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Come on Sony, really?!


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So my buddy and I both bought like 2 things off the PSN Store for mortal kombat (classic costumes and character Skarlet.). This was the only purchase I've made with my card this whole month and a few days later (found it yesterday) I have a suspicious charge of a little more than $2,000.00 on my bank account. I called my buddy about it and he also had some suspicious charges on his bank account. I contacted my bank and the only other charge they listed I made this month was for the stuff on PSN. They say that they must have got my info off of there. Whether people say I'm jumping the gun here or not, I'm ready to say PSN is STILL hacked. Maybe I'd feel less suspicious of this if it weren't for the fact me and my friend BOTH had this happen just a few days after making purchases over PSN or the fact that I only used my card on PSN this one time the whole month.
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ya i used to use my visa online, but now for my PSN ill most likely buy the prepaid cards....though then again im lazy and dont wanna go out to get them, so i say this and will prolly end up just using the PSN directly. i trust Sony so idrc. i cancelled my card when i found out this happened, so now im on a new one. we will see though.
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I've seen some other people online saying that changing the e-mail with my PSN account might help so I did that and removed the billing info and card on the account too. I'm only doing gift cards and stuff for PSN now. No more using bank cards with them.
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LOL no fanboyism here if you really want to go in that direction i can tell you all the sweet and negative things about the crap box 360http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/rolleyes.gif


Just to be safe psn as wellhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/tongue.gif

Edited by Thor.
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  • 1 month later...

What makes you think that PSN is still hacked? Have you ever thought of maybe it is simply a glitch? They do happen, even on Xbox Live. Maybe I'm just odd, but using the gift cards that you buy from Walmart seems like a much safer bet either way.


Another thing, it doesn't matter what system you're on. I have a PS3 because I refused to buy an xbox that would die like a dog from a red ring of death.

Edited by DarkWarrior45
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