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Change of Ad Provider


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This is excellent news. I have nexusmods excluded from my adblocker because I know you guys need the ad revenue to run, and I've experienced quite a few of these bad ads (though I didn't really realize that they should have been reported, I've reported maybe two of the hundreds I've seen). Thank you for showing such dedication to keeping the Nexus the best place to get mods.
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Wow, that's great. I've been reporting ads as often as I was able to actually report them. (With restricting it to only problem ads). And for me, the only problem ads I ran into were ones that caused my entire computer to be unable to function until the advert stopped running the video once I reported it. And your message snippet to you former ad provider was on point. I only started using ad-blockers (well, technically only a script blocker) because the advertisements were causing my computer to have issues loading webpages (especially egregious when it was a webpage that was otherwise only text based), and I'd ended up having to do a drastic, deep, in-depth removal of some very nasty viruses 3 times in as many months.


Thank you very much for taking such a laudable stand on this, I do appreciate it greatly.

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I don't know what ad company you went with but mobile url hijacking is back. I get hijacked within a minute of coming on here starting today for some reason. I don't know if it is my carrier (Sprint), but your site has been clean for the past several months without this issue. Is there a way to report it? Edited by nervod1138
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I've just wanted to thank you for doing this and paying attention to the problem. I've been running an ad-blocker for a long time precisely because of the kind of problems you're talking about.


I'm still not turning off my ad-blocker but I've just bought a Supporter Membership as a way of giving you a thumbs up for your efforts!

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Just a suggestion, but for users like myself that do not like how cpu heavy flash is, could you try and code in an option in user settings that would allow the user to choose stationary ads that don't move? That is one of the hugest reasons I hate ads, because flash is clunky, inefficient, and does not help my ailing/aged system any. I realize ads are a huge source of income for sites, I just hate flash. It is also a part of the problem.
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Please inform me, after you found a provider you can trust. After that, and only after that I am willing to whitelist your website.


As you can see, I have already paid something. And I am willing to pay more. But I am absolute against any flash ads, popups, and I am highly allergic to flickering, sounds, and ads, that are positioned other the things, I want to see. And to malware, trojans, PC data encrypters and any virus in general.


I block all ads without exception since 1990 with the first adblocker, the Siemens Webwasher, but I am willing to make an exception for you, because you are willing to change something on your side of the web.


If it does not workout, I have a suggestion for you. Test the ads yourself, and put the ones in your website, that you think are appropriate.


Maybe you can get to an agreement with your provider about that. The real problem is, as you have seen for yourself, the unending stream of s#*!, that you are not aware of, hitting your customers.


I said this many, many times on other websites, that begged us, to whitelist them, that I won't block their site, if THEY choose the ads personally they show us. And that they take responsibility, if some malware reaches us.


P.S. Do you know one thing about Flash from a programmers viewpoint? There is no way in hell to make flash secure, because of the compability with older versions. It's not possible, without using an external parser and interpreter, before running the code.

Edited by mkess
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@mkess You don't get ads already. Once you are a supporter, you are a supporter forever. And as thanks for being a Nexus Supporter you never see ads again. And that is a long time. :thumbsup:


You don't need to do anything with your adblocker because even if you turn it off for Nexus, you STILL don't see ads. And leaving it on has no effect at all. :tongue:

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