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Just moaning about NPC greetings


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I don't know of any better place to indulge in this rant so...


One of the most game changing mods I've installed since rediscovering Morrowind is without a doubt the humble 'Shut Up' (www.nexusmods.com/mosrrowind/mods/43310/) mod that makes NPCs only "greet" you if you look them in the face; this simple mod has made my gaming experience soo much more enjoyable.


When people talk about Morrowind, something I rarely hear mentioned/criticised is how utterly obnoxious the NPC greetings are. Apparently Bethesda disagrees as they still use the same primitive "Repeat your line every time the player comes near you" system to this day but never was it so irritating as in Morrowind because of the choice of dialogue itself.


The NPCs in Morrowind are absolute arseholes! Either that or they're so reverent that it feels equally excessive ("It would be an honour and a privilege to be spoken to by you" -something like that). I realise that this fits the theme of disdain towards outlanders but the lines are still spoken even when the character likes you and that's the main point of this little tirade - it bugs me (and breaks immersion) when I approach someone who's fond of me only for them to say "Khajit has no time for you" or otherwise remark about how they don't know me or that I essentially need to piss off and leave them alone. Hearing them slag you off and then reading them say "Oh [Player], good to see you again!" is stupid as all hell.


Just wanted to vent!

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