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Possible US President Trump, what possible consequences?


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and I don't know maybe that's a bad topic over here . I request Admins to remove it cause many bad things can happen . which I don't want to .I wish I didn't involve myself with this . sigh

So are you saying you actually live in Iran .

yes …i do .


Pleased to meet you. :smile: I too hope for all sanctions against Iran to be dropped and normal relations. As for Trump I hope he is only blowing smoke with his anti Iran message. Trump is a business man and there is good business to be done with Iran. Keep in mind that Obama for all his words has not removed all sanctions and Hilary Clinton is unlikely to be a friend of Iran.


This is just my opinion and I could be wrong, but I think that as America's relationship with Saudi Arabia continues to deteriorate, America will slowly move toward an informal alliance with Iran. But slowly is the big word, it will take time.

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This is just my opinion and I could be wrong, but I think that as America's relationship with Saudi Arabia continues to deteriorate, America will slowly move toward an informal alliance with Iran. But slowly is the big word, it will take time.


Just curious but when is the last time we have had demonstrations where we burned the Iranian flag and chanted 'Death to Iran" ...never....and the last time the Iranians have done the reverse..a week ... a month?

US and Iranian foreign policy interests are antithetical to each other so if by 'time' if you are thinking in geological terms then maybe.

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and I don't know maybe that's a bad topic over here . I request Admins to remove it cause many bad things can happen . which I don't want to .I wish I didn't involve myself with this . sigh


So are you saying you actually live in Iran .

yes …i do .

Pleased to meet you. :smile: I too hope for all sanctions against Iran to be dropped and normal relations. As for Trump I hope he is only blowing smoke with his anti Iran message. Trump is a business man and there is good business to be done with Iran. Keep in mind that Obama for all his words has not removed all sanctions and Hilary Clinton is unlikely to be a friend of Iran.


This is just my opinion and I could be wrong, but I think that as America's relationship with Saudi Arabia continues to deteriorate, America will slowly move toward an informal alliance with Iran. But slowly is the big word, it will take time.

ah pleased to meet you too . somehow you are correct . in fact I think the bad relationship between us are for some bad political acts and bad level of culture among of some group of people in Iran . but in my opinion president Obama is a peaceful and good president . I saw many occasions his peacefulness acts and speeches not just about Iran about everything . and Aurelius you are right . but you saw the half of the truth . 90% of people in Iran act different in front of camera . the group who chant death to america or burn down embassies are maybe 10,000 people . others are scare for their lives . like the north Korean people . they say we are in the best country of world but you know their situation . they are scared because their governor . in Iran we have similar thing . such as myself . I'm not Muslim (Zoroastrian ) but in order to sign up for school I have to lie (and act) that I am Muslim . or I will be expelled . I personally am peaceful guy which I never went to chant down with america . I never was . neither my friends or my family . about president trump (hopefully not president ) I hope he believe in peace and humanity , cause Iran economic condition is pretty bad . its getting a bit better thanks to negotiations but being in that situation is so depressing .
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It doesn´t matter who is the front face, the agenda continues as planned.



However, they won´t be able to do it for much longer.

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This is just my opinion and I could be wrong, but I think that as America's relationship with Saudi Arabia continues to deteriorate, America will slowly move toward an informal alliance with Iran. But slowly is the big word, it will take time.


Just curious but when is the last time we have had demonstrations where we burned the Iranian flag and chanted 'Death to Iran" ...never....and the last time the Iranians have done the reverse..a week ... a month?

US and Iranian foreign policy interests are antithetical to each other so if by 'time' if you are thinking in geological terms then maybe.


I was thinking 10 to 20 years with a very gradual thaw that could start as early as 5 years. It depends a lot on what happens with the Saudi. If that relationship goes south fast then the US might want to have a beneficial relationship with Iran. Nations act out of self-interest, it is in US interests to have partners they can work with in various parts of the world, and it would certainly be in Iran's interests to work with the US, even if their leadership can never openly acknowledge it.


Another factor is the Sunni Shia divide. America is mostly friendly/aligned with Sunni nations, yet some of these nations are believed to be supporting ISIS (Sunni). Most terrorist attacks against the US of late have been perpetrated by Sunni. 9/11 hijackers were Sunni. It's not too far fetched to speculate that America might want to move closer to Shia Iran.


Ideas can change over time, though some hatreds will only end when old people die and new people are born. A lot of people can die and be born in 20 years.


Obviously I'm no expert on any of this, just a guy who likes to read and tries to figure things out. I can't count the number of times I've been wrong, but I'm not always wrong.

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Well, I really wouldn't be too worried by Trumps' speeches and declarations, because if US military plans to make a move on Iran, they will, Trump or not. But to analyze current situation, I far as I know, some sanctions have been removed from Iran recently, and I don't think US really plans any military acts or "revolutions" for Iran, sure they have resources, but conflict will get too messy and I doubt US will be able to control it. "Fire" will spread real fast, over Israel, Saudi Arabia and other "partners", which will be very inconvenient. Currently Iran is pretty strong position of power in Middle East, I don't think messing it up will do any good for anyone.


It doesn´t matter who is the front face, the agenda continues as planned.



However, they won´t be able to do it for much longer.

Why do you think they won't?

Edited by Signette
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I care about three things and leave the rest up to whoever is operating Trump.


(1) what he will do for health care, both mental and physical. This ACA is crap and it will be as long as the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are running it.


(2) Imigration. We need to get this fixed and not only for today but for the foreseeable future because I'm really getting tired of both parties lacking the will to do something at all about it, so they can have an issue for themselves the next 400 elections. These people are playing are using other peoples lives as a political football and that's just not right.


(3) Opportunities. We need more of them and we need them quickly so that those able to work can get decent jobs so we, as a nation can pay for ourselves and address the needs of those who can't work or are reaching the age of retirement.

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I care about three things and leave the rest up to whoever is operating Trump.


(1) what he will do for health care, both mental and physical. This ACA is crap and it will be as long as the insurance and pharmaceutical companies are running it.


(2) Imigration. We need to get this fixed and not only for today but for the foreseeable future because I'm really getting tired of both parties lacking the will to do something at all about it, so they can have an issue for themselves the next 400 elections. These people are playing are using other peoples lives as a political football and that's just not right.


(3) Opportunities. We need more of them and we need them quickly so that those able to work can get decent jobs so we, as a nation can pay for ourselves and address the needs of those who can't work or are reaching the age of retirement.


I am Australian but the three statements, except for the mention of 'ACA', are as a much a concern for my nation as it is for many others. Health care, refugees, and opportunities are of big importance to many millions around the world.

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All I'd expect a President Trump to do is build the wall, and renegotiate trade deals with other countries. NAFTA needs to be eliminated. The rest of what he does, within reason, are irrelevant to me personally. I couldn't care less about his rhetoric.


The teenager in me wants to say "rekt" to the neoconservative movement.

Edited by Beriallord
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