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Another CTD fest like Skyrim


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here is literally no way that I would be able to tell if the removal of a single mod, or mods, had any impact on my rate of CTD, as this game is totally bugged as it is, and the CTDs, as I said, are utterly random.

You can wonder around for some time.

Let say you get around 1 CTD every 1 hour. Yeah not easy.




The randomness of the CTDs is what bothers me, I'm playing with uncertainty and discomfort. I never enjoyed Skyrim in its fullness because of that and I thought that would be different in Fallout 4 after 3 years optimizing and improving "Creation Engine", but I see it is all the same and I'm very angry. I think Bethesda are simply inept in the field of programming.

I have to disagree a bit, 300 hours with many mods and about only 5 ctds many agree about that.

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here is literally no way that I would be able to tell if the removal of a single mod, or mods, had any impact on my rate of CTD, as this game is totally bugged as it is, and the CTDs, as I said, are utterly random.

You can wonder around for some time.

Let say you get around 1 CTD every 1 hour. Yeah not easy.




The randomness of the CTDs is what bothers me, I'm playing with uncertainty and discomfort. I never enjoyed Skyrim in its fullness because of that and I thought that would be different in Fallout 4 after 3 years optimizing and improving "Creation Engine", but I see it is all the same and I'm very angry. I think Bethesda are simply inept in the field of programming.

I have to disagree a bit, 300 hours with many mods and about only 5 ctds many agree about that.



But not in Patch 1.5, you said you've been playing SMITE, The problems have appeared since patch 1.5 release. I bought the game two o three days before the 1.5 patch release and only had a CTD after 35 hours playing, and not random, it was in a fast travel loading screen. Now the CTD's happen way more frequently, sometimes after minutes, sometimes after hours ( usually not more than 3 o 4 hours) and worst of all, RANDOMISED while walking or fighting, if only happened in loading screens I could still stand and cross my fingers in the loading screens, but no, now I have to press F5 every 3 minutes with fear and uncertainty because I know that at any moment there I could suffer a CTD. That is the same disgusting feeling I felt playing Skyrim, I can't play relaxed and enjoying the game in its fullness. The only solution left is to play without any mod or just some texture mods, and playing this game without mods is like going to McDonalds and order a salad and a glass of water.

Edited by Narfiam
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I can't play relaxed and enjoying the game in its fullness.



This is exactly how I feel.


For the record, I have added almost no new mods since 1.5, as I witnessed the whole "mods disabled each time I play" fiasco, and just stood back and touched nothing in my load-order until NMM was updated. By doing this I didn't have any disabled-mod troubles. And my game ran quite smoothly, aside from brief, nasty jerkiness when moving from one exterior worldspace region into another while walking across the commonwealth.


Then 1.5(6) and Survival Mode arrived, and BAM, infinite-loading-screen crashes, abrupt CTD, VATS game-freeze crashes, "display driver stopped working and has recovered" crashes (nothing new there) all skyrocketed.

This ain't about us breaking our game by modding, unless the mod-user doesn't know how to read before installing, this is about rubbish coding in the game itself.

The most talented modders here like Vlits, Gopher, Arthmoor are ALL doing the job of the Methesda coders right now, as usual.


The bizarre insinuation that mods that do more harm than good is to say the platform was not intended to be modded and by doing so we destabilize our own game and it is our fault, and frankly that is garbage.

The game was intended to be modded, it should be modded, most of us do know what we are doing, and it is far from our fault for using mods to begin with.

Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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I really don't know what you guys are doing. I have loaded 70+ mods and my game almost never crashes.

Some people seem touched by the gods, like skyrim happens.


I've seen comments in reddit more than once of people playing Skyrim with 150 mods installed and without suffer crashes or almost any crashes. And me with around 60 mods cleaned, sorted with LOOT, Bashed patch created, low quantity of HD textures mods, ENBOOST installed, Memory tweak in SKSE.ini and vanilla uGRIDSToLoad suffer a crash every 4 o 5 hours. I think some of you have just lucky, but it's still a widespread problem.

Edited by Narfiam
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My game flat-out refuses to load into Diamond City now. I have done nothing at all to have this happen. Just suddenly it will not load-in. The game also won't close and the GPU fan won't stop when I try to force-reset and my stress levels are off-the-chart.


EDIT - took your advice, Boombro, and also that of someone on another thread; and have disabled ALL non-essential Settlement-related mods. I have been able to get back into Diamond City (incredibly), and had no CTDs in my last 1+hour of play. Thanks for your help.

Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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Running a rock solid game at some 290+ mods. I can play for hours on end with no glicthes (Knock on wood......... :whistling: ) Been playing since christmas and cannot remember when it last CTDed on me.

I've had problems only once when I got ambushed by a patch. I did the usual routine and ended up with 2 mods deleted. Then I was back up again.

I'm playing 1.4. I always play off-line because I like to decide for myself when - and if- to patch my game.

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Boombro, just wanted to double thank you for giving me a push and getting me thinking about more closely updating my mods. Have now updated ArmorKeywords and Armorsmith Extended, including adding the patch for UFO4P and Armorsmith Extended Automatron Patch. Things can only get better.

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