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This ingame mod bulls*** has to stop


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I've had exactly 0 problems with Fallout 4 disabling my mods.


Same here. And that's including the brief period when the problem was occurring (I waited for the problem to be fixed before adding more mods). Now that NMM is patched, I am back adding mods. And still having zero problem. Never even opened that mod menu in my FO4 game, because there seemed to be no reason to.

Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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breaking news!! this not the first and wont be the last so fasten your seat belt......


zero problem here so there is something wrong with your setting.

here is another advice to repair your stuff, so keep your shirt on!!!

go to:

"appdata\black treegaming\nexus cliente bla bla\select your nexus mods manager version\ and delete that XML configuration files"

Edited by virsia
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Well the problem is that for the most part nobody is running the exact same hardware so it becomes pretty hard sometimes to troubleshoot. And then on top of that everybody runs different mods, sometimes hundreds of them which compound the issue. And then a lot of people are too impatient and expect everything to get worked out right away. They expect mod authors to have patches or updates available as soon as a game update shows up. Or they do not want to put in the time to figure things out. And then there is of course that group of people who just consider themselves entitled and just b&@*$ and complain at the drop of a hat about anything and everything.


As far as what I have experienced? Well I've had issues from time to time with CTDs, game stuttering or lagging. I had to reinstall the game a couple of times while working out issues. I also had the issue with my pluggins getting disabled. But after working thru it and getting the updates to either mods or NMM my game is currently running the best that it has ever ran. So it proves to me that the game itself, for the most part is fine. People still having issues are having them because of other reasons other than the game or the 1.5 update. But again it's just easier to vent when your frustrated.

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To everyone saying the new system is a good one, you apparently forgot how easy it was to mod Skyrim. MORE STEPS is always bad. They added more steps, that is all you need to know. Whether it be 1 step or 2 steps or 3 steps, it's a bad idea. No matter what. It should be EXACTLY the same as modding Skyrim, there is absolutely no reason to make it more complicated than that. They should have ONLY implemented this terrible system they have come up with, into the consoles. I don't know which intern they decided to let make all the decisions, but MOST people that play PC don't play Fallout 4 without mods, because it's not fun at all. Not to mention, using mods through Bethesda's system, rather than the NMM is in my opinion the quickest way to crash your game. It's a terrible system for modding, it makes navigating your mods an atrocious hassle and I honestly feel bad about how horrible this system is going to work out on consoles. I promise you this system will crash and burn on the consoles, 100% guaranteed.

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To everyone saying the new system is a good one, you apparently forgot how easy it was to mod Skyrim. MORE STEPS is always bad. They added more steps, that is all you need to know. Whether it be 1 step or 2 steps or 3 steps, it's a bad idea. No matter what. It should be EXACTLY the same as modding Skyrim, there is absolutely no reason to make it more complicated than that. They should have ONLY implemented this terrible system they have come up with, into the consoles. I don't know which intern they decided to let make all the decisions, but MOST people that play PC don't play Fallout 4 without mods, because it's not fun at all. Not to mention, using mods through Bethesda's system, rather than the NMM is in my opinion the quickest way to crash your game. It's a terrible system for modding, it makes navigating your mods an atrocious hassle and I honestly feel bad about how horrible this system is going to work out on consoles. I promise you this system will crash and burn on consoles, 100% guaranteed.

It won't crash and burn on consoles because mods are great. It's a chore to use the in game load order organizer, but it's doable. There aren't really any extra steps involved if you use an updated NMM. Plus, it's a lot of work to make a game different for 2 platforms (really 3). If you want the PC version to just not have the in game mods, there's no point in making a separate version because you can ignore the in game mods. Edited by noahdvs
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If their 1.5 patch had retained my game's ability to be played, I would have an opinion. Since it didn't, after a couple of hours of following troubleshooting directions and fixing things, I uninstalled and am now playing a game which works every time I start it.


When these ridiculous problems are fixed, I'll try again. In the meantime, I will be happy to support your contention that since Bethesda has had official mod management in their games for much of a decade, and has officially added the same to this game, any problems with running a mod setup which formerly worked is 100% on them.

So you're blaming Bethesda because an update they made to their game broke the mods you were using and those mods caused your game to crash. Tell me again why this is Bethesda's fault?


Bethesda can't possibly be expected to determine if every mod setup in existence will work with their game, just as every mod author can't be expected to test if their mod works with every other mod out there.



The game-breaking issue is not with the mods. The issue is with the *mod management system*. That is what Bethesda changed, and that's what is breaking the game. That Is On Them. They KNOW people are modding their games, they openly support mods in the other game based on this engine, they KNOW FO4 is being modded.


Nobody but an idiot thinks they can sit up on their castle on the hill and do whatever they want without regard for the peasants who are paying their salaries. Especially when they're disrupting *a voluntary support activity* the peasants are doing which contributes to the success of the people in the castle. That's just stupidity on their part.


