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Possible US President Trump, what possible consequences?


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By and large when my opponents are using Helios, fixed wing, armor, artillery and infantry...I consider it a war. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..it's a safe bet that it's a duck. Syria is a war, the Syrian dead might be better versed to contest the semantical distinction if they could speak.

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Wars aren't wars because Democrats say they aren't. The American boots on the ground and their families think otherwise. If the U.S, went 'all out' with a legitimate campaign daesh could be pounded into submission in a weekend with B-52 strikes and mopped up within a year (or less) using antiquated WW2 tactics. Bomb the Hell out of them without warning, roll in a solid line of armor and infantry and kill anything with less than four legs. 'War crimes' and 'atrocities' be damned since the U.N. only applies those terms when it suits their purposes anyway. If they aren't worried about the systemic annihilation of Christians and enslaving women by Muslim daesh douches then they shouldn't be concerned when we vaporize the lot of them. THAT is what wins wars.


Obama has taken it on himself to got to Japan and apologize for Nagasaki and Hiroshima. He's too stupid to realize the WW2 beach fronts of Omaha, Utah, Juno and Sword would be lost in the shadows of the American deaths on Japanese beaches named Ford, Chevy and Taxi Cab. That was the plan, a mass Normandy-style amphibious landing on the main island of Shikoku. Truman made the right the choice to nuke them and no one sees the Japanese apologizing for invading Manchuria, the Rape of Nanking, Pearl Harbor, the Bataan Death March or anything else they perpetrated during WW2. In fact according to the Japanese none of things took place, or they had a reason for doing them. Yeah, Obama, you apologize for nuking mass murderers who still think they were doing the right thing. Maybe you'd like to dig up Hitler and tell him you're sorry too? What you're getting ready to do with Japan is the same thing.


My grandfather was in the Sudan Defense Force and he fought Mussolini's fascists and then he volunteered to fight Rommel's Afrika Korps with the British. My grandfather was an illiterate potter in a mud hut village and he took it upon himself to fight oppression and evil. There are people in the Middle East now willing to do the same against daesh. You don't tie their hands with politics. you fill their hands with weapons.


Sorry for the rant. I have bad memories most here will never experience.

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Although I think he is the best runner in the Republican side, he still seems bat-s#*! insane. But from someone who "knows" him (not personally, but I've done a lot of research on the guy), he seems to be putting an act to get the presidential candidacy. He has (or had) a lot of left leaning views/values.

A huge part of me is actually interested in seeing what he would do, but the other part is terrified. As for "building the Wall", "banning Muslims", "bombing ISIS", carpet-bombing the Middle East and all this other stupid bullshit... He simply can't do that. That's the beauty of a democratic/republic system. The president doesn't play God for 4-8 years. Every one of those issues have to past through the Congress before they can be acted upon.
And again, I'm completely sure that he's putting up an act because he knows how stupid your average Republican can be (no offense to fellow Republicans. But then again, if you're having debates about this, you're probably not "the average Republican").

I'm honestly more terrified of Hillary Clinton, because she's such a flip-flopper (not to mention a sell-out). In pretty much every debate or talk she has where she endorses alternative fuels, the oil industry, solar-panels and other "strange non-presidential-issues", you look up who is backing her up (money-wise) and surprise surprise, you find that there's companies with a lot of interest in those areas. If she could, she would probably sell the USA for a nickel.

She has been everything on the book. Conservative, republican, democrat, libertarian, etc...

If I had to choose a presidential candidate, I would definitely go for Bernie Sanders. Choosing between Stump the Trump and Shillary is like choosing between s#*! and garbage. They're both disgusting, but at least they have some qualities (AKA s#*! can be used as fertilizer, for example).

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In defense of Trumpfrom a Canadian, he has some wiggle room on the wall. It doesn't need to be the Great Wall Of China. It could be an electronic wall that can't be penetrated without detection, with rapid response forces ready to interdict trespassers.

I don't recall him saying he's against immigration, just illegal immigration. His anti Mexican comments were aimed specifically at Mexicans crossing the border illegally, which seems to be something a lot of Americans are against. I wouldn't be surprised if Mexicans who have immigrated legally to the US are also against illegals. I've found that people who jump through all the hoops to immigrate legally can be the most resentful of other people jumping the cue.

His call for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US was made in response to the San Bernardino attack. It was such a senseless and incomprehensible act, and Trump was basically saying we need to step back and figure out what's going on here. If his position was extreme, it was in response to extreme circumstance, and I believe it may have resonated with many Americans as a call for common sense. Whether or not it really does make sense is something he will have to deal with. That's the disadvantage of a politician actually speaking his mind and telling us what he truly thinks, instead of having every word vetted for political correctness by a team of backroom consultants.

Trump never called for carpet bombing, that was Ted Cruz. He did imply that if you go to war you will fight to win. His support of extreme treatment or torture of prisoners simply falls into line with policies of previous presidents, Suggesting going after the families of terrorists is something that already happens, though perhaps inadvertently, as drone attacks have killed families, not just the intended target. Trumps only misdeed here is that he called a spade a spade and publicly acknowledged the obvious.

Trump seems to lean toward pulling back from foreign entanglements. Less of a world policeman and more of a stay at home dad, rebuilding America at home instead of building a world empire with American hegemony over all. Parting company with Bush the 1st's proclamation of a new world order, and accepting that the world is in fact multipolar, and other great powers do indeed have national interests and spheres of influence. So perhaps a less belligerent and confrontational America and a more stable world.

Calling for punishing woman who have abortions was nothing more than a logical answer to a hypothetical question, a question he clearly did not want to answer but was badgered into answering. Logically speaking if you do something illegal does it not normally follow that there is some form of punishment for committing an illegal act? If abortion is illegal then what would be the consequences of that? That is a question the anti-abortion forces don't want to deal with, bit it is something that really does need to be discussed in the open. My reading on Trump is that he thinks "it's complicated" and he doesn't have a definitive answer and would prefer not to be the one making the decision, which is probably inline with what most people think on abortion.

