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Change of Ad Provider


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This is very nice to see, and much appreciated. Thank you, Robin & Co.


I've been very critical of the ad policies here, so I feel that I should take the time to respond. My criticism was mostly due to my perception was that Nexus wasn't taking the issue as seriously as they could. Your position seemed to amount to "We know ads suck, but too bad. No ads, no site." While I understand this mentality, it's just not sufficient when we're talking about the sheer amount of bad ads out there. The security of my PC -- the PCs of all Nexus users -- and the information we keep on our PCs, should not be deemed less important than the livelihood of the Nexus. There has to be a solution that meets both needs. A way to keep our PCs as safe as possible, while still supporting the Nexus. If I'm not confident that a site is doing everything it can to avoid serving me up a malware-infested ad, then I'm going to do what *I* can to avoid that ad. And that means adblockers, scriptblockers, etc (or in Nexus' case, becoming a supporter).


I appreciate the steps you've taken to address this and the fact that it looks like ads will be monitored on their end at least in the immediate future. Thank you for sharing this information with the community. Like others, I think posts of this nature are *quite* sexy.

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In response to post #37624800.

Graff wrote: If the service is as bad as you say (and it sounds like it is in fact utter garbage) then it wouldn't be wrong to name names. These people clearly don't deserve anyone's business, and it might be helpful to let everyone know which ad service not to use if they're ever in a similar position themselves.

Might be under contract to not say anything
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Thank god like seriously with all due respect Dark0ne, your current ads here are not only intrusive but also extremely annoying. It's not even the auto playing sound ones that are the problem, those are the least of the worries... it is the ads that completely lag the browser to the point of not being able to type anything, click anything, etc. and then for the browser itself to say either "nexusmods.com is not responding due to a long running script." OR "nexusmods.com is not responding." just flat out not responding. I personally know everyone has to make money but other sites like Youtube have ads that are the complete opposite of intrusive and annoying and even if there were ads that have annoying sounds, lag the browser, and are about 2 minutes long, there is an option to skip the ad after 5 seconds. Anyways, this is good stuff though. I won't be around to see the change for about 13 weeks but I have faith in you.
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Come Saturday, I'll turn my AdBlock off for this site and give it another go.


Got too many subs right now (Netflix, Sketchbook, Adobe, etc) to ad another to the list, but I will show support by re-enabling ads as long as it doesn't put me at any risk.

Edited by jushtan
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What I don't understand here is: I guess the Nexus sites are one of the bigger sites that old ad-provider has. Maybe even the biggest. They surely generate a lot of views. So how on earth can such a provider even afford to more-or-less just ignore such legitimate critic by the site owner. It should not only be in his own interest to hold such a big site network as a partner, it should also be in it's own interest to maintain a high quality in his served ads.
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I'm newer to the site, but love to see you taking an active stance on this. I will say, I love to leave websites open on my second screen, but unfortunately the ads on nexus have required me to consistently shut my tabs for the nexus when I'm not using them actively. Can't wait to see how this might change come this weekend. Thanks again.
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I seriously never used an ad blocker on the nexus until you informed me 'it was a thing' that was going on. I used the ad blocker because, when I browse the mod pages I open mods I want to look at in new tabs. Out of around every 5 tabs, at least 1 would have a noisy ad and 1 would redirect to a 'you have a virus ' page and demand payment. I would usually need to kill the browser process and find the mod pages in a new search. It was very annoying. After your announcement about limits and bonuses with and without ad block, I decided that I had been using the nexus for years and you did deserve my support. So I became a 'supporter' and did away with the ads that way.


I do thank you sincerely for taking steps to make the ad situation better. ;)

Edited by niacus
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