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Thank you for all your comments regarding this image problem,,,


@ Myrmaad i have been on Nexus since 2006 and have been posting images since i have had well over 900 images yes over the last few months i have had less time to post thats why u only see 24 uploads in that period of time,,, as i said firefox crashed on the new site and after i restarted the browser to check all but 21 images had vanished,,, i have no backup due to the fact i also had a HDD failure and i lost everything going back maybe 8 months ago so i was here asking to hopefully be able to add a feature to download all uploaded images then bang this happened,really crazy coincidence damn i guess i will have to accept this and make sure all future stuff is backed up,,, well if nothing can be done then i guess thats all about this topic thanks all :) i appreciate your kind words....

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Hi, Admin. I have an idea: add to the track centre a feature which can allow us to create persoalised RSS-feed. Personalised = I can uncheck info about new imagess etc. The feed URL could be also hashed or not ( non-hashed = generic+user-id)
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coolystguy, I have not deleted any of your images. I rarely delete images but when I do, I certainly try to send a PM to the author letting them know why it happened....so they don't upload it again, causing us to remove it again...and again.


I have also never deleted more than 3 (yes, funny how must of us have not deleted 4 in a row) but I certainly made the uploader aware.


As Dark0ne said, we as moderators and admin have absolutely no way to mass delete images from the ImageShare and even if we did, it would only be applicable to the most offensive uploads to ever have graced this site and the uploader surely would have been banned. This is obviously not the situation and we don't have that capability.


It has been suggested that your entire collection might have lost their "ownership" and became disassociated with your ID. I'm not sure how this could happen unless your profile is hosed up. I don't think anything actually happened to the images themselves because like I said, there is no process that goes through and touches all the images so they must all still be there (assuming your account was not hacked and deleted by an irritating person with a LOT of free time on their hands...speaking of which...do you have sibling rivalry going on per chance? Or an upset significant other?)


I was about to suggest trying to use a different browser but I realized that would have been fairly useless waste of time...cause I looked at your profile on each Nexus site and could see there is less than 30 images on any of them.


If you were using the platform.tesnexus.com site to upload your images, I wonder if there is something in the code that doesn't handle a crashed browser very well. I'd recommend to everyone that does not have backups of their images to do so now and not use the platform test site until Dark0ne gets back and takes a peek to see if there might be anything in the code that could contribute to a situation like this. But like I said earlier, I really don't think the site code would "touch" all records by the uploader since the entire process of the upload procedure is to add one record...not select all records and delete if upload fails.


coolystguy, if you can remember EXACTLY what you were doing when Firefox (which version?) crashed, please give as much detail as you can which will help narrow down what part of the code should be examined.


From the sound of it, you have much of your images back thanks to a helpful and active member (good to have fans!) and you've changed your password. Make sure you use different passwords for each site you visit if you use a similar ID. I use KeePass to store all my IDs, passwords and other various things to make sure I never forget them as well as a way for my wife or family members to use in the event that I visit New Vegas and later found in an unmarked grave in the desert.



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If you know the ID numbers of any of your old images that would go a long way to seeing if the images had been orphaned. I'll take a look at the platform code when I get downstairs but it should be no different to the main site code -- the actual coding of the site hasn't changed, just the layout and some miscellaneous fixes to the original code.


As for getting your images back up on the site, I can write in a quick edit to allow you to circumvent the 5 or 10 image upload limit per day for a few days if you so wish. A few people might get ticked off that they're seeing 20 pages worth of coolystguy images, but I'm sure they'd understand ;)


Let me know.


Update: I've checked the platform code and it is indeed indentical to the original site and has limits in place so that even if something did go skewy (or someone tried to inject) it would only limit the deletion to 1 row.


Update #2: I've checked the image folder using SSH and there are only 25 images using your member ID in the Image Share folder, which suggests they are not on the server and have indeed been deleted

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Back to the design:


I've added in some code so you can switch between the imagemaps that have been provided by Zaldiir and Hickory. Here are the links:


Original site


Zaldiir - Less Bright

Zaldiir - Old Alternative

Zaldiir - Mix

Zaldiir - Old Nexus


Hickory - Image map


Of the new options presented I'd go for Hickory's image map. Thoughts?

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Ooh, the Old Nexus one looks good.


Hey, Zaldiir, can you link to the image map for that one? I can't get the colors quite right, but I want to see how it'd look with a few more alterations.

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