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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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Would I be correct in saying all one would need to do is cry 'rip' on an image and it would 'disappear' regardless of whether it was true or not? I'm pretty sure the staff don't have the time to investigate them all, and there have been a lot of images disappearing without any notification whatsoever.
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My images 900+ of them have never been risque and i have never had complaints about them, i never had an account with the Bethesda forums but i will change my password in case i have been attacked,, i really cant imagine why anyone would target me as i never really had any issues with anyone here at all! (none im aware of) LOL i dont drink so i never get drunk Thanks Dark0ne and Vicky i guess its a mystery and its all gone now, excuse me while i morn,,, :(
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My images 900+ of them have never been risque and i have never had complaints about them, i never had an account with the Bethesda forums but i will change my password in case i have been attacked,, i really cant imagine why anyone would target me as i never really had any issues with anyone here at all! (none im aware of) LOL i dont drink so i never get drunk Thanks Dark0ne and Vicky i guess its a mystery and its all gone now, excuse me while i morn,,, :(


I find this a bit worrisome myself. I know Coolystguy's images and they are not risque (many were in fact something closer to "art" than just a simple screen shot) and I would venture to say most of them did not contain any questionable content....he hasn't posted as many images of late as he used to. Also the fact there is no way to trace if they were deleted or what exactly happened to them makes me worry about site security. I would have thought there would be a way...even if it was not an easy way to trace at least SOMETHING here.


Coolystguy has always been nice and helpful to others. Honestly Dark0ne, I know you are on vacation or whatever...and I hope you were joking about the drunk thing...but I don't see that you find this at all upsetting and that disappoints me. Maybe because its just pictures? Or perhaps I am just not seeing your reactions properly? I don't normally keep copies of things on the image share having thought them "safe" but perhaps I should.


Your images were wonderful Cooly. I know you had hundreds of them over the past few years and I am so very sorry that this happened to you and that it feels like, in my opinion..that no one gives a rats behind about it. I realize this thread is not about this but if I could do anything to help I would.

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Sorry Dark0ne, but I'm with Lisnpuppy on this. I looked at what was left of Coolystguy's images and, honestly, if it was someone targeting things that are risque, well, they picked some odd ones to leave alone. Regarding back ups Lisnpuppy, you, and everone else who uploads anything to the nexi, should always, always, always keep a back up on your computer and another off computer back up. I lost my hard drive last year, and my cousin lost his modding computer and his back up was on my computer so we both lost all our modding work because we didn't have off computer back ups. Personally, unless a mod is total crud, I keep everything I download and bookmark the page as well. (And then I back up my Favorites to be doubly sure.)


And Dark0ne, I know you're off having a grand old time wherever, (at least I hope you're having a grand old time) but the lack of comment on any of the changes to the new site design that people have put forth is something that I find rather more disappointing than what seems to be an attitude of "Oh yeah, that's tough, nothing I can do" regarding Coolystguy's images. But maybe Lisnpuppy and I are just seeing something in your posts that isn't there. Whichever it is, have fun on your break.

Edited by Smith099
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Indeed, I am still on holiday and indeed, my point of view is that of "you're lucky I'm responding at all" else it'd be waiting until I got back like many, many things are. A holiday is a holiday for me, not a different location to "work" from (the Nexus isn't my actual work job!). You might not think it but the fact I've responded to coolyst is, in itself, a sign I've taken it seriously.


There is no log, or trace, when things are deleted from the site. They're just gone. I will inquire on the staff forums about whether this was one of them. If it was I'd be surprised, but knowing my staff, they would have had a reason. However more communication is something I've pushed for recently and the moderation system is the next thing on my to-do list after rolling out the new site design. We need a better moderating communication and warning system and one that's more than just black (you're banned) or white (you're not banned).


As for responding to criticisms of the new design; I've read it all, but many people have gotten and do get very emotional about these kinds of things and responding to wall-of-text rants that are often devoid of any real constructive criticism is not my idea of a nice, relaxing, get away holiday. If I respond to one person's good, logical, constructive criticism then I get a load of crap from the emotional crew who I didn't respond to. Sometimes things are better left noted rather than responded to; I'll respond in actions not words.


Having said that I've already said I'll be exploring a change to the bright orange colour (which has been far and away the biggest criticism) and taking a look at sprucing up the header, like on New Vegas Nexus and The Witcher Nexus, so that each site is recognisable to the game they represent. Any bugs mentioned will be fixed.

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I have a question, are you saying that all your images appeared to be there one minute and then after a very short interval, enough to reboot your pc or your browser (?) they were gone?


Because I have a list of all image reports by month, and for the entire month of August there are only 24 image reports, and your account was not among them at all.

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I have not deleted any images for over a month - more likely closer to 2 months. I have never deleted a block either. no more than 3 at a time. And whenever I delete anything, post or image, I always PM the author to let them know why and note it in the moderator forums.


This sounds really strange as I cannot see how a Firefox crash could delete images at all. The crash is local to your machine and the images are on a server (in the cloud) Possibly the crash was caused by whatever removed the images? Possibly some glitch on the server?


As Smith099 said, always have a backup of everything, then backup the backup. With images it may be a good idea to upload them to several sites. My own primary hard drive is mirrored. then I keep a copy of anything important on dropbox and on a private website. For pics, I use both dropbox and photobucket as my secondary backups.

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By Dark0ne

"Indeed, I am still on holiday and indeed, my point of view is that of "you're lucky I'm responding at all" else it'd be waiting until I got back like many, many things are. A holiday is a holiday for me, not a different location to "work" from (the Nexus isn't my actual work job!). You might not think it but the fact I've responded to coolyst is, in itself, a sign I've taken it seriously."





Fair enough and that is all I needed to hear. Thank you.

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