On gay issues the real Trump will probably come as a surprise to many of his detractors who can only see the worst intentions in anything he says or does. There was a very informative article in the New York Times a couple of weeks ago, Donald Trump’s More Accepting Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in G.O.P. It surprised me, but it also didn't surprise me. The man is after all a product of New York, so yes New York Values, it really does mean something.

Now those who say Donald Trump is not a true Republican may be on to something. It may be that he is neither Republican nor Democrat, but rather a Pragmatist who chose to launch his campaign on the Republican beachhead because it was the least defended.

In an America that seems to have lost it's way and become polarized and paralyzed it just might be that a pragmatic President is exactly what the doctor ordered.

adjective: pragmatic


"a pragmatic approach to politics"


practical, matter-of-fact, sensible, down-to-earth, commonsensical, businesslike, having both/one's feet on the ground, hardheaded, no-nonsense;


"she remains pragmatic in the most emotional circumstances"

  • relating to philosophical or political pragmatism.
  • Donald Trump


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Interesting read on Trump here. I'm just really curious, if something will change even a little if he becomes the president, I have VERY little faith in that, but considering how indepenent he poses himself, well, won't know for sure until it happens.




Artificially made up local conflict for resource control under guise of opposition fighting dictator? Yes, people are dying, but it lacks scale to be called full blown war, it looks like it can be stopped with a single finger snap by any of major participants, not sure that would be benificial for either of sides though...

Ah, so you are just playing semantics. I get it.


And no, it would take more than just one of the major players to make it stop. Even if Assad resigned right this minute, the 'conflict' would continue.


So, we have a variety of US backed "rebels", fighting against Russia backed Assad regime, in a conflict involve lots of guys with guns, artillery, and even aircraft.... Ya know, that sounds an awful lot like a "war" to me......


Yeah, that would be semantics, and also would be useless to argue on individual understanding of what "war" implies, so yeah, whatever, let's call it war. On the other notes, I have little idea of how they gonna keep this "war" up by themselves, probably with sticks and stones? Since they obviously are supplied with weapons from both US and RF sides in full, and if supplies cut then what? Winning wars isn't the idea after WW2 as far as I can judge, conflicts are lucrative, both for local warlords, who have power, and foreign military corps, and longer they last, more income they get.


Regarding Assad, I have no idea what this guy is doing there and what he's hoping for? Since ground operations are commited mostly by Iranian forces with Russian airforce support, so considering more than half of territory lies in ruins and big part of population is spread from Turkey to Europe, I have no idea what will happen if conflict suddenly stops, this country will be torn apart in a blink I guess, and I doubt Assad can pull it together anyhow.

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Interesting read on Trump here. I'm just really curious, if something will change even a little if he becomes the president, I have VERY little faith in that, but considering how indepenent he poses himself, well, won't know for sure until it happens.




Artificially made up local conflict for resource control under guise of opposition fighting dictator? Yes, people are dying, but it lacks scale to be called full blown war, it looks like it can be stopped with a single finger snap by any of major participants, not sure that would be benificial for either of sides though...

Ah, so you are just playing semantics. I get it.


And no, it would take more than just one of the major players to make it stop. Even if Assad resigned right this minute, the 'conflict' would continue.


So, we have a variety of US backed "rebels", fighting against Russia backed Assad regime, in a conflict involve lots of guys with guns, artillery, and even aircraft.... Ya know, that sounds an awful lot like a "war" to me......


Yeah, that would be semantics, and also would be useless to argue on individual understanding of what "war" implies, so yeah, whatever, let's call it war. On the other notes, I have little idea of how they gonna keep this "war" up by themselves, probably with sticks and stones? Since they obviously are supplied with weapons from both US and RF sides in full, and if supplies cut then what? Winning wars isn't the idea after WW2 as far as I can judge, conflicts are lucrative, both for local warlords, who have power, and foreign military corps, and longer they last, more income they get.


Regarding Assad, I have no idea what this guy is doing there and what he's hoping for? Since ground operations are commited mostly by Iranian forces with Russian airforce support, so considering more than half of territory lies in ruins and big part of population is spread from Turkey to Europe, I have no idea what will happen if conflict suddenly stops, this country will be torn apart in a blink I guess, and I doubt Assad can pull it together anyhow.

Oh, I will most certainly agree that if Trump wins, it's gonna be interesting to see what happens. I suspect we are going to that opportunity as well.


I don't see either the US, or, the RF cutting off war material supplies any time soon, as you say, too many folks making to much money to stop now...... But, the country is pretty much a write off at this point. Along with areas of Iraq as well. What a waste. Thousand and more years of history destroyed. Bummer.

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I pray that trump won't be the president cause that way he will bring back all the pain back to Iran . I'm no Muslim, no but I am counted as many awful things and I'm sentenced to endure pain and suffer from bad economy or even war just because I was born here . I see no humanity in that man .

and just put yourself in my situation and then see trump . I am happy if america develops and I thank the god cause many people will see the benefit of it over there . but destroying other people in order to get that is completely evil …... I am young and have many dreams . don't want to end up dead in just a year or poverty .(who likes to) .

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and I don't know maybe that's a bad topic over here . I request Admins to remove it cause many bad things can happen . which I don't want to .I wish I didn't involve myself with this . sigh


So are you saying you actually live in Iran .

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and I don't know maybe that's a bad topic over here . I request Admins to remove it cause many bad things can happen . which I don't want to .I wish I didn't involve myself with this . sigh


So are you saying you actually live in Iran .

yes …i do .
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