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DLC 4/12


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It could be crazy smart of them. Throw out dlc on all platforms while slipping the geck to us pc users. It'd likely cut down on the complaints, both from pc users being annoyed with this dlc, and console users not getting a geck.

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Well s#*!, looked around for some articles and am seeing both between dlc 1 and 2, and 2 and 3. In any case, its looking like it's going to be between workshop and Far Harbor, unless they do indeed pull it out of nowhere.

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I hope to gawd they release the GECK soon. If Far Harbor looks good enough, or if enough interesting quest mods come along, I might even give this game another go. I guess it's been a little true of all previous Beth games but FO4, more than any of its predecessors and especially with the 2 DLCs so far, is so much a virtual playing with dolls. Someone should make a mod renaming the player characters to Barbie and Ken.

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