Posted July 1, 2011 I think that some sort of housemod will be my first choice, too. There probably will be a few good player houses (or maybe even fantastic, I can't help feeling optimistic about this game...) out there, but I have always wanted to make my own, just as I like it. My plan at the moment is to make two houses for the two first characters I have in mind, namely one pyromaniac Khajiit wizard person and one faintly aristocratical Khajiit assassin. The wizard-house, I think, will be some sort of simple underground (I do love underground stuff, spares me remodelling the surface very much, which I hate) thing or some sort of little isolated tower/observatory thing. Depends on what toys the construction set got. But since he is a wizard who long ago traded his moral compass for knowledge, presumably on the behest of Sheogorath, it leaves me much room to make a few neat tricks. Space and dimension doesn't matter as much, as I can handwave it as magic. I'm thinking of some sort of magical portway that takes you to the "real" home-cell, a large void á la Arkved's tower, with islands floating in it (with guardrails) which holds the laboratory, the library, the bedchamber, all that stuff. If I'm as excited about this idea as I am now, we might end up with a little mini-Karazhan, of Warcraft fame. The assassin-house, I plan, will be a bit more of a sober affair. Basically, my plan is to stick a small, run down estate down in the wilderness or in the fringes of civilization, and make it look rather old and abandoned. Inside, it's all rather run down and dilapidated, too, until you stumble upon the secret passageway in the family crypt that leads to a practical little assassin hideout... The backstory behind would be something along the lines of "This mansion belonged to an old Khajiit family related to the Dovakiins, but were seized and forgotten by the Empire as retaliation when Elsweyr left the Empire. But, the family business never truly died out, and as last in line, the estate, the hideout and all the toys inside are yours". Basically, like the Deepscorn Hollow, but a bit more spartan. Again, depends entirely on what bits there are in the CS to play with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Draco856 Posted July 1, 2011 Share Posted July 1, 2011 Pet dragon for me. Gotta have me a pet dragon. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted472477User Posted July 4, 2011 Share Posted July 4, 2011 (edited) Same as above. Nothing but it. Wait, you forgot there will also be mods to make everyone look like cutesy-poo Anime dollies, and Hentai mods! Can't ;eave those out :P Edited July 4, 2011 by nyxalinth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted472477User Posted July 4, 2011 Share Posted July 4, 2011 As I've said before, if the face editor is as broken as the Oblivion and FO3/FO:NV one, a burqa. Hey, it works for ugly chicks in France (apparently some 200 or so actually want to wear a burqa) :P Or maybe something less radical, like a niqab. Might even pass for ninja mask :P I am going to bite my tongue and simply say that these women wear these because of their religious beliefs, not because they fear they are unattractive. Back on subject, I will agree. If the faces and bodies are as horrid as they were in Morrowind and Oblivion, then I want some decent face and body mods. I also love clothing and armor mods, and while I prefer that they suit the setting, I also enjoy fantastic stylings as well. Hair mods! bethesda can never get hair right. Playable Daedra. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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