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Fallout 4 Creation Kit Beta and an Important Notice to Survival Testers


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In response to post #37122340. #37125520, #37125625, #37128230, #37129135, #37130600, #37131280, #37133850, #37133965, #37134270, #37151360 are all replies on the same post.

LiamYule1996 wrote: None of my mods work anymore after doing the beta update :(

My saves launch when archive invalidation is off but the game crashes upon loading a save if that is enabled.

Even with no mods installed but archive invalidation/enable plugins changes made it crashes.

I have tried re-installing fallout 4 also.
izon87604 wrote: getting this too. mods work if they are just esps but not if they add textures etc.
LiamYule1996 wrote: yeah, i have narrowed it down to an issue with Invalidate archives - with that active nothing works.
izon87604 wrote: my custom ini doesnt even get generated anymore. so i wonder whether they completely removed that function
loadofbs9 wrote: Yeah same :(
Grimsonius wrote: Archive invalidation works for me with all mesh/texture/sound replacement mods.

But I had to remove interface replacement mods like "no dotdotdot", these caused CTDs upon starting/loading save games!
LiamYule1996 wrote: Once it updated it worked - but now its broken upon re-launching the game
izon87604 wrote: thanks i will remove these
izon87604 wrote: cheers for this. it does work if you disable any UI mods
EyonRaki wrote: I get it working by disqbling DEF_UI, gold kit for color pipboy.
I also kept the [archive] thing in custom.ini
Third thing is when your mods are to your liking in NMM, check your plugins.ini ( in appdata). Should have a * in front of each line.
IF it doesn't try to disable and enable the first mob you have in NMM, it should paste a * in front of each mods activated (close your plugins.ini txt before doing this). Recheck the plugins.ini file
should work.

I just add that some UI mods work
for example: zoom out extended for world map works
value per weight works
a realistically weightless colored sorting mod works
better armor and weapon naming and sorting works too
configurable new dialog english version works
finally, satellite world map works

all i've tested so far :) good luck
KotovChaos wrote: DEF_UI Does have a patch. It's an optional on it's page.

I think (at least for me) it's also HUDMenu.swf - Alternative Reflex Sights does it's magic by replacing this file, and using the DEF_UI patch mentioned above fixed my CTD-on-load - but now my reflex sights are vanilla again. Ah, well. Crossing my fingers Linux123 will update soon...

Anyway, even if you're not using a "UI" mod, you might check for HUDMenu.swf in data\interface. If it's there, try renaming it, uninstalling the mod that installed it, or installing the DEFUI patch. Edited by Trollkin
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When I first added the Fallout 4 Mods, it did not work, however, after doing a little bit of reconfiguration it all slipped into place and I can now play the game with added features.





Edited by Zootopia
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In response to post #37135690. #37135865, #37142420, #37145675, #37149115, #37151315 are all replies on the same post.

MajorDick wrote: For those getting CTDs (Crash To Desktop) with saved games after the latest patch (, and you are using DEF_UI, you need to installed the DEF_HUD_15147patch


After the latest FO4 patch ( that dropped today, I received continuous CTDs trying to load saved games. I tried numerous things; disabling mods, etc., but nothing worked until I loaded DEF_HUD_15147patch, and it worked on the first try. Although it says it is for 1.5.147, it worked with

I am off and playing again from my latest save without any issues so far.

I hope that helps everyone.
Outlander3734 wrote: If anybody is still having issues even after this, you need to change back to doing Archive Invalidation the old way. Remember when you needed to add:


To the end of:


under [Archive] in Fallout4.ini ? Well now you need to do that again. Remove bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 and your Fallout4Custom.ini, too. Everything should load at that point.
dimysama wrote: thank you outlander i was going crazy that most mods were not working, you just saved me
soulgamers wrote: Hi
:armscrossed: oh my god. it works now.

I did what MajorDick and Outlander3734 said.
and all my mods load in and the game works fine. I CTD every time but not now.

But first I had to Update NMM. or nothing worked.

so thanks to all of you for saving my game. :thumbsup: and blast the Bethesda silly updating.:verymad:

I'll just add. I have 131 mods all turned on and from Nexus.
and they now all are working.
TheBritishMelon wrote: This worked, thank you MajorDick and OutLander! c: <3

Despite not having the DEF UI mod AT ALL, getting the patch and such somehow fixed everything xD Thanks again!
Trrafide wrote: Tried changing back to the old ini settings, and still wouldnt load up. Installed Def_UI and patched it...
Did not have Def_UI beforehand i might add..
Everything working fine again..
Thank you all!!

Don't know if it was both together or just Def_UI. DEF-UI tells you in the "read me" do the binvalidatefiles=1 etc, etc... but I left them as Outlander3734 said.

I did what Trrafide did and got mine to stop CTD-ing on game load.

Praise your knowledge and awesomeness MajorDick and Outlander3734

Im back in the wasteland kicking aft and taking names thanks to you guys!
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Question about the CK, I am having a hard time keeping the CK from crashing, I cant seem to open much of anything in the CK without it crashing, is this a common problem or unique to me?


I'm having the same issue. the CK crashed the first time I ran it, just after it had unpacked all the scripts. I restarted it and it opened Ok. Then I tried to open one of my mods and it crashed towards the end of loading. That's as far as I have got so far. The game itself runs fine with the 1.5 update, I've had no issues so far.

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So after messing around with the CK for a few hours, launched FO4 once to test out a working mod with no problem (no CTD thankfully and decided to disable all mods for now to work on mods myself) but I do think the CK needs some tweaks as it crashes too often. CK has always taken awhile to load up the master files and large cells but to crash during the smallest task? Jeez.



Edited by darkstar10
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Am I the only one whose mods aren't loading when trying to load a save?

I updated NMM.

I activated / downloaded the beta through steam.

I opened NMM.

I loaded my previous load-order.

I enabled all the plugins.

Now when I try to load a gamesave it gives that message about missing plugins and stuff. Wtf?


Just edit plugins.txt and put an asterisk in front of every mod (but not Fallout4.esm). save, and set plugins.txt to read-only.

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In response to post #37067255. #37067320, #37068075 are all replies on the same post.




phoenix12829 wrote: Anyone else getting the red "error signing in" bar
freakuent wrote: Yeah. Everyone probably.
Chris1986 wrote: Yup, same here.

You guys make an account Bethesda.net? If not you have to do that first to login :smile:. It doesn't use Steam login.


I was able to login straight away using an account I opened on the Bethesda forums a few weeks ago.

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