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Change of Ad Provider


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In response to post #37622740.

RoyBatterian wrote: I have premium but I still left adblock active because of the CSS attempts I would occasionally get on the front page from bad ads, will I be filtered out from throttling still?

You are not the only one.

I will also point out that this site is unusable on my iphone with all the pop up adds and videos I just couldn't get through the first 2 mins until all the adds stopped flashing and running.

I am not sure how much usage this place gets off of mobile, maybe it is not worth the effort to optimize it...
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In response to post #37622915.

FurAfterDark wrote: Waaaait, there was ads that had the possibility of giving people viruses??? that's a little unnerving lol

Yes, especially mobile devices where some ads can activate unwanted "premium services" on your phone number without your agreement even if you close the banner. It's happened to me months ago where I discovered a payment of 5€ on my SIM for an unwanted service.
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In response to post #37622450.

ravernware wrote: Hey.. the Nexus is sooo awesome I'd be willing to pay an annual membership fee. Is that possible?? Then maybe I should support the modders more than I currently do? Hmm.. decisions, decisions.

To stop ads on the Nexus sites without using adblock just become a "supporter". Supporter is lifetime and doesn't cost so much.
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In response to post #37622915. #37623255 is also a reply to the same post.

FurAfterDark wrote: Waaaait, there was ads that had the possibility of giving people viruses??? that's a little unnerving lol
mannygt wrote: Yes, especially mobile devices where some ads can activate unwanted "premium services" on your phone number without your agreement even if you close the banner. It's happened to me months ago where I discovered a payment of 5€ on my SIM for an unwanted service.

Are you kidding? It is the one of the top ways you get viruses.
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In response to post #37622915. #37623255, #37623405 are all replies on the same post.

FurAfterDark wrote: Waaaait, there was ads that had the possibility of giving people viruses??? that's a little unnerving lol
mannygt wrote: Yes, especially mobile devices where some ads can activate unwanted "premium services" on your phone number without your agreement even if you close the banner. It's happened to me months ago where I discovered a payment of 5€ on my SIM for an unwanted service.
Psijonica wrote: Are you kidding? It is the one of the top ways you get viruses.

This is why I don't call it an "ad blocker", but a "malware vector blocker".

In any case, I'm a Perma-Prem here, so my malware vector blocker isn't needed here.
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