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Where will the next Fallout be?


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I would like to see BOS kick NCR's ass for good it would be good for Fallout 4 (i can't figure how they could beat guys in power armors with simple gunz this is BS),

It would be cool to have a brand new story such as BOS invading Europe and Fighting new enemies for exemple.



Personally i don't care about this war between NCR and the Legion, both sides Sucks, there styles, there weapons ( M1 carbine ??? you sure ?) ...it sucks it's 2277 guys you see it is 2 @£#% 277 so stop using Gun Powder wapons and swords... for real

We're in 2011 think about it ... in 1811 so 200 hundred years ago nobody had electricity at home or else, so guys using AKs or M4 in 2277 is a joke, these technologies worked for 500 years, so classic guns have to be obsolete in 2277...

I wan't to see Power Armored B.O.S fighting Armies of Mutants or Enclave basterds and i don't give ... about Fo1 or Fo2 it's time to turn this page now, and i think bethesda should know it because NV has not been the great success they expected to have there fans back.

I discovered Fallout with the third and tried 1 and 2 and i didn't liked them as much as was catched by Fo3, they won millions of new fans with Fo3 and most of them agrees with the fact that Fo3 is better than NV so

Bethesda should think about it.

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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In the wiki mentioned earlier, it says "Ceasare's Legion will have a big part in FO4"

So, it can't be anywhere near the west coast, as everyone said.


BOS is sure to be in it, c'mon there legends. (I felt so bad destroying there bunker <3)

NCR is a very doubt. Since Ceasare's Legion controls pretty much a lot of the East, they should have one or two bunkers around "the unknown map"

And if Fallout leaves the US. Then I have no idea.

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TomTeg50 - better double check what you read...


"Caesar's Legion appears only in Fallout: New Vegas. They were also to appear in Black Isle Studios' canceled Fallout 3, as well as Black Isle's never-realized Fallout 4."




"Black Isle Studios also planned to make a Fallout 4 after their Fallout 3 project was finished, but it was cancelled and the rights to the franchise were sold. Nothing is known about this earlier version of Fallout 4, except that Caesar's Legion was to play a big part in it. "




Black Isle's plan, so it appears, was to have the Legion as a major society in Black Isle's planned FO3 and FO4... both games were cancelled.

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lets get 4 things straight


1.the 2 post Lonesome Road DLCs are adding the four pre-order DLCs and a Gun Runners DLC i.e. more weapons, recipes, and weapon mods... more locations please!


2. Canon vs Non-Canon


NV is canon. It's gotta be... right?


i mean... the Nightkin return, ref of the Master, Marcus !, Klamath Bob (FO2 ref) Wasteland Omelet (FO 2 ref), the Vaults ! Geckos are back, Mantises are back!


continuation of of the NCRs expansion, this time eastward.


If NV turns out to be non-canonical, as Warkiller75 emphatically claims, then that means the expansion of NCR and/or its influence (Southwest commonwealth) into the Four States Commonwealth (Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico) and the subsequent clash with the Legion (Texas and Arkansas commonwealth) can be utterly ignored in future Fallout games. here's a cool map: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/United_States#The_commonwealths


I find this hard to ignore. After all, underneath it all, Fallout is about politics i.e. factions controlling territory, and thus, it is about geopolitics. Best emphasized by Caesar's reference to a Hegelian Dialectic (blew my mind Obsidian put that in this game!). FO2 was about NCR uniting towns and moving its influence North and the Chosen One being the catalyst that put everything into effect or resolved differences... i.e. Hegelian dialectic... ohh... now it's making sense, isn't philosophy fun!


It also means Mr. House shooting down the nukes which allowed Vegas to have most of its infrastructure intact while preventing Vegas from becoming a very, very post-apocalyptic radiation induced wasteland relative what was presented in DC, can be ignored.


In a nutshell why Hoover Dam, Big MT, Sierra Madre, maybe even whey Zion National were all hit by fewer nukes and remained mostly intact, was due to Mr. House's lazer beams (only if Mr. House had sharks, the possibilities!) can be ignored too!


Post-apocalyptic Western U.S.'s source of electricity, the Hoover Dam, can also be ignored in future games (i don't think the Legion wins guys!)


