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The Game the Intro Promised


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The disconnect that some people seem to be having is that...


There is quite a sizable group of people that precisely don't want to have a highly developed RPG, since it makes it even harder to insert their own backstory and play independently of the main quest.


Skyrim with mods....We really don't concentrate on the quests its all about the random events shaping the character....The mods we install and the story as we develop it.

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The disconnect that some people seem to be having is that...


There is quite a sizable group of people that precisely don't want to have a highly developed RPG, since it makes it even harder to insert their own backstory and play independently of the main quest.


Skyrim with mods....We really don't concentrate on the quests its all about the random events shaping the character....The mods we install and the story as we develop it.


No two people want the same thing out of the game. So if you want the perfect game you envision in your mind, you better go start your own game studio. Bethesda doesn't owe you your own personalized perfect game.

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I imagine the best is yet to come now that the creation kit is out. Arthmoor and his team will be fixing bugs for years to come. New Lands and Quests will become available. Just today the marvelous mod Atomic Radio was put on the Nexus. These are all signs that point toward a good future for Fallout 4.

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I imagine the best is yet to come now that the creation kit is out. Arthmoor and his team will be fixing bugs for years to come. New Lands and Quests will become available. Just today the marvelous mod Atomic Radio was put on the Nexus. These are all signs that point toward a good future for Fallout 4.


People have overreacted to stuff a bit, and there has been a lot of entitled whining about not having the Creation Kit soon enough. But overall I still think Fallout 4 is going to beat out Skyrim in the end.


But that's just my personal prediction, no way of really knowing.

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I don't think the problem in this case is entitlement necessarily. I think people just had such high hopes for this game, caused by the insane level of hype, their own imaginations, and expectations created by comparing this game to other modern games, even before it came out. For example, people naturally assumed the branching paths, dozens of different endings, faction reputation, a real survival mode (at launch), and the karma systems from New Vegas would be in this game, because honestly that's a very natural assumption to make. I don't think expecting a studio to put in some of the most beloved features from the last entry in the same exact franchise into the next entry in that franchise is being entitled.


Although I do agree with you about the CK entitlement. Most studios NEVER officially support modding, in any capacity, so people should be thankful we got a CK at all.

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I imagine the best is yet to come now that the creation kit is out. Arthmoor and his team will be fixing bugs for years to come. New Lands and Quests will become available. Just today the marvelous mod Atomic Radio was put on the Nexus. These are all signs that point toward a good future for Fallout 4.


People have overreacted to stuff a bit, and there has been a lot of entitled whining about not having the Creation Kit soon enough. But overall I still think Fallout 4 is going to beat out Skyrim in the end.


But that's just my personal prediction, no way of really knowing.


unless they fix the glaring issues atm, those new quests are gonna be a pain to make and play.

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I've made very little bones about the fact I feel I flushed 90 bucks down the toilet with Fallout 4, and would gladly take a full refund. So no amount of fanboying is going to get me to like this game as shipped. I'm even pissed at the technology retrograde of the pop machines, I liked them when they looked modern.


But there's a real question in here: obviously what the intro promises the game to be, a moving, personal tale of survival, is not what we got. But was there ever a chance we could have gotten the game the intro promised? Because that game could have been moving. It could have been awesome. But I guess there's another issue: if Bethesda had given us a game thematically and emotionally true to the opening, would you have wanted to play it?


I don't know what game you're playing, but I don't think it's the same one.

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Always bothers me how people who were disappointed by a game seem to have no concept of nuance left whatsoever. Fallout 4 is already the singleplayer game I have spent the most time playing in my entire life, and I'm not even done completely with Far Harbor yet. It's far from a perfect game and I'm sure there are people who don't like the game that much, but to act like it's an absolutely terrible game just makes me and a lot of other people dismiss your entire opinion. If you've played Fallout 3 or New Vegas, sure this one could be your least favourite out of those three, but if you liked Fallout 3 and/or New Vegas and consider FO4 outright terrible, you just have really messed up expectations, because the fundaments are still the same and without mods or forcing yourself to do anything, you'll get at least 30 hours of gameplay out of it, which is far more than most games offer these days. And if you hated Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I really don't know why you bought Fallout 4.


Stop overhyping the first two Fallouts. They had plenty of shitty storytelling as well, nostalgia goggles just tends to make people forget that. We were all a lot younger and far more impressionable back then too. You can beat the Master by pointing out something incredibly obvious, namely that Super Mutants can't procreate so they're pretty much doomed no matter what. Seriously? The Master is supposed to be hyperintelligent and can fricking move stuff with just his mind, but he never thought of that pretty obvious and important detail on his own? Face it, the Fallout storylines have -always- been full of gaping plotholes. It comes with the freedom of choice you get, because developers usually don't have time to fully flesh out every single route your character could possibly take and everyone is constantly projecting themselves onto their characters, so there's no way to please everyone. And even if you think Fallout 4 had less freedom than previous entries, you still have far more freedom than in most games.

In the end, I think Bethesda is just victim of their own high standard. Critics will praise most games if they offer singleplayer campaigns of 30 to 40 hours, but I have put more than 300 hours into both Skyrim and Fallout 4 already and I'm still playing them. Everyone has ridiculously high expectations and some people seem to forget just how unique these things are. Just look at the list of games available on the Nexus. There really aren't a lot of games on it and that's simply because 95% of games just don't support modding.


I bought The Witcher 3, according to some one of the best RPGs ever, and I got bored after about 10 hours and returned to Fallout. Doesn't mean I feel the urge to take to the forums and start telling everyone that it's s***. Reasonable people are capable of saying a game isn't their thing without having to label it "the worst ever".

Edited by Wunderbot
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... those new quests are gonna be a pain to make and play.


Just watched a small video clip from an upcoming quest mod by Kris Takahashi and I was really impressed. From what I saw of the clip, it has better voice acting than the main FO4 game which is really a surprise. I'm guessing it will have cleverer stories as well.

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