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Where We Lament the Decline of PC Gaming Due to Console Accomodation


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I'm old. I don't want to see the PC as a gaming platform reduced to a console that can do every thing that someone in /current year might need to do. (think video editing, audio recording, financial planning, whatever) The 1.5 update is a fine example of our future.


The last console I had was a Sega Saturn, and that was immediately ditched as soon as PC became a truly viable platform for gaming. The quality, variety, complexity, and depth of PC games was far superior to anything else on offer.


That is disappearing now as we appear to be in a Stukka dive bomb trajectory to achieve parity with the lowest common denominator.


Fallout 4's latest update to 1.5 is a fine example of my point. With little to no effort, Bethesda could have made their new mod model an option for PC gamers, but rather they chose to foist their vision of a console experience upon those who have no desire to partake.


I played the first Fallout in 1997, (and I was old then) and the progress this franchise has made boggles my mind. It's truly a shame that publishers today need to cull that progress to accommodate the console crowd, always to the detriment of those who prefer the PC.


If you want to vent, this thread may be a good place to do so.


In the interest of making this more than a rant, if anyone is having problems with the current situation, this thread and some google may help:




edit: spelling and punctuation

Edited by laowai68
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Well it's all because one thing and one thing only...... Money...... Too much to be made for Beth to just ignore. And they know that at some point modders, and there are a lot of great ones out there, will overcome whatever short comings there are in regards to PCs. Yes pathetic thinking but it is what it is. It'll just take some time.

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I agree that money is the motivation. Consolidate the product and extract the greatest profit from the minimum of effort.


That is a very short sighted view, especially for a franchise like Fallout. A world of Call of Gears of Counter Strike has made games a disposable commodity.


That doesn't even begin to address that the RPG element has been all but eliminated to cater to the casual gamer. Does anyone remember Fallout when a particular faction was unwelcoming to you if you were a good guy or even outright hostile if you were really good. The flip side of the coin was equally true. In F4 you can be whatever and everyone will be friendly, just to move the plot along.


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By the by, I'm not slagging on the latest installment of Fallout in terms of the game itself. (RPG and casual gaming elements aside)


I love the settlement/building elements. I would love to see an economic simulation using the premise of a post apocalyptic reality based on Fallout 4. We'll never see such a thing, though.





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A big part of this loss is our own fault, I believe. This is because of how easy it is to pirate games off of the PC. This cuts profits for the PC game manufacturers, most all of which have already gone under. Console games can be pirated also, but it takes much more sophistication. Less pirating means more profits. It doesn't take a Donald Trump to realize that you can't give away your product for free and stay in business. At some time in the very near future the console will supersede the pure computer as a gaming platform. As for me I'll remain a PC gamer, as always.



The Rabbit


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A big part of this loss is our own fault, I believe. This is because of how easy it is to pirate games off of the PC. This cuts profits for the PC game manufacturers, most all of which have already gone under. Console games can be pirated also, but it takes much more sophistication. Less pirating means more profits. It doesn't take a Donald Trump to realize that you can't give away your product for free and stay in business. At some time in the very near future the console will supersede the pure computer as a gaming platform. As for me I'll remain a PC gamer, as always.



The Rabbit



I think piracy is generally an overstated problem. The idea being, just because a person pirated the game, they probably would never have bought it anyways.


However consoles have second hand sales, I'd think that would *really* hurt them as they get no cut of that money.

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The irony is that the better console gaming systems get, the more PC like they actually are. Maybe someday the world will realize that console gaming is little more than trying to sell consumers a home gaming PC system, and they'll start building exactly that, and maybe the architecture will be similar enough that things won't get dumbed down just so it works well on a console.

Edited by Evil D
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I couldn't imagine using excel on a console, so maybe financial planning shouldn't be on the list. I'm not a PC master race dude, but consoles cannot keep up with PC's, never could. If the console makers allow them to be modular then maybe, but even the current consoles couldn't run the GECK/CK, or a fully modded game as they are old tech compared to what we can put in our rigs soon -----> http://www.theverge.com/circuitbreaker/2016/5/7/11615806/nvidia-gtx-1080-1070-pascal-specs-price-release-date

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The irony is that the better console gaming systems get, the more PC like they actually are. Maybe someday the world will realize that console gaming is little more than trying to sell consumers a home gaming PC system, and they'll start building exactly that, and maybe the architecture will be similar enough that things won't get dumbed down just so it works well on a console.

No , PC will always have an edge because of designing,build, and manufacturing time. They will never compete with PC unless MS and Sony allow modular building.

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Consoles... will always be inferior. Wait, wait, wait; let me explain before you explode like Chernobyl. The costs to build a console spec to run a modern game with modern graphics performance will always be limited by what the domestic market is willing to spend on that console. Some people, god help them, are willing to shell out $1,000+ on a new and shiny PS-Whatever when that console is first released. However, the costs to manufacture the hardware will to some degree limit the market for that console in question. PC... is different. A rig can be upgraded and re-speced unlike a console. As a platform for gaming, PC is a much more viable market and will in terms of hardware always be superior since the hardware itself isn't limited by mass markets, but rather than by what an individual can afford. For a PC user the only real limitation is by the game creator and the hardware limitations of the console markets.

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