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Transgender Our rights as opposed to those who look the part.


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It might be one of the only way to make people face the bigger conversation. Androgynity will likely continue till we can recreate ourselves like we do in our coputer games.


I reckon paying for people to change gender surgically is likely just as controversial. Any approach to this subject leads to utter division. Suppose this is just a part of nature. (?)


It is possible this is being overthought a little by many, and this is simply a suggestion. I know that some people get very ruffled about such things, but with the way public spaces and people are being privatised and monitored, not to mention the fact that this already happens in 'high society' and elsewhere anyways, that this is perhaps going to be the one of the lesser of peoples' problems overall - even if it turns out to be a catalyst for some, their are just already so many lines in the sand.

I look at it the same way as I do for the prolife people who stand in the way of women wanting abortions, but won't lift a finger to help her in the situation she is in. If they want to stop abortions, they need to be willing to fund a program that gives these mothers effective options. nIf the government wants to mandate what they propose then they also have to step up to the table and offer effective options.


I went through all kinds of hell, with this thing. I hated myself for not only being what I didn't wanted to be, but also what others thoght I should be. I was ijust as uncomfortable with men as I was with women, because I didn't fit in anywhere. I just wonder where I would be and what I would be doing for a living and a life, If I could have corrected my looks.


I wonder where society as a whole would be if we could be what we are comfortable being, without the stigma?


I do agree with you that this is a poor person's plight, but with the idea of wealth redistribution I always thought it was to enrish the lives of the poor. Why wouldn't this be akin to that?

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Okay, this makes sense now. On topic, I've seen some individuals who underwent surgery and to be completely honest, no matter how well it's done, individual still retains some past gender indications, like people around will always tell if it's transgender or not, plus it's still not perfect. I mean, biologically person still cannot be 100% male or female after surgery, it's just external looks and that goes without saying how dangerous those operations can be, it takes years for patients to recover after this, and there are quite few unfortunate cases in practice, so not sure if that's the right way to go.


Still, the main problem is society, not yourself. Person can live with who she or he is, but brick wall is public opinion and how others see this individual. In our age of information, public should be much more accepting to things like that, not making fuss about it. Personally I'm very happy with my birth gender, looks and etc, so it's hard for me to imagine what it is to be transgender, but at the same time I don't have any problem with them, cannot imagine why anyone should...

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What's what.



So this whole transgender thing is really heated because of the restroom issue . Well at one time there was really no such thing a mens and womens restrooms , except for the rich who could frequent the type of establishments that could afford to provide such facilities . In fact 100 years ago very few places even provided facilities at all, but for those who did it was generally just one restroom that everyone used.


Then it changed , why did it change . Women mounted campaigns to get the laws changed and force establishments to provide both male and female facilities , because women were being sexually assaulted in restrooms that both men and women were using because they had no choice. So for reasons of safety the laws were changed and both mens and womens restrooms became the norm.


Now we have the SJW types under LBGTQ and feminism , telling everyone we have to go back to a situation that women under the banner of being progressive changed in the first place. Does this not seem odd.


As for the video is anyone really going to tell me that if the odd looking fellow were to follow your daughter , mother , sister into a restroom your not going to be concerned , Blair on the other hand you wouldn't give a second look at . (Betcha it was surprise to some that Blair was actually a Trans , comeon be honest you thought she was hot. lol) . As a corollary for the same reason that a person might look at someone with the above dudes appearance entering into a womens restroom with alarm , is also the same reason others will look with alarm seeing some heavily armed 2nd Amendment douchebag thinking he has the right to walk into parks where children are playing , or schools or daycare or whatever , because its out of place , it doesn't look normal . You might want to think about that.

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What's what.



So this whole transgender thing is really heated because of the restroom issue . Well at one time there was really no such thing a mens and womens restrooms , except for the rich who could frequent the type of establishments that could afford to provide such facilities . In fact 100 years ago very few places even provided facilities at all, but for those who did it was generally just one restroom that everyone used.


