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The tall tales & tragedies of the Chattering Scroll Inn


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Reona quickly got dressed and stepped out into the main room of the inn with Kalin and curtsied to the barkeep, "Your help has been wonderful, and we appreciate it greatly. Unfortunately, we are pressed for time, and cannot stay any longer," She quickly tossed the keys (which she had tied onto a note explaining what their quest was about, and an invitation for him to join) toward the counter, satisfied with hearing the barkeep's hands close around them with an inhuman speed before they could hit the counter.


I knew it, she thought with a smirk as she walked outside with Kalin.


Much too fast to be human. You were right. I just wonder what he really is... Arva said as they met with Rhaine and Ellundil.


Reona took Arva and pierced through her dress and shift, then sliced around until she had cropped it so that it ended slightly above her kneecaps, "That'll speed me up when I run, I think."


Rhaine, seeming a bit distracted, turned toward the road and said something Reona didn't understand.


Ellundil was feeling clever, so of course he began to express that in one of the only ways he knew.


"Well, you took long enough princess. ;D Now all we need is 'Queen Kalin' and we are all set to go."


Ellundil is not dimwitted, and not off of his toes either, he knew quite well about the figure lurking about them, and he knew it for some time. Likewise, he also knew that he was probably not the most introductory person that had ever been in the universe, so he left the pleasantries to his other companions, only one of which that seemed to have decently polished "feminine charms"


Rhaine was too focused upon the Drow approaching them to pay heed to to her companions' playful words. She was unsure how the dark elf would take to her familiar greeting, and she prayed that Kismet would not react in hostility - she knew instinctively that the Drow could easily slay the unarmored Reona in milliseconds if she so chose. Rhaine's narrowed emerald eyes never left the stranger elf as she drew nearer and nearer. Thanatos began to shift uneasily from one hoof to the other as he sensed his mistress's anxiousness.

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Reona quickly got dressed and stepped out into the main room of the inn with Kalin and curtsied to the barkeep, "Your help has been wonderful, and we appreciate it greatly. Unfortunately, we are pressed for time, and cannot stay any longer," She quickly tossed the keys (which she had tied onto a note explaining what their quest was about, and an invitation for him to join) toward the counter, satisfied with hearing the barkeep's hands close around them with an inhuman speed before they could hit the counter.


I knew it, she thought with a smirk as she walked outside with Kalin.


Much too fast to be human. You were right. I just wonder what he really is... Arva said as they met with Rhaine and Ellundil.


Reona took Arva and pierced through her dress and shift, then sliced around until she had cropped it so that it ended slightly above her kneecaps, "That'll speed me up when I run, I think."


Rhaine, seeming a bit distracted, turned toward the road and said something Reona didn't understand.


Ellundil was feeling clever, so of course he began to express that in one of the only ways he knew.


"Well, you took long enough princess. ;D Now all we need is 'Queen Kalin' and we are all set to go."


Ellundil is not dimwitted, and not off of his toes either, he knew quite well about the figure lurking about them, and he knew it for some time. Likewise, he also knew that he was probably not the most introductory person that had ever been in the universe, so he left the pleasantries to his other companions, only one of which that seemed to have decently polished "feminine charms"


Rhaine was too focused upon the Drow approaching them to pay heed to to her companions' playful words. She was unsure how the dark elf would take to her familiar greeting, and she prayed that Kismet would not react in hostility - she knew instinctively that the Drow could easily slay the unarmored Reona in milliseconds if she so chose. Rhaine's narrowed emerald eyes never left the stranger elf as she drew nearer and nearer. Thanatos began to shift uneasily from one hoof to the other as he sensed his mistress's anxiousness.



Kalin narrowed his eyes at Ellundil. "Careful, elf, or I'll help Reona when she kicks your butt to the Nine Hells and back," he said, mock anger tinting his voice. Then he noticed Rhaine's unease and followed her gaze to the approaching Drow. The elan took on a more serious mood and stood by the priestess, speaking in Undercommon in a low voice. "Do you think she'll be friendly? If she's like most Drow from Menzobarranzan, you should probably speak to her. Males aren't looked upon highly there, from what I know." Kalin fell silent, staring at the dark, lithe figure approaching them, wondering how long the other members of the party would last if things should become hostile...

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Reona quickly got dressed and stepped out into the main room of the inn with Kalin and curtsied to the barkeep, "Your help has been wonderful, and we appreciate it greatly. Unfortunately, we are pressed for time, and cannot stay any longer," She quickly tossed the keys (which she had tied onto a note explaining what their quest was about, and an invitation for him to join) toward the counter, satisfied with hearing the barkeep's hands close around them with an inhuman speed before they could hit the counter.I knew it, she thought with a smirk as she walked outside with Kalin.Much too fast to be human. You were right. I just wonder what he really is... Arva said as they met with Rhaine and Ellundil.Reona took Arva and pierced through her dress and shift, then sliced around until she had cropped them so that they both ended slightly above her kneecaps, "That'll speed me up when I run, I think."Rhaine, seeming a bit distracted, turned toward the road and said something Reona didn't understand.






Ellundil sat on his celestial steed and fidgeted very impatiently, then he couldn't bear it any longer and blurted out to Reona:




I can't wait any longer, shall we ride forth together into the South? We can set up a decent camp along the road then contact the others through Arva, or other conventional means.

Edited by iansaltman
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ooo i wouldn't do that if i were you sweetie, said a beautiful woman clad in a black leather dress who had been sitting nearby with a smirk, "there has been an attack on the roads killing several travelers" she said eyes smiling wickedly "the legion had to close it until they find who did it" she remarked barely containing her happiness "i wonder who did that" she remarked with a deep air of sarcasm in her voice. Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Reona readied her sword and faced the mysterious woman, snarling, "I suppose you like being chopped into bits, eh?"


Be careful, Demon! Arva warned, She would have attacked before now, when she was hidden, if she wasn't strong enough to kill you all without stealthy tactics. This means she either has something to communicate with you or she's hell in battle.


Thank you, Arva. I'll take precautions, she thought, readying her mind. Not lowering her sword, Reona glared at the woman, "What do you want from us?"

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what do I want hmm let me think... for a start your friend gives good advice if i wanted to kill you, you WOULD be dead by now little one. what i want is too finish a little business i have with one of the guest's here in this inn, stand in my way and i will not be merciful. she said this all without taking breath. something about her was not right
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Reona glared at the woman and tightened her grip on the hilt of Arva with her left hand, stretching her arm to aim the tip of the sword at the woman, pointing at her with it, "Just remember that what I lack in strength, I make up for with determination and speed. I am not easily felled either, do not be fooled."


Relax! Arva chastised, his pink eyes narrowed at her.


Blinking and relaxing her grip, she lowered her arm and frowned, "But I would say that neither of us are here to fight one another, so why change that to prove a point? It would ill become us, I think."

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hmm so your not without intelligence my dear hmm, although it seems like your friend in your head is doing all the thinking, now im hear to find out what was on the note you gave to the barkeep, if he doesn't tell me i crush his skull. hehe see you around sweetie.

with that she leapt towards the barkeep


Then with that Ellundil broke his silence, bursting into the inn. Ellundil strode forward to the bar grabbed his new "friend" on the arm and thrust her back from the barkeep. He then spoke, "Now, that wasn't so nice was it? How bout' we sit for a moment and have a few beers. Yes, a few more beers would be nice."

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