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Xanthys: Custom Voiced Skeletal Pyromancer Follower WiP Thread


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Good news pplllllllll Ive implemented a new patch for Xanthys for Campfire. He can now wear backpacks an carry your stuff with you like the badass servant he is. I also plan to update this patch in the future making xanthys able to light your campfire with animations and all!

68174370d9f331ff4fe18616627c01ee.png 62e0e032a9195a7ce220467bfa6121f3.png

Edited by PyroToaster
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That s*** is awesome!

If you take suggestions. How about if Xanthys dies in combat he gets broken down into skeleton bones and pieces like skeletons in vanilla game then you can pick his bones and put them together and revive Xanthys that way.

Haha thank you Im glad you like it so far! release date is Halloween night! I tried that idea trust me that was one of the first features I thought of an tried my hardest to implement! but the armor he would wear can not be disassembled so when he his bones go everywhere the armor stretches all over the place an glitches. I even thought of a system where he requires a soulgem to continuously stays alive but it honestly breaks away from the gameplay and is overall annoying in the long run when you just want to kill things, I did have an idea when he dies his body evaporates an he spawned by the plyaer and uses a custom animation to climb out of the ground but meh its to complicated to script now with the armor and race system I implemented for him, I might explore other possiblilites though!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey ALL! Pretty nice update I got for you Homies! Alright lets get down to Buisness Shall we?


State of The Mod

Shits been goin good really good actually, I feel Im gonna hit the dead line for the release date at this point in time I have 540+ lines of dialogue not all of it recorded as of now i have 200+ lines that are recorded, so right now

Im at the stage of just tweaking, balancing, and making patches for the mod and doing the voice work at the cost of my vocal chords and throat falling off woo!~


New WeaponNow lets be honest Butcher Knives and Cleavers are f***ing cool, their cool to look at an look scary as hell when the right person is using it. This guy Billyro made something really nice for me its something Xanthys should of had from the start, I present to you The Pyromaniacs Cleaver! iTS BOOTYFUL!



New Spells!

thats right new freakin spells, what kinda of mage wouldnt have their own spell set!


-Fire Ward: Learning to recolor spells is a lot easier than my ex girelfriend who knew! So I made some feeble attempts at giving xanthys his own ward

1st Attempt
2nd Attempt: Almost theres Ill update you guys with the finished one


-Fire Wind

Playing against a mage who knows the friggin blizzard storm spell is bulls*** so since ice sucks ass an fire is so superior I made Xanthys his own version of FIRE!
1st Attempt to yellow again >:0



2nd Attempt Just need to add more red!


I love Immersive Armors! Like a lot! And thanks to the permission of Hoth Trooper Im able to make a nice sexy Patch for Xanthys for him! I have some screenshots for you guys!


Edited by PyroToaster
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