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Transgender Our rights as opposed to those who look the part.


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Let me be upfront and tell you guys that I am transgender. I have been all my life, even before someone created some cutesypie term to identify those of us who feel the way we do apart from those who feel the way they do.


The name I took for myself is Breeanne, pronounced breeyan and from the time I can remember anything at all, I felt uncomfortable in my own skin and was trying on my mom's clothes before I was out of grade school. I have always been more comfortable around women and have envied their life from birth to old age.





What I'd like to talk about is not me, but what is going on in the political arrena. Especially this new idea that those of us who identify with an opposite sex should be able to intrude into the sacred areas of their lives, such as bathrooms and loocker rooms, as If they shoud just throw up their hands and except us and we wish to be instead of what we appear to be, outwardly.


It's almost as if it is their burden to deal with this curse I've lived with, instead of me. I don't know who thought of this stuff, but I guarantee you, it wasn't a woman thinking about other women.


Lets face it, women have had it rotten since the time we marched out of the swamps and started walking on two feet. They have been put in the background and forced to wear clothing that excentuated their bodies, instead of their minds. They have endured demeaning themselves to gain the affections of men, who are far less mature and have had to feign ignorance and inability to do things on their own so that they can appear these delicate little flowers so they can pamper and placate they glass egos of boys who have never grown up to the adult bodies they reside in.


They have been raised to be servants of society in the roles that our culture has given them and have endured the spitfullness of an unforgiving public when they acttually make it in life. Just ask yourself why men with 3 girlfreinds is a stud, but a women with 3 boyfriends is a flirt. Ask yourself why men get to exult their genitalia, why women need to keep that stuff in the dark or they will be looked down on. Ask yourself why men who don't like to fight are called cowards and pussies and women who do like to fight are tomboys and acttually arouse many men as if she was something for them to conquer like some wild stallion. Then after all that ask yourself why women are the ones that have a % of their income removed just because they are considered non-breadwinners for the household.


After you are done there, then ask yourself what right a person like me and others like me, who was raised as a man and who have gained the benefits society has for men has to walse my hairy butt into a womans bathroom just because some activist thinks I should be less concerned with the women I envy than my own self. I am and always will be female and how can I as one disregard the sentiments of those whose bodys look female. Wouldn't that make me a *censored*? (you've got to be kidding me. You guys think that is a dirty word. Try being in the body of a boy and jumping out in front of your highly religious family in a dress, when your 7 years old. I've been called worse.) My last comment was in jest and has nothing to do with the issue at hand. thank you!

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:rolleyes: Don't blame the censors, I'm pretty sure Robin set them up ages ago and hasn't ever really updated them except to take "loverslab" off the list. On the other hand getting irate because you can't use a taboo word doesn't really paint you in the most sympathetic light.

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Keep in mind that all kinds of folks are here from all different places and cultures and even with all different sexual or gender identities. Words on the list are old and probably need revisitied. However they were originally put on that list as these things were something that were felt that enough people may find offensive. Maybe it isn't a big deal nowdays or many folks no longer care. But it is there and there is no reason to blame the auto censor nor to compare it to the names you have been called in real life.


I am sure that most everyone gets the meaning or word just fine even censored.


And I see one word the auto censor didn't catch that some would find offensive. So there you go.


Now, I am just a bit confused at what you want us to debate. I see many thoughts and questions but perhaps a single thesis of your argument needs fleshed out a bit?

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OP, I don't get it, what's your point? Are you referring to medieval times or something? Transgenders didn't appear yesterday, they were in human society from day one, but the term appeared or evolved, well who cares? If you are living in civilized country, I don't think you should have any real concerns, otherwise... uhm, good luck.

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:rolleyes: Don't blame the censors, I'm pretty sure Robin set them up ages ago and hasn't ever really updated them except to take "loverslab" off the list. On the other hand getting irate because you can't use a taboo word doesn't really paint you in the most sympathetic light.

That was not the issue and I commented on it in jest. The issue I presented was linked to a issue about bathrooms that I had a link to, but somehow it didn't take when I posted the original post. I apologize for the confusion. Next time I will check my posts better.

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OP, I don't get it, what's your point? Are you referring to medieval times or something? Transgenders didn't appear yesterday, they were in human society from day one, but the term appeared or evolved, well who cares? If you are living in civilized country, I don't think you should have any real concerns, otherwise... uhm, good luck.

I am speaking about the dirrective to allow transgender males to us the facilities of women, when we don't look the part. I'm sorry the link to what I was refering to didn't take. I've corrected that. thank you.

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Keep in mind that all kinds of folks are here from all different places and cultures and even with all different sexual or gender identities. Words on the list are old and probably need revisitied. However they were originally put on that list as these things were something that were felt that enough people may find offensive. Maybe it isn't a big deal nowdays or many folks no longer care. But it is there and there is no reason to blame the auto censor nor to compare it to the names you have been called in real life.


I am sure that most everyone gets the meaning or word just fine even censored.


And I see one word the auto censor didn't catch that some would find offensive. So there you go.


Now, I am just a bit confused at what you want us to debate. I see many thoughts and questions but perhaps a single thesis of your argument needs fleshed out a bit?


Thew comment about the dirty word was done in jest


What this is about is about this link. I gave it in the op, but somehow it didn't take.http://www.reuters.com/article/us-north-carolina-lgbt-idUSKCN0Y71UA


There has been an issue where the rights of one group has been injected into the rights of another group. Both groups are recognized by the government as being victimized and now they are imposing their will on the public instead of doing what they should and correct the issue of transgender people by fixing the mental health care situation in this country and be requiring that surgeries which correct transgender people and allow them to live their lives as the gender they identify with.


They are not doing this and are trying to force the public to accept their shake and bake solution by requiring others allow people like me to use women's restrooms when I still look like a man.

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Well, I think that if you want to use female restroom, you need to look like female individual.


If you look like a man and wants to use female restroom, then naturally the society (at least in my city) will see you as weird/perverted person. Cant help it.


So try your best to make yourself more feminine... I guess.

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Well, I think that if you want to use female restroom, you need to look like female individual.


If you look like a man and wants to use female restroom, then naturally the society (at least in my city) will see you as weird/perverted person. Cant help it.


So try your best to make yourself more feminine... I guess.

What I am getting at is the goverment or the justice department is telling states that they have to let transgenders us the facilities that fit their gender identity, even though some of us don't look at. They are telling those states that refuse this that they may loose government dollars if they continue. This is a cheap way of trying to find a solution to an issue, without actually doing anything. If the government wanted to help the transgender community, they need to set up a government program that would give low interest loans to those who wish the surgery to correct their gender.


To just demand that people accept this is not right.

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It might be one of the only way to make people face the bigger conversation. Androgynity will likely continue till we can recreate ourselves like we do in our computer games.


I reckon paying for people to change gender surgically is likely just as controversial. Any approach to this subject leads to utter division. Suppose this is just a part of nature. (?)


It is possible this is being overthought a little by many, and this is simply a suggestion. I know that some people get very ruffled about such things, but with the way public spaces and people are being privatised and monitored, not to mention the fact that this already happens in 'high society' and elsewhere anyways, that this is perhaps going to be the one of the lesser of peoples' problems overall - even if it turns out to be a catalyst for some, their are just already so many lines in the sand.

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