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Construction Set Achievements

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If the CS were a game, what kind of achievements would you get in it?


Some that I can think of:


Gullible - Press the Recompile All Scripts button

L2SpellCheck - Get 20 errors on one script

Good job! Do it again! - Make a .esp file for the first time

Critical Existence Failure - Press any of the buttons that makes the CS instantly crash

What Do You Mean, Deleted? - Make a massive dirty edit and not notice it until release

Not Blender - Use Blender's controls in the CS by habit, or the other way around

Fell For It - Crash the CS using the fall key

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It doesn't exist - put an object in the world or a cell which has no world model

Writer - save your first script

New born - Create a NPC and put it in the world or in a cell

Fashion - create a new piece of clothing

Aim it! - create a new weapon

Safe - create a new armor

Alchemist - create a new potion

Thaumaturgist - create a new spell

Sorcerer's Apprentice - Create a new creature

Builder - Create a new cell

Genesis - Create a new worldspace

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Architect - Create your first city (don't question how the CS would know).

Adventure Time - Create a quest with at least 10 stages.

Teacher - Create three classes.

Facepalm - Save a blank script.

Killer - Place a dead body in a cell or worldspace.

Mass Murderer - Place ten dead bodies in a cell or worldspace.

Lights, Camera, Action! - Create dialogue for an NPC to speak.


Off the top of my head :P

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Half-Assed: Generate an LOD texture that comes out half black.
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Quill-Eater -Write an in-game book or note.

The Leveller -Edit a levelled list without breaking it.

Level 1 Idiot -Ruin a vanilla levelled list when trying to make a new one.

Xivilai Bear Pig -Make a new creature, but give it the wrong sounds.

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Descriptor: Make a description.

Descriptor-failus: Crash CS by making a description without using XP (mode)

Yes Clicker: Select yes on an error while closing CS. You've probably messed up your plugin. Congratulations!

Godfather: Parent more than 10 objects to one object.

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