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are warranties worth it?

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prolly an easy answer, im expecting a resounding well hell yes dumbass but i figured id ask anyways. like its a 1 year warranty. is that incase it breaks at any time in that one year?
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I've had to cash in on a 1 year warranty twice before, both times at Best Buy. The first was a DVD player bought back in 99 or so. The laser died after several months and I was given store credit. By that time I was able to upgrade to a much nicer model as prices had fallen considerably. The second was with a car stereo that malfunctioned and I was able to get it repaired at no cost. Sometimes at checkout it's hard to justify the extra cost but when you need it later, you'll be very very glad you spent a little extra cash.


Having said that however, I know Newegg has an excellent return policy. Are you talking about an extra manufacturers warranty beyond that?



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I'd say only if it's a thing that's vulnerable to breakage and is expensive enough to warrant wanting a new one. Things that operate with lasers are very prone to being damaged and thus would be worth it. Something like a case for the computer? Nah, no warranty needed. A videocard would be a maybe, but unless it's very shoddily made or you install it incorrectly (Read, beating it in place with a hammer), it shouldn't break any time soon.
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yea, on most items you can add a 1 (or 2) year warranty. i noticed it adds about $100 to my total, so im asking is it really worth it. and if so is it worth it to get it on everything. right now, these are the items that i can select a 1 year warranty on:


Monitor: $14.99

Board: $14.99

PCI Wireless: $5.99

Keyboard: $9.99

HDD: $9.99

DVD: $5.99

Card: $16.99

CPU: $14.99

TOTAL: $103.91


is it worth it. do i need the one year of coverage. i cant really figure out what extra it covers if anything.....but if i dont need it, thats $100 i could save or upgrade parts with...

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That really depends on you. For me no it is not worth a warranty. I build computer, repair both hardware and software (not as a job, self taught) and for a quick new machine, i go buy the best stock I can get in my budget for what I want it to do, then boot it once, clean up things to suit me, promptly shut down, open the case and upgrade/replace components that I want improved and/or add more things so, warranty void form day one. it breaks, I fix it or if it's beyond me (rare) I pay to have it repaired which is usually under 300 USD.
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ok so ive never put a PC together b4, so what are the items that easily break or something.


also if its DOA i dont need a warranty for that right?...im worried about having a defective product, having it be fine at first but break a couple months down the road


i figure i could take it off the monitor and keyboard since i dont see how those would break unless its a manufacturing problem, in which case it would be replaced anyways right? and i dont hink i need it for the DVD drive since those are only $20 easy to replace.


which means ill be keeping it for the board, cpu, gpu, psu, and pci wireless adapter.


what do u think?

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Most items on your list should have a factory warranty.


Are there any laws in your country for warranties?


In Europe all items bought would have a 1 year standard warranty, as well as a period of time in which the item should work. (a refrigerator has to keep working for five years for example)

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Most items on your list should have a factory warranty.




I bet if you look your gfx card has something like 1-3 year manufacturer guarantee. Mine came with a 2 year warranty from the retailer itself for no extra cost. And my cpu and mobo has a 3 year one from the manufacturer.

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Most items on your list should have a factory warranty.


Are there any laws in your country for warranties?


In Europe all items bought would have a 1 year standard warranty, as well as a period of time in which the item should work. (a refrigerator has to keep working for five years for example)



yeah all my stuff had a 1 or 3 year warranty so i didnt get tigerdirect.com warranty's but im sure their's is much better also i think they pay for shipping cost with newegg and tigerdirect if you need to return something to them.



I bet if you look your gfx card has something like 1-3 year manufacturer guarantee. Mine came with a 2 year warranty from the retailer itself for no extra cost. And my cpu and mobo has a 3 year one from the manufacturer.


some of the EVGA cards get a lifetime warranty

Edited by hector530
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About the only thing I would get a warranty on is the:


DVD player/burner since those can crap out a few months down the road without warning.


Monitor, if LCD, but mostly because pixel death sucks.


Memory, only if buying expensive chips


Powersupply, because when this starts going, your entire system is soon to follow.




I wouldn't bother getting more than manufacturers warranty for the following:

CPU, motherboard, and Videocard usually only crap out if you install them wrong or screw up overclocking, or just overheat the darn things (why you spend the first 36 hours of any install doing benchmarking and punishment tests to ensure that under normal conditions your system won't fry on you).


Keyboard? seriously?


HDD? Even if it crapped out I would just buy a new one. Data storage is pretty cheap, and drives from previous computers or my storage drive could tide me over until I could replace. Just buy 2 500gb or 1gb drives from a decent manufacturer, and just do without your porn collection until you can replace one if it craps out. If it's bad, you usually know within the first few weeks.


Wireless card? Can't imagine those suddenly breaking, and pretty sure they're fairly cheap to replace.

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