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Would you vote for a fraud


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Who says it's always the lesser evil? I can usually find a candidate or two in most any race that I can support in majority, if not entirety. The obvious fact is, you will likely never find a politician who agrees with everything single view you have, much the way it would be hard for anyone to find one other person who's in complete agreement. And you're right, voting alone will not prevent a country from being destroyed, but at least someone's trying to do some good, even in the smallest way.


I'm not sure how parties operate in your country but basically in my country, if you are a member of a party and a member of the parliament, you are expected to vote as the party leadership dictates. No minority opinion. You even get fined if you vote against your party's will. This alone makes it irrelevant if a given candidate represents more or less your views about how the country should be managed. His or her voice will be muted by the dictates of the party leadership.






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Flintlockecole excerpt:

"Mockery? My Great Grandfather fought both World War's and was sorely unimpressed and bitter at how the government worked, If you didn't jump on the bandwagon of the major parties your voice, your opinion was worth crap all. Blind zealotry to a cause, a government or otherwise ends up giving the illusion of being free or even right in that matter, but in all actuality they'll do whatever they please and go on with their day. Basically if your not with the masses you might as well disappear into the mountains or lie outright to everyone you meet."


Your Great Grandfather paid his dues and is entitled to whatever view he has of government, but it is due to his and others like him that we have the choice and it seems a shame to waste that trial by fire on non participation of the system. All political movements start with one person who has a different vision of how things ought to be, you could be that person or know or hear them. No generation starts in power we wait until we reach a critical mass and suddenly you find that your or in my case my generation is running the country."All it takes for freedom to die is to forfeit the rights that others have fought so hard to endow you with." , a democratic republic is not a sleeper course, they take work. Defending non involvement because you can't see immediate results simply is not satisfactory civitas. We stand on the shoulders of every prior generation hoping to match or improve on their performance, if you don't want to join the fray then be content with what is served you, because you deserve no better.

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Oh my, without reading the whole thread... I'm ashamed to recon in my country, politicians with obvious criminal past against the public patrimony (or worst if such is possible) are reelected all the time :sick: many were convicted and got a few days on jail, mind you... Edited by nosisab
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No real point in voting these days, both parties do the same crap. Personally speaking everyone should sit on their butt's come election day.


....and how does our government function? Who will be in charge? Not voting is a waste of your rights earned by the blood of patriots, and if no one voted then we are giving away our freedom.


(Double post, can't edit post on mobile Nexus)



No real point in voting these days, both parties do the same crap. Personally speaking everyone should sit on their butt's come election day.


....and how does our government function? Who will be in charge? Not voting is a waste of your rights earned by the blood of patriots, and if no one voted then we are giving away our freedom.

Absolutely correct, it makes a mockery of all those who sacrificed so much to make sure we are free enough to be able to vote. If you don't vote then don't complain when your point of view is not represented in government.


Erm, I would put forth that it doesn't matter at all who you vote for these days. Politicians make a lot of promises during the campaign, but, once elected, all of those promises go out the window. Very little of what politicians say holds any real meaning. They lie to get into office, then, they lie to justify why they are not doing what they said they would. In the over all scheme of things, aside from a couple domestic issues, there is very little difference in policy between the two parties. Many of the same policies that were in place during the Bush years, are still in place today, even though then candidate Obama promised that if he was elected, he would change that. Two years later...... nothing has changed. I am SO not surprised.


Who gets elected these days is all about the money. Who gets the most campaign contributions, or, who gets the most corporate support. (also via television coverage/commercials.) It's a money game, played by those that have the money. The 'little guy' doesn't have a hope in hell of actually getting REAL representation. The special interests/lobbyists have/get too much money for that to happen.

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Why should I vote if none of the parties represent my views about how the country should be governed? Voting for the lesser evil just gives them false legitimacy. You cannot attach a qualifying statement to your vote: "My vote for you may not be construed as support for your political views and methods, it is strictly a vote against the other party."


I've long advocated the idea of a reverse-vote. Rather than voting for any particular person, you can just vote against another. Like a negative one tally mark on the chalk board for that candidate. A legitimate way of saying "I don't care about Obama, just keep McCain the hell away from office." That way, we actually will be stuck with the least hated of these individuals in office, without having to actually feign support of a shoddy candidate.:thumbsup:

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Why should I vote if none of the parties represent my views about how the country should be governed? Voting for the lesser evil just gives them false legitimacy. You cannot attach a qualifying statement to your vote: "My vote for you may not be construed as support for your political views and methods, it is strictly a vote against the other party."


I've long advocated the idea of a reverse-vote. Rather than voting for any particular person, you can just vote against another. Like a negative one tally mark on the chalk board for that candidate. A legitimate way of saying "I don't care about Obama, just keep McCain the hell away from office." That way, we actually will be stuck with the least hated of these individuals in office, without having to actually feign support of a shoddy candidate.:thumbsup:


A poster on another blog I frequent, wanted an option for "None of the Above".... Get enough of those, and we get a new crop of candidates, and those that were on the ballot, are sent packing.

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