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Transgender Our rights as opposed to those who look the part.


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If one of your friends calls you an elephant. Don't worry about it.

If two of your friends calls you an elephant, you might want to be concerned.

If three of your friends calls you an elephant, buy a bag of peanuts.


The 'progressives' want to force everyone to be open minded about everything. We should 'accept' people for who they are, regardless of how we actually feel about them, or, what our morals dictate. We have a small group of folks, that exhibit a behavior that really isn't considered 'socially acceptable' as yet, even though the politicians (some of them) are forcing us to accept it, whose rights are apparently more important than the majority. I have never really understood that.

+There is a huge difference between the orogressive movement and what is going on on the left today. The difference is that progressive work for slow and stead change in society, which I agree with.


What passes fro preogress today is a level of intolerance and argance that rivals many of the exploits of the most sanctimonious charletons of the last century. People are shouted down and are targetted for their veiws, even if they are working for the same causes. The bullwork of public debait which is freedom of speech is virtually unknown to these people who are growing up today and have no idea how much it is needed because the public has not had enough of their crap. Once the exploits of these petty tyrants reach a intolerable level they will quickly learn just how those they have targetted for so long have felt .


It won't surprize me if a Trump victory will herald in the beginning of the end of this chapter in social reform.


And if it does, it will fully make up for any other stupidity he perpetrates. :) Well, aside from getting us into yet another war......

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What's what.

First of all,



Well the point of using such a rediculous person and a normal trans , is to point out the contradictions. Even to Blair what this guy was espousing comes across as rediculous. Even pointing out the historical reason why we have mens/womens restrooms was just pointing out the contradictions that seem evident in the ideology he is espousing.


Now you may say its just Govt doing this , but there is an ideology behind it and that is clearly coming from SJW types , are those in Govt making use of it yes , as are those in Govt who oppose this sort of thing.


As for your long post , I agree with pretty much everything you said, but this identity politics is doing nothing but balkanizing a great many people and I'm used to seeing that sort of tactic being played on the right , but now its people on the left who are also engaging in that practice and its those on the right that are going to benefit . IF SJW types keep coming out with these types of contradictions then even people who are liberal will look elsewhere and there is only one way to go .. to the right. That in no way is going to help the transgender community.

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If one of your friends calls you an elephant. Don't worry about it.

If two of your friends calls you an elephant, you might want to be concerned.

If three of your friends calls you an elephant, buy a bag of peanuts.


The 'progressives' want to force everyone to be open minded about everything. We should 'accept' people for who they are, regardless of how we actually feel about them, or, what our morals dictate. We have a small group of folks, that exhibit a behavior that really isn't considered 'socially acceptable' as yet, even though the politicians (some of them) are forcing us to accept it, whose rights are apparently more important than the majority. I have never really understood that.

+There is a huge difference between the orogressive movement and what is going on on the left today. The difference is that progressive work for slow and stead change in society, which I agree with.


What passes fro preogress today is a level of intolerance and argance that rivals many of the exploits of the most sanctimonious charletons of the last century. People are shouted down and are targetted for their veiws, even if they are working for the same causes. The bullwork of public debait which is freedom of speech is virtually unknown to these people who are growing up today and have no idea how much it is needed because the public has not had enough of their crap. Once the exploits of these petty tyrants reach a intolerable level they will quickly learn just how those they have targetted for so long have felt .


It won't surprize me if a Trump victory will herald in the beginning of the end of this chapter in social reform.


And if it does, it will fully make up for any other stupidity he perpetrates. :smile: Well, aside from getting us into yet another war......


Well the real stupidity comes from those who like his message. He, most likely has been listening to these people for a very long time and is rejurgitating their anxiety back upon them and they are far too desperate to even contimplate they are being had. Social shange doesn't come from the left or the right. It comes from the middle, when enough people get tired of the current insanity and throw their votes in with the underdog and walla, we have another turn in the road. The reason I pointed out Trump is not because what his rhetoric, but because what will come in on his coat tails and that will be a lot of conservative leaning ideology.


The only real good thing about that is the country can take a breather and we can look more critically on the social programs that have been put inplace. The Republicans will have to act unstead of meander about giving President Obama the stink eye and that will be interesting to see in the least.


As for getting us in a war, we are already in one and it will be a lifetime or two before we see the end of that. I just hope that the government has the intelligence to understand that it is unwinable by our side. It can only be won by those who live in that immediate area of the world and by Muslims alone. Gorge Bush the stupider really screwed things up when he took out Saddam, because he would have not allowed what is going on with Isis and Iran would still have an enemy to face over their with the balls to waste the lives of his soldiers to put Iran on notice.

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What's what.

