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Mod Picker: The Fearsome Juggernaut


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Oh dear, some hairy ape pulled up to the side of the road, wound down his window and shouted "you look kinda funny boy..".


All this to the theme music of (dueling banjos) Deliverance.



... not everything revolves around reddit. For example, I only just started myself last year for the dungeon contest. It is NOT a positive place when all is said and done.


Not everything revolves around Nexusmods either. The Subreddit and LL are both places equally valid as well. The site where the discussion is hold or was held doesn't really matter, what matters is what has been delivered in content. Those links were provided to show that the Mod Picker team hasn't been silent throughout the progress they made. They publicly announced where they are and were (and are) open to discussions. Just because it's Reddit doesn't influence the point made there. Saying it does is the cheapest attempt at invalidating an argument.


The overwhelming majority of people are here though and here is where most of them are likely to get their information.


I am reasonably active on that subreddit and even I didn't see any of those 4 posts when they were first made. They're all less that 3 months old too. I've looked at the discussion threads now and frankly they're no better than anywhere else. Actual discussion was pretty useless because it turned into mostly back and forth banter each time.


I don't think it's unreasonable to point out that posting stuff where most of the community does not venture or may not see it due to the way the discussion platform works (stuff gets buried there FAST) is invalid and I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that once they finally showed up here that only then do Nexus mod authors become aware of it.


Consider also, the non-author forums here on Nexus have a pretty high burial rate as well and stuff that's not even a week old can be several pages down by the time someone swings by for a casual look. Which I think is why their initial post in these forums basically went nowhere. It fell off the front page and was quickly buried below that.


The team has admitted they made a mistake in not engaging mod authors sooner. Now that that's been rectified, they can work through all the legitimate concerns authors have.

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The team has admitted they made a mistake in not engaging mod authors sooner. Now that that's been rectified, they can work through all the legitimate concerns authors have.


To be fair, a lot of Mod Authors don't post on the General Mod Author Discussion forums because they don't like the vitriol of the people who regularly post there. I think that the continued misrepresentation of a vocal minority of extreme individuals as speaking for the majority is one of the most unpleasant aspects of this entire situation.

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The team has admitted they made a mistake in not engaging mod authors sooner. Now that that's been rectified, they can work through all the legitimate concerns authors have.


To be fair, a lot of Mod Authors don't post on the General Mod Author Discussion forums because they don't like the vitriol of the people who regularly post there. I think that the continued misrepresentation of a vocal minority of extreme individuals as speaking for the majority is one of the most unpleasant aspects of this entire situation.


You must be seeing a completely different forum than the one I'm seeing.


Also making accusations like this that the general public has no way to prove or disprove is a pretty sleazy tactic.

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The team has admitted they made a mistake in not engaging mod authors sooner. Now that that's been rectified, they can work through all the legitimate concerns authors have.


To be fair, a lot of Mod Authors don't post on the General Mod Author Discussion forums because they don't like the vitriol of the people who regularly post there. I think that the continued misrepresentation of a vocal minority of extreme individuals as speaking for the majority is one of the most unpleasant aspects of this entire situation.


I wouldn't be dismissive of the General Mod Author Discussion forums if I were you. The number of authors posting can at times be only the tip of a very large iceberg. The view count of that thread is now almost 10,000 in only a few days. When looking at the bottom of the thread to see who is reading it I see names of many authors who never post or rarely post.


In the What new features would you like to see on the Nexus? thread some of the authors requesting the anti-scraper flag have not posted in the Mod Picker thread, yet they are quietly following the discussion and evaluating what course of action would best serve their interests.

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I wouldn't be dismissive of the General Mod Author Discussion forums if I were you. The number of authors posting can at times be only the tip of a very large iceberg. The view count of that thread is now almost 10,000 in only a few days. When looking at the bottom of the thread to see who is reading it I see names of many authors who never post or rarely post.


In the What new features would you like to see on the Nexus? thread some of the authors requesting the anti-scraper flag have not posted in the Mod Picker thread, yet they are quietly following the discussion and evaluating what course of action would best serve their interests.


I'll just grab a response I made to this same concern in the private thread:


But I'm not dismissing their opinion or concerns. Read what I wrote there. Exactly what I wrote. Don't try to read between the lines or put words into my mouth.


