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I'm confused.. doesn't NMM install omods?


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I am installing mods in my Oblivion game, but there are a number of them which refuse to install using NMM, even though I used the NMM button at Nexus. When I run NMM, an error window titled "Mod loading error" pops up and lists the following mods:


Harvest Flora

HUD Status bars


Lost Paladins of the Divines

Map Marker Overhaul

SM Plugin Refurbish


Opening them manually, they appear to all have one thing in common... they are omods. Is there something I am doing wrong, or does NMM not install omods?

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When it comes to Oblivion, I had a lot easier time getting the mods to work by using the Oblivion Mod Manager.


Oblivion Mod Manager:



I suppose you could also give Mod Organizer a try, it should do the job perfectly fine. I have never used it with Oblivion though, so I can't say I have personal experience using it with this game.


Mod Organizer:


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Damn... I really wish that the modding community would just get on the same page. NMM works very well for all the mods I use in Morrowind and Skyrim. What is the problem with Oblivion modders? For that matter, why isn't Nexus making NMM compatible with omods? And if the modders know that NMM can't install them, why do they have a "Download with NMM" button to install them?


Is there any reliable way to convert omods for use in NMM? At least some of them, it appears that just a rearrangement of the files in the omods should get them to work, but others seem to be strange. No idea how those may work.

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The Download with NMM is here because Nexus enabled it by default for all mods.

Since NMM came out very late in the Oblivion history, about 90% of Oblivion mods were already abandoned and noone will ever update them to remove that button. Also, many of their authors explicitly declared noone is allowed to reupload their work, so we can't even upload a NMM compatible package.


Making those mods compatible with NMM is not worth anyway, as mod authors (me too) suggest to use Wrye Bash (you should install it anyway because of the Bashed Patch, which is something very recommended in any Oblivion installation, even in vanilla games) or Mod Organizer. Other mods manager (OBMM and NMM) are good but lack some essential features, mainly the ability to manage the Installation order (totally different and even more important than Load order).

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Well, I for one also always advise newcomers to better not use NMM for Oblivion mods, as there's still too many problems with the many ways in which Oblivion mods are structured inside the archives found on here, and like was said there's nobody left capable of (or allowed to) restructuring them, and the NMM only understands the utmost basic of these.


I don't know about OMODs at this point, last time I checked the NMM mistook them for FOMODs and crashed the first non-FOMOD scripting function it found, the same goes for OMOD-ready archives as well by the way. Many sources said it was fixed, but I haven't yet given it another try myself.



However, due to me somewhat "having" to be able to help others troubleshoot their NMM installations as well, I also made it a habit to install every single mod on my installation through NMM exclusively, and up to this point I haven't yet found any mod I couldn't "make" compatible just by writing a proper XML file to explain its structure to the NMM and "guide" it through the installation by thus.


And as for nobody being allowed to re-"structure" the incompatible mods... there really is no need to. There is no folder structure what-so-ever which can't be explained to the NMM via a proper XML file.


I even managed to release a mod structured in BAIN-ready format, with multiple different options and multiple-choice features and such, which to the NMM is complete and utter garbage by default, but with a proper XML to go along with it the NMM perfectly understands it, and I even re-produced the exact same step-by-step wizard-style "guided" install I previously achieved with rather complex, heavy OMOD scripting only!


You can still perfectly "download" the incompatible files with NMM already, and before you "install" them you'll just have to add in a proper installation script XML so the NMM knows what to do with it. There's quite a bunch of uncategorized random NMM-compatibility-patch-style installation XMLs for common or favorite mods flying around somewhere on here already, the only thing missing would be somehow "connecting" them to the mods they were made for. Doesn't the "requirements" system already link also to the mods this file is a requirement for? Could be a start for such.


But interest in NMM-compatibility for Oblivion mods is very low, due to NMM commonly just being advised against rather instead. So the likelihood for these things to happen is rather "none". :mellow: -shrug-

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