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What would you do If you were to suddenly win the lotto?.


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I would take one or two million and host a party for all Nexus people at Dark One's villa (since he also on the lotto. Not sure if many people remember that time)

Drinks DRINKS for everyone.

And cheese.

Rest I would invest. Some charity too of course.

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I'm going to assume we're talking about the like, 250mil lotto, in which case...


Run straight to a financial adviser, because I'll never be able to figure this out on my own, then....


First, donate all I can to avoid paying taxes on it, if at all possible. Even if I give away half to avoid taxes, I'd rather do that than give the government any to squander.


I'll assume I've got, 150mil left after either paying taxes or donating. 100mil is going to be invested in low-risk investments with small returns of say, a percent or two. At only 1% return per yer, I would be gaining 100k a year.


From that last 50mil, 40m is going to charities, both local and national. The other 10mil is going to... my two nieces, and my nephew to pay for their college, buy them all three cars (decent ones, but no BMWs) when they turn 16 in two years. Then pay off my brother and sisters house, brothers car, and buy my sister a new car, sell my house and move back closer to family.


Finally pay back my best friend, who loaned me $500 when I needed it most, and refused the money when I tried to pay him back. Of course, it'll have accrued some very serious interest.


Hmm... my parents are pretty well set, I'd get my fiance one of these purses that costs like... $1000. Get her a new car, too...


1m + 200k + 2.5m + 1m + 5k... then I'd give the rest to charity. Because I honestly wouldn't know what to do with that much money. I'd upgrade to a nicer house, sure, and nicer car, maybe buy a boat, since I like being on the water so much, but there's honestly no way I would ever know what to do with that much money. I guess the rest I would just save. Then, if I had kids, I'd make sure they were set for life. If I never have kids, I'd just will it all to various charities upon my death with very specific instructions to make sure it goes to what I'm giving it to.


Maybe a little more thought out than you were looking for... but I think that's what I'd do. I might buy a few guns, too, expand my collection.


EDIT: Oh, build a firing range wherever I end up living, because I want somewhere I can shoot.

Edited by RZ1029
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Build a large concrete cube to live the rest of my life in. With a solid roof you don't have to worry about zombie climbing up the walls!


Don't taxes kick in before you can donate any of it?

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Build a large concrete cube to live the rest of my life in. With a solid roof you don't have to worry about zombie climbing up the walls!


Don't taxes kick in before you can donate any of it?

Dunno. That's what the money man is for, to tell me what the heck I'm doing. Probably so, though. Just nice to dream of screwing the government out of 100mil.

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