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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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It is very easy to navigate and I like the structure but I have to agree with the guys,its too bright and makes it tiring for the eyes after a while (for me at least).But despite that I like it.Great work.
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Just feel like linking this again ;)




This is the new design, but in my opinion, only a subtle change in the orange makes it get much more of the Nexus-feel, as well as not seeming too bright. Well, this is only my opinion though. ;)


If you want to play around with the imagemap you can, Zal. You can find it here. If you mock up some different colours you think would go better I can apply it to some test pages for us to check out. I'm not touching any images until I get back from my travels now.

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I say we add some purple in...just to be pretty with the orange. Make me think I am back in college again and I ate some "candy" someone gave me! >.>


I am sure things will calm down when the functionality issues are ironed out. As for being hard to navigate/use...well unless its an issue of something NOT WORKING AT ALL....I think its just getting used to it. Of course its hard because it isn't the same we have done for years.


As for it having personality....well I think the people and the files give this place personality...not the banner or the shininess of the buttons.


Maybe I am just more role with the punches though?

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When I hand the site code over to Axel and let him dig his teeth in to it I don't think anyone will be complaining. Some people don't know how good they've got it, and how good it's going to get :)
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haha, nice video Rob! ;D


Thanks for the imagemap, Rob! Now I can play around with colors! yay! ;D


This is a little less bright version of the new color scheme.

This is the old nexus color.

This is another version of the old nexus color. (Slightly different.)

And This is a mix of the two.

Edited by Zaldiir
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I think photobucket is resizing the imagemaps so I can't use them Zal. Zip them up and send it me as an attachment if you can, or upload it as an attachment here!
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Just want to toss my 2¢ in. Or maybe you say 2p in the UK :P


Anyway, I really like the new site overall: I have just two complaints: one, I'd prefer the current TESNexus tan to the bright orange (and hopefully you'll retain the current dominant colors for the other sites as well); and two, I don't like the font and styling of the site name. I'm not a fan of the current font either, but the lowercase italics just look... unprofessional to me. I'm imagining TESNexus, FO3Nexus, DANexus... that capitalization scheme, with the Nexus in some standardized color (white could be fine) and the specific site text in the site's dominant color.


Again, other than those two issues, I think it's really lovely :)

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