Then it changed , why did it change . Women mounted campaigns to get the laws changed and force establishments to provide both male and female facilities , because women were being sexually assaulted in restrooms that both men and women were using because they had no choice. So for reasons of safety the laws were changed and both mens and womens restrooms became the norm.


Now we have the SJW types under LBGTQ and feminism , telling everyone we have to go back to a situation that women under the banner of being progressive changed in the first place. Does this not seem odd.


As for the video is anyone really going to tell me that if the odd looking fellow were to follow your daughter , mother , sister into a restroom your not going to be concerned , Blair on the other hand you wouldn't give a second look at . (Betcha it was surprise to some that Blair was actually a Trans , comeon be honest you thought she was hot. lol) . As a corollary for the same reason that a person might look at someone with the above dudes appearance entering into a womens restroom with alarm , is also the same reason others will look with alarm seeing some heavily armed 2nd Amendment douchebag thinking he has the right to walk into parks where children are playing , or schools or daycare or whatever , because its out of place , it doesn't look normal . You might want to think about that.

First of all, who are you addressing here with this? You cherrypick a a rediculious person who thinks he speaks for transgenders who is edited by another person or group in a manner of their own choosing. Then you casually toss this entire issue into the arms of a group of people you assume is responsible, without following the bread crumbs to it's real source. This is not very helpful, since it places your arguement at the same level as those who would bash you for what they ssume are your thoughts. Follow this all the way out to who would benefit from the turmoil that is unfolding. Who in this country has the power to step in when everyone is at each others throats and makes out as a solver of problems? government. Who is pushing this? The government. Who is forcing compliance by threatening the pulling of funds? The government. Do the math, my friends, Do the math.


This is not about transgenders. This is not about social justice or about the LBGT community. It's about common sense and respect for those who will be victimized by this ridiculous measure the government seems to ignore and that is the women and girls who will have to absorb this and this is the issue. Has anyone ever thought that transgenders are actually just people like you are who are just trying to get through life as best they can. We live in a world that is upside down, but that doesn't mean we all are for shoving this down the throats of everyone else, just because we are different. This is not on par with Gay Marriage. Not even close.


This whole thing is politically motivated by those who want to stir up the chronically thoughtless to mindlessly chase after another quote/unquote wrong that desperately needs to be righted. It's not about the people who will ultimately effected by this, but those who need another issue that will drive people to the polls. This is about political posturing and the fabrication of issues to yet again divide Americans from Americans. We as Americans and even more we as members of the world need to wise up to what is really happening and not fall head over heels for these fake dilemmas the political establishment tosses our way every election season.


This is nothing more than the victimization of those, who are not only like me, transgender , but also those who were blessed with the bodies that resemble their gender identity. Make no mistake, I am a woman inside and I am old enough to know I don't need to look the part to be who I've always have been. I don't need to go into a woman's restroom or a woman's locker room to feel better about myself. It is not a right to do a wrong in society, which is what this is doing. It's forcing women and girls to accept males into their personal spaces. It doesn't matter if inside, I am a women, if outside I am a man. What matters is the level of comfort that we can generate around us, as we are the outsiders in a world that is occupied by people who are men and women and who are comfortable with that. It is normal and natural to them and we as transgender people need to blend in and gain the respect of those we share the Earth with. We don't need to ram ourselves into society like a ragging bull making demands of others and, as far as I can see the majority of us are not.


You can't stop the mouthpieces from flapping their gums and you'll never get the media from sensationalizing everything, since it is their job to promote their corporations by drawing in readers and they do that by promoting controversy. do, on the other hand know I need to respect other people of my gender by not forcing them to accept me, as I look today or any other day into the very places they need the most privacy and security.


My entire issue with this is, if the government wants to push this, then they need to step up with a better solution than just telling everybody to quote/unquote "SUCK IT UP!" Them doing this makes people like me look like some pathetic little damsel in distress whose having a mental meltdown for not having her cake and eating it too. That is a false image and one that will possibly put a bad taste in those very peoples mouths that couldn't care less about my reality. That creates adversaries where there, at one time was none and that's not a good thing for anyone.

