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Is this a dictatorship?


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No, I said he's acting childish. Didn't actually call him childish. Please read posts before posting a reply.




The -only- childish thing about this entire thread... is the fact that it actually exists.



Then again, I think it only exists because of folks like you... who seem to think that because we Americans decided to BS up some story that our Lord and Master gave us all these arbitrary rights and freedoms created not by divine power, but largely taken from a prominent author whose name you should be familiar with if you have any grasp of U.S. history at all... the rest of the world operates on those principles.


Let's put it to you in the most blunt terms possible: You have no rights.


None. Nadda. Zip. You aren't even entitled to BREATHE. You are a worthless, squirming sack of meat and bone... one of billions on this planet whose pathetic little brains tell them to keep on living despite the fact that the universe is pretty steadily attempting to crush you out of existence. It's not just you, either. We all are... thus the wonderful 'Human Experience' folks go on about so often. We suffer, we laugh, we cry, we triumph... but the only thing we are GUARANTEED in this life... is that one day, it's over.


Death. That's your only right. Anything else, you have to take for yourself... or hope to whatever God you might pray to that someone will stand up for you instead. That's how countries are born. That's how civilizations are founded. You are dependent upon someone else to grant and secure your 'rights'... which by all accounts are nothing more than shallow promises which can be broken at any time on the whim of persons corrupt enough to do so.


Now take into account that the rights you are claiming to possess, those pseudo-rights granted not by virtue of existing but rather the blood sweat and tears of your given nation, in NO way grant you the right to do any of the things you are claiming. You have the right to speak your mind. You have the right to enjoy yourself. You have the right to seek out your fortune and success and live your life to the fullest.


But there's a caveat... written right there into the Bill of Rights... that states that your rights may NOT infringe upon the rights of others to do these things.


That is to say that even if you are a 'Free Citizen' of the United States... you still don't have the right to go into other peoples' places... take what you want... insult them... and then wait for the government to back you up. What you have just done is in fact VIOLATE the rights of someone else... in this case an entire website full of someones.


And the owner of that site, by virtue of being given the 'right' to own property... is well within -his- rights to ban the crap out of you just for looking at him wrong. And if you don't like it, tough.


That's how the world works. And your childish beliefs to the contrary contribute to the reason that a LOT of folks don't like us Americans. We think our 'God-granted' rights (granted not by God, of course, but the Constitution of the United States of America... in turn an article which ripped off popular philosophy of the day) apply to all the world, and so we walk around never knowing when it's best to just 'Do as the Romans Do.'


When -is- it best to toss Christians into the pit to fight against Lions again? I always forget.




What you have just done there, my friend, is dropped this kid in the most brutal manner possible and therefore ended all debate about this site being a dictatorship.


Anything that anybody has to add after this is obselete.


Kudos to you sir.

Edited by TheReverendTholomewPlague
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Alright, but before we all now insist in our one and only right, now and here today :teehee: , I just want to add, that we still can have different opinions or views about sth without ending in flame wars. Err, can't we? In theory? Edited by tortured Tomato
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Actually all that discussion seen unnecessary, the answer to the thread title is a big YES. The owner has all rights to decide what is NOT wanted happening in here. A right granted all the while there is no forcing to come and no stopping to go.


The site is not hindering any freedom other than that to break the rules. If the rules themselves are the "problem", from this site standpoint you are free to exercise your freedom wherever it does not offend the local rules (including itself (this site), if you understand me).


Is the "right to speech"? it was not even denied to you until now. If is the right of your words are accepted without contestation; you are indeed clueless, that right was never granted to anyone by any means. Anyway, using the words I saw once right here, "you have the right to say whatever you want but I am under no obligation to supply the pulpit"

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I don't know what is more audacious, the attitude of the original poster or those posters I have read who had the audacity to comment on their views of the capabilities of the mods here.


Let me first say that I have no right to speak for or about this place. Nor do I have any right to comment on the owner or any of his designated representatives. I say this, not to try to suck up, but to knowledge the overwhelming time and effort that those tasked with the creation and the policing of something this gargantuan.


