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Heads up: New Nexus site design soon


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Well the (current) old nexus design looks just fine if you as me and it don't needs more graphical improvements at all it's just good as it is. However the new one overall design and functionality is very nice but is way to colorful maybe if you tone down the saturation of the upper panel (to much yellow)...


Sorry for my English

Edited by Dzordzbuzs
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Oh, and when editing the attributes of a mod, when I click enter to go to a new line in the description, the mod is updated, making it almost impossible to add new lines!


Ah, good spot! This should be fixed now :)


On the point of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", to me it's like the difference between a Nissan 370z and a Nissan GT-R...if you don't know or care about cars, or if you just use a car to get from A to B, then you don't care and you don't really understand or appreciate the differences, but if you're the mechanic working on the car or the person driving it then the differences are night and day. You can do a lot more with a GT-R; you can go faster, you can mod it more and you can improve it more. There comes a point where a 370z reaches the peak of what it's capable of while the GT-R is just warming up.


If you care about it then I've explained a lot of this in my blog posts if you haven't read them already.

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My problem with it isn't so much the layout or organization. The drop down menus are nice. It's clean and organized, for the most part. All in all it looks like a pretty standard CSS layout.


My problem is more the graphical aspect of it. From the front choice, the button designs, the new logo, the color scheme, the stripes everywhere, etc. It just seems very generic to me. It lacks personality. Like I said earlier, it feels like I could be on any site. Nothing about it says "TESNexus" to me.

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Ehh.... i'm undecided. i like all the drop downs, though.


Where is my comment tracking?!? That is a sweet feature that i will miss. Also, there is no manage images for your supporter images just regular images... maybe i'm missing something? i hope so.


Also, i use chrome on a low-res (1024 x 768) 9 year old $40 laptop at a public library, but no images would appear for files. Just the broken link icon.


And, when i endorsed a file there was no option to leave a comment, is that thread disappearing?


I only checked it out for a few minutes so i can't say much. It seems slower, for me at least, and all the graphics for all the drop-downs overlap and appear in the top left while the page loads. It took me a minute to figure out what that was, it looks like a strange ancient language.


Comment tracking is the first button on my bookmark bar and the first thing i press when i get online. It used to be My Files, but then i discovered comment tracking. If the new Nexus would give mod authors more options in their description page, like some simple script or css options so we could do colored links over images and such, then i would not care what it looked like, but that's just me.


Peace and Love!



Edited by red6
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Ugh... If it's not broken, don't fix it. -.- I give you guys credit, it's a nice-looking site, but it's too hard to navigate, plus it's so much different than the current Nexus, which we're all used to.
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Hey Dark0ne, is there anyway to have the description(the grey part on the right side of the hot mod list) on the new site be a pop up or a drop down panel? It seems like it would be sleeker, and if the mod has a good opening screenshot, it would not be partially blocked by its own description^^. At first I didnt like the new look, but now I am really looking forward to it. Also, this might have already been mentioned, but when I go into the forums(I use internet explorer 9) it wont let me immediately go to the my content tab. Instead, I have to go to the tab under my profile in order to view my comments. Not a big deal, but just thought you might want to know if you didnt already^^.
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