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Change of Ad Provider


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That is amazing news. Thank you for the insight. As I am adfree because of Nexus supporter benefits this doesnt concern me, but it is nice to you for all the other users out there that something is being done about bad, annyoing or even malicious ads :)


Thank you!

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In response to post #37626715.

jushtan wrote: Come Saturday, I'll turn my AdBlock off for this site and give it another go.

Got too many subs right now (Netflix, Sketchbook, Adobe, etc) to ad another to the list, but I will show support by re-enabling ads as long as it doesn't put me at any risk.

same here I use it because beforehand I would crash every time I check a page... now with the switch I will give it another go.
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Great to hear, Looking forward to turning off my add blocker. I do feel a bit bad for ad blocking the nexus but when i hear an add blasting in my headphones , INSTANT BLOCK. Keep up the great work, let hope the new add system works out.
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I love this site and want to support you to the best of my limited ability, so with that in mind, is there a way to keep the perks of my Lifetime Premium membership (Faster downloads was the only reason I got it), and re-enable advertisements?
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It had been a while since I last whitelisted nexus in AdBlock and Ghostery, and I'll admit I had forgotten just how bad the ads were/are. With it off, the site is finished loading within seconds. With them on, it was still going for something approaching 30 before I just shut it down. And out of the 5 or so ads I noticed, I definitely had one annoying video ad going.


Now, I'm a full-stack dev so I understand the important parts of the site are still loading in the same amount of time - the DOM and necessary scripts - but it's still pretty annoying to have something still loading and taking up your resources after that long a time.


Anyway, this sounds like a clear move in the right direction, and I'll definitely check back this weekend.

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In response to post #37618235. #37618805, #37624150 are all replies on the same post.

jim_uk wrote: My Premium upgrade has been worth every penny and more, all of this has passed me by unnoticed.
PlagueHush wrote: This :D
lued123 wrote: Exactly. I am glad to hear that standard users won't be having these problems though. I was one of them once, and the ads were literally intolerable.

Yep. All us prems are all like :whistling:
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Great to hear, Looking forward to turning off my add blocker. I do feel a bit bad for ad blocking the nexus but when i hear an add blasting in my headphones , INSTANT BLOCK. Keep up the great work, let hope the new add system works out.

You can blame this entirely on AdSense, who apparently simply have horrible, slow javascript ajax loading the ads. Once the actual ad is served it downloads fairly quickly, but it's taking a long time for the scripts to 'select' the ads to show.




Hmm. Not the reply I thought I quoted, which I can no longer find. Was supposed to be something along the lines of 'I can't believe even the statiic image ads were taking so long to load'.

Edited by Silarn
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