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Microsoft's "Gaming Cloud"


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I'm not sure exactly what this is called... Maybe "The Cloud"? But, anyways, it's supposedly just an online server type of deal where you don't really even need good hardware to play games. Any game that is... Now, this cloud thing sounds really stupid to me. You don't have much of an OS, and you can just choose a game and play... I know that PC gaming can be confusing, but that's also what adds to the fun to it. Also, being able to brag about how much you may have over-killed your PC to play a new game... :P. I like how PC gaming is right now. Better than console, and worth while. Anyone have their own thoughts?
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I'm not sure exactly what this is called... Maybe "The Cloud"?

MS Cloud, probably :)

Edited by nosisab
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Eww.. It sounds like Steam but more of a control freak.

Totally different. What it is is essentially a service where a server stores, maintains, and processes all the data and just transmits the result... They own the server, the software, everything. The whole thing is an intrusive DRM, with the added bit of big brother, removal of ownership, and countless other things for the sake of "convenience". Companies are pushing cloud computing because it allows them to control data and who has access to it. It's good from the standpoint of the consumer since they don't have to maintain anything other than a terminal to access that content, but is outright horrible from a personal liberties standpoint.

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Never the statement: "All your base belong to us" was so true as in the cloud computing concept...


"There is no need for lies when half truth is far more deceptive" - from known unknown anonymous.


"Who actually owns something is the one that can destroy it" - Dune

Edited by nosisab
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Mmm... I hope this "Cloud" thing doesn't go far. It would certainly piss a lot of people off, with me included. Unless game companies still distribute games how they do now, and through the cloud for whoever wants to take that route. Someone ignorant if you ask me....
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I will never submit to clound computing, I don't like the idea of being "forced" to use it. Il do anything in my power to avoid it


while it is useful to save a copy, I think clound computing is a step too far into company control

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I feel like this would remove ownership of games. It just seems like a way for companies to control all of the data...


Not to mention... modding would be out of the question.

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Sounds like Onlive, single player games with lag, lovely. :thumbsup:




The good news is that it's really only the big name companies who are pushing for this sort of thing. Hardware manufacturers don't want it since it would pretty much kill their private sales. Smaller software makers don't want it since they would never be able to support the connection and hosting demands for something like that. Customers don't want it because it takes all the control out of their hands and becomes a real issue of Big Brother... especially in the case of storing data files in the cloud rather than locally.


The only one who is really pushing this idea is Microsoft since it allows them to move away from the difficulties of OS sales and go towards OS and system rentals. And that should REALLY scare EVERYONE.

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