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Nude comments


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So, I don't know about anyone else, but, I'm starting to miss the comments from Skyrim. Not that I run around buck nekid all the time, but, come on! Let's have some realism. Post Apocalypse or not, you pull your clothes off, someone is bound to say something!

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Most of the major NPCs will have nude comments to some degree or another. I know I'll get nagged by Preston and Curie about it every 5 mins or so if I wear certain clothes like the death claw armor, strangely X6 doesn't comment on my nudity but I do see the dislike message pop up.

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Interesting. I've never heard any of the NPCs making nude comments. I'll have to check it out.

Neither have I, and I've walked around the wasteland stark naked for hours and nothing happened. First time my current character meet her son, she was stark naked and he didn't even blink. He simply acted as if nothing were wrong.Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed in the lack of comments on the lack of attire my character was wearing at the time.

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