What I said is "some people don't post here because they don't like it here". This is fact, as I've been told this by people who do not/will not post here. I also said that there is a misrepresentation happening here where certain individuals feel they speak for mod authors as a whole when no one has given them that privilege.


Nothing I said suggests for even a split second that I am not interested in taking this thread into account or acknowledging concerns brought up here. In fact, I think this thread is itself evidence that - regardless of who is posting here or who these people speak for - I am listening to, responding to, and taking their perspectives into account. Sure, I may not change the entire platform instantaneously the second someone cries wolf, because if I did that I wouldn't really end up with much of a platform at all, would I? (the same thing happens with mods all the time)


I (like you) do not speak for all mod authors. Unless you want to make a formal anonymous poll in the Mod Authors subforum and then drive all mod authors on the site to it, neither I nor you can make a statement about what they think.

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I (like you) do not speak for all mod authors. Unless you want to make a formal anonymous poll in the Mod Authors subforum and then drive all mod authors on the site to it, neither I nor you can make a statement about what they think.

Then why did you? When you say "they don't post because they don't like the vitriol" and NONE of them have said anything like that, you're making statements that speak for people.

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For the sake of transparency, we've proposed a compromise that would go a long way toward setting everyone's minds at ease. Here, take a look:


Well, in that case, then compromise is in order, which applies to me/ other mod authors as well.


I for one would have no further objections against Mod Picker if the opt-out option for Mod Picker was guaranteed, in writing, in the TOS of the site, for perpetuity, that "opting out" means making an instant, irrevocable and perpetual decision to have all of your mods removed/ hidden from the site, and no one else, not even the Mod Picker Admins/ Moderators, could ever change that. The author might change that in the future, but only they, and they alone have that right.


I believe that many others share my sentiments with this proposed compromise, and will certainly back down, and let you run your site without further issues/ objections if the above conditions are met. What say you, Mod Picker team?


This is their response thus far; hope they live up to their word, and also choose to respect the rights of all MAs. I'll post again tomorrow with news of their official response, if Mator/ Terrorfox/ Thallassa didn't already do the same.


Hi everyone,

I apologize for the delay in an official response regarding opt-out. We will be providing official response tomorrow.


Also, just for the people who say I'm unwilling to compromise in this thread, I wrote the same above, and proposed it to the Mod Picker team.

Edited by mlee3141
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For the sake of transparency, we've proposed a compromise that would go a long way toward setting everyone's minds at ease. Here, take a look:


Well, in that case, then compromise is in order, which applies to me/ other mod authors as well.


I for one would have no further objections against Mod Picker if the opt-out option for Mod Picker was guaranteed, in writing, in the TOS of the site, for perpetuity, that "opting out" means making an instant, irrevocable and perpetual decision to have all of your mods removed/ hidden from the site, and no one else, not even the Mod Picker Admins/ Moderators, could ever change that. The author might change that in the future, but only they, and they alone have that right.


I believe that many others share my sentiments with this proposed compromise, and will certainly back down, and let you run your site without further issues/ objections if the above conditions are met. What say you, Mod Picker team?


This is their response thus far; hope they live up to their word, and also choose to respect the rights of all MAs. I'll post again tomorrow with news of their official response, if Mator/ Terrorfox/ Thallassa didn't already do the same.


Hi everyone,

I apologize for the delay in an official response regarding opt-out. We will be providing official response tomorrow.


Also, just for the people who say I'm unwilling to compromise in this thread, I wrote the same above, and proposed it to the Mod Picker team.


Just out of curiosity, what is your favorite part of Atlas Shrugged?

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To me mod picker seems like the obvious next step in the development of a true modding community. Nexus provides a good platform for authors to talk to users and to some extent to get feedback, but there isn't really a centralized place for users to talk to each other. Frankly I don't see why any opt-out option is necessary or appropriate. It's just people talking to people about mods. The admins shouldn't feel responsible to stop people from talking about certain mods because the author doesn't like being talked about. If you don't like being talked about, you really shouldn't participate in a community at all, because if you are going to be a presence then you are going to get talked about and there's nothing anybody can do about it.

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