3. future FO4 "was fun" quote


who the hell knows what this means?


So FO2 returned to Vault 13, Shady Sands, Mariposa, and Vaul 15... does it mean FO4 will return to NV locations or FO1 or FO2 locations?

Beats the hell outta me!!! in other words, to quote Three Dog, "what's a disc? Hell if i know?"


I'm betting Bethesda has no idea where they are going next for FO4...


4. Separate Project means a different company is doing the project separately, that Obsidian's team worked separately from Bethesda's. It has nothing to do with whether or not the game content is canon or non-canonical. Consider for example, Obsidian did Knights of the Old Republic 2 and that is canon (Bioware developed KOTR 1) so just because Bethesda outsourced to another company does not necessitate NV being non-canonical.




NV has to be canon! that's my two cents and based on the geopolitics that underlies FO games there is too much that happens in NV for it to be considered non-canonical. Finally, we know where the damn electricity comes from other than giant fission batteries, and who knows where those come from !


Future FO4 locations, as I've posted before, and based on Fallout Commonwealth map link posted above, it would be cool to see FO4 in another Commonwealth not mentioned or played in previous games (excluding Tactics & BoS).


I will also add maybe there is a comparison of the FO Commonwealths to the provinces of Tamriel in the Elder Scrolls series, that each Commonwealth would be its own game, at least since Bethesda took over FO series.


In 2 games they've covered 4 Commonwealths: DC, Southwest, Four States, and Texas via the Legion. This is Bethesda covering for FO1, FO2, FO3, and NV.


Future FO4


Return east to see if or how DC influence has grown: somewhere in the Gulf, Southeast, East Central, Eastern, or New England Commonwealths, somewhere between Miami and Boston


Chicago... only because it is referenced in FO3 and NV. maybe bridge the divide between East and West... i.e. Ed-E foreshadowing things to come?


Montreal since it is an island on a river, how cool would that be ! crazy, non? how about a post-apocalyptic annexed French Canada ! oui, oui, c'est mind boggling!! I know it's outside of the 13 FO Commonwealths but Montreal can be added to New England (that piss Quebecers off!)


well, rimland, reading this, i have to say you have beat me.

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it's not a matter of beating, it's just a pretty darn convincing argument.


just read the wiki links in my last two posts...


also, NV took Black Isle's idea of the Legion that was going to be in Black Isle's cancelled FO3 and FO4 and incorporated the Legion as a concept/faction into NV.


so i mean, it would be just crazy with all that planning with Bethesda and former Black Isle people to not have NV be canonical with FO1 - FO3 myths and lores.

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In my first NV game i killed caesar with alien blaster he was talking to me like _ " you know you could be rich blabla bla"

and suddenly i VATSed his head -Yeehaaaaaa !!!!! BAMbambababaaaam"

I turned him bodyguards to ashpile before they understand what'sup, it was fun, like _"Wow the great ceasar in person hoo Tadaadadadaaaa ....you dead !!

after that the game is tweaked with scenaristic errors, obsidian didn't expect that somebody do such stupid thing i suppose.

I did it with benny too the first time you find him at the top with his bodyguards i zzzzaped him alien style and wooshhhhh....ashpile, after that ikilled nearly everybody in the casino !!!

I killed Mr House too the first time i was in front of the big screen i saw this monitor on the left and... guesss what !


Ho and i destroyed the Khans too the first time i didn't even took time to meet them i sniped too of them, and Made some AshPiles again.


Never negociate with stupid badguys, I AM THE BAD GUY.

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I HATE the Brotherhood. Their attitude is so unlikeable, and they're so overrated.



the brotherhood is the main faction of fallout.


and i presume your favorite is the legion? the weakest group to be a main faction?

how does the NCR even take a week to destroy them? if the NCR destroyed Navarro, id think they'd have no trouble with some advanced tribals.

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you don't need an army, i've destroyed there HQ and killed the boss nemesis style with my alien blaster, when they invited me they made the greatest mistake,

they are weak and stupid to think that swords can be usefull against a badass DC Mart's Mutants veteran like me.

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