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Another CTD fest like Skyrim


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Not too long ago I posted this topic: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4019825-is-this-game-a-ctd-nightmare-like-skyrim-or-is-better-optimized-for-moding/&do=findComment&comment=36742710


I bought Fallout 4 two weeks ago, happy because it wouldn't be another headache like Skyrim. Not true at all.


Same as Skyrim, a CTD fest again, however I think that this problem has started with patch 1.5, or am I wrong?


Random CTDs, sometimes after few minutes, sometimes after some hours.


My Fallout 4 is not hard moded, i disabled and deleted almost all my texture mods except a Power Armor texture mod and some "esp" mods to prevent the lack of memory, but nothing, random CTD, sometimes in fast travel, sometimes while Im walking. I tweaked my ini's to reduce shadows, disable godrayas and stuff, and nothing, more CTD.


This is not a troubleshoting thread, I just want to express my lack of confidence in bethesda and its ability to optimize games. Maybe in TES VI or Fallout 5 we can play without uncertainty and without press F5 every two minutes.

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Yes, the patch caused CTD's in that a lot of MODS were not and some are still not compatible with the recent patch and install of Wasteland Workshop.


I had to start the game over when they did the Patch - Wasteland Workshop install. It totally wrecked havoc on the game that I was playing.


I will also add - based on a lot of reading of other threads / posts - that I have this fear that we are going to have a "mod war" going on with Bethesda. I pray I am wrong - but ... I am beginning to wonder if only "approved Mods from Bethesda" are going to be "allowed" to work .... Again, I hope that I am wrong,

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Well yes initially right after the 1.5 update there were issues that caused games not loading and causing all sort of CTDs. And yes many people had to start over from scratch because of the issues at hand. But after actually a pretty short time things got worked out as far as mods and NMM getting patched and updated to handle the issues and now, for the most part, the game is very stable for most people. Yes some are still having issues but it's most likely at this point not the game or the 1.5 update that's causing issues.


As far as mods only approved by Bethesda to be allowed to work? Highly doubtful that will ever happen. Most people spewing that rhetoric are doing so out of frustration.

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Well yes initially right after the 1.5 update there were issues that caused games not loading and causing all sort of CTDs. And yes many people had to start over from scratch because of the issues at hand. But after actually a pretty short time things got worked out as far as mods and NMM getting patched and updated to handle the issues and now, for the most part, the game is very stable for most people. Yes some are still having issues but it's most likely at this point not the game or the 1.5 update that's causing issues.


As far as mods only approved by Bethesda to be allowed to work? Highly doubtful that will ever happen. Most people spewing that rhetoric are doing so out of frustration.


... I am hoping not, Beth / Mods ..... but they already have FO-4 set so mds have a cause/effect to perks/achievements. Seriously did not see that coming. Yes, I've heard the 'reason' ... but even to a degree that is kind of lame if you stop and think about it.


I hope that I am wrong, I do ... I just have this feeling a "storm" is coming ....


And yes, when the time comes and go and I am wrong - you can SHOUT THAT OUT TO ME and a bold "Told you so, Jj ..." and I will gladly and gratefully accept it and apologize.

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What do you mean by storm?


LOL ... sorta.


Just remembering the "storm" - fallout when they did what they did with Skyrim and Pay for Mods. That was indeed a storm, for which Beth quickly did a 180 .... but we were warned that this would/could happen with FO-4 and there are some signs that it is (hope that I'm wrong, truly I am) that Beth is indeed starting to mess with Mods and FO-4.

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What do you mean? I am using 153 mods at the moment, and it RARELY crashes.

Rarely... How often is in your case? the concept "rarely" vary from one person to another, for me rarely is suffering a crash every 4 or 5 days, a crash every 4 or 5 hours for me is frequent, not rarely, and bothers me to play that way.


Well yes initially right after the 1.5 update there were issues that caused games not loading and causing all sort of CTDs. And yes many people had to start over from scratch because of the issues at hand. But after actually a pretty short time things got worked out as far as mods and NMM getting patched and updated to handle the issues and now, for the most part, the game is very stable for most people. Yes some are still having issues but it's most likely at this point not the game or the 1.5 update that's causing issues.


As far as mods only approved by Bethesda to be allowed to work? Highly doubtful that will ever happen. Most people spewing that rhetoric are doing so out of frustration.


In Fallout 4 Steam forums the threads talking about CTDs are almost as frequent as in the Skyrim forums, probably some ye be touched by the gods, or you play without mod, but that does not mean it isn't a widespread problem. And for me, a Bethesda game without mods is not a Bethesda game.

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I've played less than one hour today and had 3 crashes.


1 while trying to build my settlement at Red Rocket. "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered".


reloaded from start menu


next 1 in Sanctuary (couldn't be bothered doing all I had just done at Red Rocket all over again). Accidentally scrapped a house-part and when I quickly reloaded my last save - Instant CTD.


reloaded from start menu


next 1 in Concord - doing some looting - walking out of the building with the expert-locked safe upstairs - Game suddenly frozen - not responding - CTD.


not interested in playing anymore. Gonna work on my mod instead.



This kind of experience makes me absolutely bitter. I rarely enjoy playing now. F##k this piece of S##t game. Seriously. So over it. (apologies for the expletives.)

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