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Shark - I believe it would be more-likely to survive by having a foot bitten off than by having every part of you torn by little fishies with big teethies.


Would you rather eat a bowl full of maggots, or eat three japanese beatles? (And Im talkin' BIG ones)

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Yes, well sharks are naturally non-aggressive unless they see their victim as a food source (notably seal).


I'd go with the beatles. They'd be nice and crunchy. :)


Would you rather jump out of a car going 150kmph, or be run over by a motorbike going 50kmph?

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The car; at least I have a better chance of living if I roll (I'm assuming by run over you mean it starting from in between your legs up, which I think would be exceptionally painful.) As long as there's not a wall or sign or something next to me...


Would you rather be attacked by 100 vultures, or 100 eagles? (By attacked I mean pecking and using their claws, and other forms of them attacking you.)

Edited by Guest
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Are you talking per day or per week?

If per week, $500 comes out to $16 per hour and $200 would come out to $13 per hour. Neither would be very much, so it would depend on the labour involved.


If per day, I would go for the $500 per day

If per week I would go for the $200 and only work 3 hours. Would have to supplement somehow.


Would you rather sleep in a room full of screeching monkeys or a room full of biting flys?


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I'd go with half of the top teeth. At least you would have some teeth on the top, and the missing ones can probably be replaced with gold or wooden teeth.


Would you rather live in a safe, secure, and uncontaminated vault and be subject to laws or be completely free in a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Edited by DeathWarrior
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