But I give them a complete pass on actual game changes that cause problems with mods, such as the UI changes which broke the HUD mods. That's par for the course and can't be helped. (Although they could make the process easier if they were to do a proper change log so that modders would know what changed. )

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The game-breaking issue is not with the mods. The issue is with the *mod management system*. That is what Bethesda changed, and that's what is breaking the game. That Is On Them. They KNOW people are modding their games, they openly support mods in the other game based on this engine, they KNOW FO4 is being modded.


Nobody but an idiot thinks they can sit up on their castle on the hill and do whatever they want without regard for the peasants who are paying their salaries. Especially when they're disrupting *a voluntary support activity* the peasants are doing which contributes to the success of the people in the castle. That's just stupidity on their part.


But I give them a complete pass on actual game changes that cause problems with mods, such as the UI changes which broke the HUD mods. That's par for the course and can't be helped. (Although they could make the process easier if they were to do a proper change log so that modders would know what changed. )

The issue is that people are trying to use third-party tools (NMM, etc) and those two systems (NMM and Bethesda's in-game Mod Manager) are fighting one another. Especially if you don't make sure you have the latest version of NMM on your system before you try and use mods with it which isn't compatible with how the in-game Mod Manager works.

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People need to STOP blindly defending Bethesda. Beth is not your friend, brother, mother or whatever. Beth is the CYNICAL company that built FO4 for the PS3 for most of its key dev cycle (ruining the ambition of the game), decided that Fallout IP wasn't worth a first-class effort (despite the bilion dollar+ sales of FO4), and now only cares about mods as far as they can find a way to monetize them (hence Beth.net).


Beth's whole attitude to mods on the PC version of FO4, especially pre-CK, stinks. And this combined with the fact that most ordinary gamers consider FO4 to be a thoroughly forgettable game means interest in the FO4 modding scene is falling off a cliff.


People expressing dissatisfaction with the FO4 modding experience must be listened to, because mods only really exist because mods have a 'market', and if the 'user' becomes convinced mods ain't worth the effort- they move on and the incentive to create mods declines even further.


For the record, I don't have a problem making mods either, cos I'm savvy and technical enough to research the issues first, and quickly fix problems after. MOST gamers do not have such a skillset, and are anything but impressed when told that using a game requires such a skillset.


After so many iterations of this horrid engine, mods should be a NO-BRAINER - but Beth has ensured the very opposite is true with FO4. The best people can do is wait for the game codebase to settle down (hopefully after Far Harbour), and then ensure that PC mods on Nexus essentially just ignore Beth's ongoing shenanigans. Believe me- in the face of Beth.net, there will be no meeting Beth half-way.

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The game-breaking issue is not with the mods. The issue is with the *mod management system*. That is what Bethesda changed, and that's what is breaking the game. That Is On Them. They KNOW people are modding their games, they openly support mods in the other game based on this engine, they KNOW FO4 is being modded.


Nobody but an idiot thinks they can sit up on their castle on the hill and do whatever they want without regard for the peasants who are paying their salaries. Especially when they're disrupting *a voluntary support activity* the peasants are doing which contributes to the success of the people in the castle. That's just stupidity on their part.


But I give them a complete pass on actual game changes that cause problems with mods, such as the UI changes which broke the HUD mods. That's par for the course and can't be helped. (Although they could make the process easier if they were to do a proper change log so that modders would know what changed. )

The issue is that people are trying to use third-party tools (NMM, etc) and those two systems (NMM and Bethesda's in-game Mod Manager) are fighting one another. Especially if you don't make sure you have the latest version of NMM on your system before you try and use mods with it which isn't compatible with how the in-game Mod Manager works.



I am calling bullcrap. Here is the issue spelled out.


The problem is Bethesda's mod management implementation broke the modding of my game. The mods are only put in place by NMM according to Bethesda’s modding methodology. The game used the mods properly before Bethesda stuck their fingers in and tried to take control of modding. Now, after removing all mods incompatible with 1.5, the mods located in the proper game directories still don't work. Either they don’t load, or they have to be re-enabled every time, or the game ctds at random when trying to start games, including new ones. Trying to use the newest NMM does not help a bit.


This game, running with 88 mods, was the least crashy of any Bethesda game I ever played. Before 1.5, that is. Now it's effectively unplayable unless I am using straight vanilla. And I refuse to let any game developer lead me down a Disneyesque romp through a post-apocalyptic wasteland to my inevitable glorious victory with push-button sex with my "followers" guaranteed any time I want to be friggin creepy like that.


That experience is just not worth my time (nor do I enjoy creepy push-button sex with video game characters).


Also, don't quote my post and claim you know what the problem is if you don't have knowledge of my troubleshooting efforts. I mentioned spending hours troubleshooting.

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