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Okay, this makes sense now. On topic, I've seen some individuals who underwent surgery and to be completely honest, no matter how well it's done, individual still retains some past gender indications, like people around will always tell if it's transgender or not, plus it's still not perfect. I mean, biologically person still cannot be 100% male or female after surgery, it's just external looks and that goes without saying how dangerous those operations can be, it takes years for patients to recover after this, and there are quite few unfortunate cases in practice, so not sure if that's the right way to go.


Still, the main problem is society, not yourself. Person can live with who she or he is, but brick wall is public opinion and how others see this individual. In our age of information, public should be much more accepting to things like that, not making fuss about it. Personally I'm very happy with my birth gender, looks and etc, so it's hard for me to imagine what it is to be transgender, but at the same time I don't have any problem with them, cannot imagine why anyone should...



society needs to have the time to absorb any changes that confronts it. Wither that absorption is negative or positive doesn't matter. It need to get use to the realization that there is something out there that has not been widely known. This is why i am so upset about all this. the country has been rocked over the last few years by the force of a very profound identity change.


This here is just another layer that the powers that be are throwing onto the backs of the public and those same authority figures are cracking their wips as if they were the ring masters and we are the performing elephants.

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If one of your friends calls you an elephant. Don't worry about it.

If two of your friends calls you an elephant, you might want to be concerned.

If three of your friends calls you an elephant, buy a bag of peanuts.


The 'progressives' want to force everyone to be open minded about everything. We should 'accept' people for who they are, regardless of how we actually feel about them, or, what our morals dictate. We have a small group of folks, that exhibit a behavior that really isn't considered 'socially acceptable' as yet, even though the politicians (some of them) are forcing us to accept it, whose rights are apparently more important than the majority. I have never really understood that.

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This is a classic case of 'divide and rule'. People whom on spreadsheets couldn't look more different to each other, probably have more in common than the system would ever lead them to believe.


Transgender, Bi-sexual, White, Hispanic, Dyslexic...etc... etc... they are all just labels to turn us into commodities to be traded and serve the purposes of those behind the curtain.

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If one of your friends calls you an elephant. Don't worry about it.

If two of your friends calls you an elephant, you might want to be concerned.

If three of your friends calls you an elephant, buy a bag of peanuts.


The 'progressives' want to force everyone to be open minded about everything. We should 'accept' people for who they are, regardless of how we actually feel about them, or, what our morals dictate. We have a small group of folks, that exhibit a behavior that really isn't considered 'socially acceptable' as yet, even though the politicians (some of them) are forcing us to accept it, whose rights are apparently more important than the majority. I have never really understood that.

+There is a huge difference between the orogressive movement and what is going on on the left today. The difference is that progressive work for slow and stead change in society, which I agree with.


What passes fro preogress today is a level of intolerance and argance that rivals many of the exploits of the most sanctimonious charletons of the last century. People are shouted down and are targetted for their veiws, even if they are working for the same causes. The bullwork of public debait which is freedom of speech is virtually unknown to these people who are growing up today and have no idea how much it is needed because the public has not had enough of their crap. Once the exploits of these petty tyrants reach a intolerable level they will quickly learn just how those they have targetted for so long have felt .


It won't surprize me if a Trump victory will herald in the beginning of the end of this chapter in social reform.

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This is a classic case of 'divide and rule'. People whom on spreadsheets couldn't look more different to each other, probably have more in common than the system would ever lead them to believe.


Transgender, Bi-sexual, White, Hispanic, Dyslexic...etc... etc... they are all just labels to turn us into commodities to be traded and serve the purposes of those behind the curtain.

Agreed. but the youth of today hasn't had enough life experience to realize this. They still think they can make a difference on a national level, when in reality the best way to bring about change is to go out amoung those within their own neighborhood and do positive things that are appriciated enough for those people to listen to them, but that seems to be too much of a personal effort. Most people just want to march around like herds of sheep, carrying signs and shaking their fists at those people their puppet masters tell them too. The realization of being used will take time to sink in, as will the understanding that group think often times bypasses the thought process entirely.

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