First of all,



Well the point of using such a rediculous person and a normal trans , is to point out the contradictions. Even to Blair what this guy was espousing comes across as rediculous. Even pointing out the historical reason why we have mens/womens restrooms was just pointing out the contradictions that seem evident in the ideology he is espousing.


Now you may say its just Govt doing this , but there is an ideology behind it and that is clearly coming from SJW types , are those in Govt making use of it yes , as are those in Govt who oppose this sort of thing.


As for your long post , I agree with pretty much everything you said, but this identity politics is doing nothing but balkanizing a great many people and I'm used to seeing that sort of tactic being played on the right , but now its people on the left who are also engaging in that practice and its those on the right that are going to benefit . IF SJW types keep coming out with these types of contradictions then even people who are liberal will look elsewhere and there is only one way to go .. to the right. That in no way is going to help the transgender community.


Sorry if I came out in a fowl mood here. I'm just so tired of people like this clown, stomping their feet and shaking their fists for their own delight. It's just so beyond old it's pathetic. This guy wants to create a warm and fuzzy world around him, that he can feel comfortable i This, i don't think is coming from a community, but it is coming from those who are infantile to think they can have their cake and eat it too. That's never been the case and never will. People like this guy only concentrate on what he doesn't have and completely ignors what he does have. he also has a serious issue with delusions of grandure by calling himself a terrorist. This guy thinks he is fighting with something social but I would say he's flapping his gums to try and become relivant in some way. It's like Harpo Marx working on his public speaking. t doesn't work. Not for him, not for me and not for anyone, but that's probably why he's alone in a room partially dressed up and speaking to a camer instead of a real crowd of people.


P.S. I've been around people who have connections with the people in Moveon.org and they have a much better presence than this person ever thought about being.

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If one of your friends calls you an elephant. Don't worry about it.

If two of your friends calls you an elephant, you might want to be concerned.

If three of your friends calls you an elephant, buy a bag of peanuts.


The 'progressives' want to force everyone to be open minded about everything. We should 'accept' people for who they are, regardless of how we actually feel about them, or, what our morals dictate. We have a small group of folks, that exhibit a behavior that really isn't considered 'socially acceptable' as yet, even though the politicians (some of them) are forcing us to accept it, whose rights are apparently more important than the majority. I have never really understood that.






Elephants love to eat peanuts

Myth. Elephants certainly don’t eat peanuts in the wild, and they’re not a typical diet for captive animals either. Elephants are the world’s biggest land animals and have to spend 16 to 18 hours a day eating. Peanuts, on the other hand, are tiny.

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If one of your friends calls you an elephant. Don't worry about it.

If two of your friends calls you an elephant, you might want to be concerned.

If three of your friends calls you an elephant, buy a bag of peanuts.


The 'progressives' want to force everyone to be open minded about everything. We should 'accept' people for who they are, regardless of how we actually feel about them, or, what our morals dictate. We have a small group of folks, that exhibit a behavior that really isn't considered 'socially acceptable' as yet, even though the politicians (some of them) are forcing us to accept it, whose rights are apparently more important than the majority. I have never really understood that.






Elephants love to eat peanuts

Myth. Elephants certainly don’t eat peanuts in the wild, and they’re not a typical diet for captive animals either. Elephants are the world’s biggest land animals and have to spend 16 to 18 hours a day eating. Peanuts, on the other hand, are tiny.


True enough, but, I have never had an elephant refuse to eat them when offered. :D

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I don't really believe in the normal. I think it's just a romanticized vission of reality that downplays the importance of the casual to sensationalize the new. This country seems to equate newness to vitality and that isn't always the case. It most assuredly doesn't mean that sence a new person has come up with a thought that the same or similar thoughts have not appeared in the past and some might have been tried and have proven themselves to have failed.


There is too the fact that many things progress and not all of them are good things, so this idea of change for changes sake too me is a call for action when that action might just be standing up, turning a full circle infront of your chair and setting down in that same chair, thinking that we have gotten ourselves somewhere. You can look at the politicians for examples of one or two years of agitation followed by four years of benign bull crap that they blame on others.


If we want change, we need to start in our own back yards and in our own neighborhoods. The politican will set you against your neighbor so they can have plausable denile when nothing happens, but if we all go out and have our neighbors see us a just as human as they, we might just be able to add there vote to ours. That way the politicans can't say that the person your neighbor voted in block what he is trying to do for you, because that neighbor voted for the same person you did.


Progress is a word that people wave banners to. The future is where we are all headung into and we have no choice in that, but we do have a chance to manuver that future, but not because we get out an vote. It was because we cared so much we took the effort to talk with people. We went out and helped our neighbors and and in doing that we brought back the idea of strength of community and that is what we are severely lacking these days. We can't be apart of society if we don't get out there and interact with it and we darn sure can't consolidate the force of public opinion by yelling at people and demanding we get our way and for others to go screw themselves.