I have and probably will again jogged through the legal and financial hoops that must be done to bring a forum together. I have burnt the midnight oil forming the sections, created the permission masks, going through the mods and plug ins that make the place more enjoyable to those who come here and add the colors and the design of the place. Anyone who thinks this stuff is easy should try an update that doesn't want to take.


Anybody who thinks that a man doesn't know what childbirth is has never created one of these. Those I have built, even the one's that I've built for others I have the feeling that each one of those is a living, breathing child of mine. I don't doubt that the owner here feels the same. I would bet my bottom dollar that the Admin and mod areas of this place has seen great enthusiasm and occasionally a drama or two.


The largest of my sites would disappear like a pebble in sandstorm in this place, but even that one had more than one admin and occasionally a mod or two. I would caution those who think they are somehow more qualified than the staff here should really take a good look at their free time and levels of dedication before speaking of these people here. Skill is necessary but such things can be learned. What can't be learned is dedication and responsibility, which is the hallmark off any good staff. I'm not just saying this. I've seen the effects of an understaffed site and the results are not pretty. You can have all the skills and abilities that a site needs, but if you don't have the time or determination to make things your responsibility to keep the site running smoothly, You needn't even bother logging in.


What truly makes me shack my head is those that confront those that staff these sites have no desire to benefit the site, but to do what they want, since they think posting a few topics and answering a few posts somehow makes them some sort of authority on the site. They have no concept of authority, which is why they post threads like this.


I gave up walling the walk that the staff members here do, because it became top troublesome babysitting adult children who think they are somehow more relevant than those around them. I met a lot of good people. I learned a lot from those I've had the pleasure to meet and will do so here, if given the chance.


I respect those who have been tasked to police up the place, but I don't envy the job. Been there, done that and didn't even get a tee shirt out of the ordeal. I'm very comfortable posting my little posts and meeting those who I come across. Those who have difficulty arranging their attitude to fit in here, should use that energy to create their own site, since you think you obviously know better how to do so, according to you. As for me, I'm kicking back, drinking a cold one and enjoying the content.


Have a good one. :thumbsup:

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On a completely different note... I somehow seem to remember Robin calling for this overly-long-drawn-out-going-nowhere-not-overly-interesting argument to end on the grounds that there really isn't any point to be made here which hasn't already been made.


Since no-one has been able to post anything to counter that...





Let it die

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I have rights that can't be taken away by anyone. One of them is freedom of speech. I am not worthless, I have a purpose in the master plan. Death is a path that most all must take, but it isn't the end. In this, I am blessed to know my destination after death.


Also, you can throw me into the pit, you can attack me from every way, but know this: I will not stand down; I could even die physically, but then I would go from doing right, straight into paradise, so yeah.

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@joquanpro - A quote from that website in your .sig (the one you own and operate)


"Off-topic Forum

This is the section that you can go to talk about something not relative to Joquan Games Studios (No inapropriate posts)"


Says it all really doesn't it.


@Skevitj, a thread's not over until someone mentions "Hitler". Oooh, see what I just did there.

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@Skevitj, a thread's not over until someone mentions "Hitler". Oooh, see what I just did there.

Damn you just destroyed a good interesting-overly-not-nowhere-going-outdrawn-long-overly thread nobody was really enjoying anyway, how did I get here BTW, I seem to recall heading to the bathroom from NewVegas>Uploaded Images and ending up in here somehow. Perhaps this is the bathroom. :)

Edited by ozziefire
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@joquanpro - A quote from that website in your .sig (the one you own and operate)


"Off-topic Forum

This is the section that you can go to talk about something not relative to Joquan Games Studios (No inapropriate posts)"


Says it all really doesn't it.


No, it doesn't. I honestly don't see the relevance?

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Just to clarify...The "not-interesting-etc..." was more referring to the argument over the politics of how the site is run, not some of the actual responses. The thread is great comic relief but when you start getting to the stage where some people can't help themselves you have to wonder what the point in continuing it is.
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