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What is strength?


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What is strength. Is it the power of the mind in dealing with the cruel realities of the world we live, or The strength we have to manipulate the structure of the world around us. Is it the determination to reach the goals we have set or the ability to determine when such goals are beyond us, or that we are not ready for them.


Is it strength to shed tears or to stoically drive through life's painful moments without flinching.

It it strength to work together to create a better world for everyone, or to become a tyrant, doing things without regard for the rights of other, and finally is it strength to know when to shift gears or stay the course in the same manner that you started.

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You pose an interesting question, and one that in my opinion can be answered a myriad of ways. All that you describe in your OP are strengths of a sort. But in my opinion strength of character and the ability to stay the course that one believes to be the honorable one is the only strength that will carry him through any and all experiences that life has to offer.
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What is strength. Is it the power of the mind in dealing with the cruel realities of the world we live, or The strength we have to manipulate the structure of the world around us. Is it the determination to reach the goals we have set or the ability to determine when such goals are beyond us, or that we are not ready for them.


Is it strength to shed tears or to stoically drive through life's painful moments without flinching.


The former is just being in touch with your emotions. The latter is just the definition of stoic behavior. Men by nature tend towards the latter but I have seen strong men cry and understood why it was appropriate at that moment.

It it strength to work together to create a better world for everyone, or to become a tyrant, doing things without regard for the rights of other, and finally is it strength to know when to shift gears or stay the course in the same manner that you started.


On this one I go along with Granny, it is strength of character to pick the honorable course and stick with it despite the roadblocks that are thrown in your path. It's easier to be a villain, thats just playing to one's self interest, being resolute in that is just amoral psychopathic behavior. Very few tyrants have had true courage at the end when all sides were closing in and it was time to pay the piper.

Edited by Aurielius
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To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

Still like the wind in my hair and a falcon at my side...lol

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You are lucky, in my idiom there is one only word to mean "force" and "strength", so it is a yet more overloaded word meaning something like "power needed to perform * "


in time, "*" here meaning "*" ... uh... I mean anything and everything.

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