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Lets face it, women have had it rotten since the time we marched out of the swamps and started walking on two feet. They have been put in the background and forced to wear clothing that excentuated their bodies, instead of their minds. They have endured demeaning themselves to gain the affections of men, who are far less mature and have had to feign ignorance and inability to do things on their own so that they can appear these delicate little flowers so they can pamper and placate they glass egos of boys who have never grown up to the adult bodies they reside in.


They have been raised to be servants of society in the roles that our culture has given them and have endured the spitfullness of an unforgiving public when they acttually make it in life. Just ask yourself why men with 3 girlfreinds is a stud, but a women with 3 boyfriends is a flirt. Ask yourself why men get to exult their genitalia, why women need to keep that stuff in the dark or they will be looked down on. Ask yourself why men who don't like to fight are called cowards and pussies and women who do like to fight are tomboys and acttually arouse many men as if she was something for them to conquer like some wild stallion. Then after all that ask yourself why women are the ones that have a % of their income removed just because they are considered non-breadwinners for the household.


After you are done there, then ask yourself what right a person like me and others like me, who was raised as a man and who have gained the benefits society has for men

Both men and women have had struggles since the dawn of time, sexist beliefs probably didn't come about until much later on. Men are also expected to adopt certain roles and they have double standards. As for the whole "wild stallion" thing, who are you to say that's why they like women who fight? Can you read minds? I really think that you are deeply exaggerating in this post. Both sexes have faced problems including sexism. Who faced more sexism doesn't really matter. "Privilege," doesn't really have to do with the bathroom issue.

Edited by DragonTotem
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Lets face it, women have had it rotten since the time we marched out of the swamps and started walking on two feet. They have been put in the background and forced to wear clothing that excentuated their bodies, instead of their minds. They have endured demeaning themselves to gain the affections of men, who are far less mature and have had to feign ignorance and inability to do things on their own so that they can appear these delicate little flowers so they can pamper and placate they glass egos of boys who have never grown up to the adult bodies they reside in.


They have been raised to be servants of society in the roles that our culture has given them and have endured the spitfullness of an unforgiving public when they acttually make it in life. Just ask yourself why men with 3 girlfreinds is a stud, but a women with 3 boyfriends is a flirt. Ask yourself why men get to exult their genitalia, why women need to keep that stuff in the dark or they will be looked down on. Ask yourself why men who don't like to fight are called cowards and pussies and women who do like to fight are tomboys and acttually arouse many men as if she was something for them to conquer like some wild stallion. Then after all that ask yourself why women are the ones that have a % of their income removed just because they are considered non-breadwinners for the household.


After you are done there, then ask yourself what right a person like me and others like me, who was raised as a man and who have gained the benefits society has for men

Both men and women have had struggles since the dawn of time, sexist beliefs probably didn't come about until much later on. Men are also expected to adopt certain roles and they have double standards. As for the whole "wild stallion" thing, who are you to say that's why they like women who fight? Can you read minds? I really think that you are deeply exaggerating in this post. Both sexes have faced problems including sexism. Who faced more sexism doesn't really matter. "Privilege," doesn't really have to do with the bathroom issue.


This would be humorious if it weren't so terrifying that someone would actually equate the struggles of women now, and throut history to that of men. certainly there were males that couldn't quite fill the bill. I was born with a males body and was one of those quote/unquote lesser men to those who were anal enough to think they did.


I don't think I exaggerate any at all, since I've heard it from a good many people who know better. Being measured a man, I have been privy to many things that men keep to themselves when discussing the so called ladies. How many times do you think a man thinks about sex and how many times does a women? How many times have men looked at a woman's breast when speaking to them and how many times have they looked around to see what her butt looks like ? What percentage of women's clothes have been designed to show off their bodies as oppsed to men's clothing. How many men walk on spiked heels that damage the back over time? How many little girls have been pulled off into a corner and a kiss forced on them and how many have ended up being sexually assualted , even by members of their own families. I think you have got a lot of catching up to do when it comes with doing a faceoff between the victimization of men and that of women.


. This thing about equating struggles is absolutely ludicrous, since it is a known fact throughout history that women have been second class citizens and in some case little more than commodities that were traded for political alignments.

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I'm no expert but to me it looks like in more "civilized" countries, women get too much legal power over men, and it becomes even worse with agressive feminism movements. I mean, I'm all for equality in rights, but not for turning past century brutal patriarchy into wild new century matriacrhy, and I fear that's where this is going considering latest events...

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