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hey it says up in the rules you can... and i was killed because someone made a post that said, okay your base was destroyed and consumed by fleas and your dead. I still wanted to play + i didn't say that it was bad I just said that after like 70 posts of people dieing and being revived it would be boring because the story would be going nowhere. So if the story was going nowhere eventually Dark0ne should say okay no reviving and no power posing.
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hey it says up in the rules you can... and i was killed because someone made a post that said, okay your base was destroyed and consumed by fleas and your dead. I still wanted to play + i didn't say that it was bad I just said that after like 70 posts of people dieing and being revived it would be boring because the story would be going nowhere. So if the story was going nowhere eventually Dark0ne should say okay no reviving and no power posing.

I'm not criticizing you, just joking around a bit.... Hope you don't take it personally. If you do, tell me, and I'll stop......


But do you have any [serious] thoughts on a book, anyone? If we could find a way to make it when the thread is done, that would be so awesome it's not funny....You should start a thread about a book, Dark0ne....

Edited by Slaiv
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Here I just wrote this in like 5 minutes so it is bad, but a good example of this funny little book idea:


The sun had just climbed the distant hills and now its light filled the quiet valley. Birds sang and children played whil waiting for their buses. The morning's perfection would not last long however. A chill wind blew in from the south, The sun's light had adopted a shade of blue. The temperature was dropping rapidly, as what seemed to be a dense cloud blocked out the sun and sky. Moments later the 'cloud' seemed closer, it was plumeting to earth. An avalanch of snow crashed into the high levels of the citys sky scrapers, collapsing them with ease. Next, it crashed to the ground sending cars tumbaling down rodes in its wake.

All was quiet and still across the face of the planet. A see of snow and ice covered the world and every other planet in the universe. Suddenly a hand juts up from the featurless snow. A body followed. It was Dark0ne, being a quick thinker He armed himself with a snowball and readied himself. The next person to emerge from the snow was Theta, she was greeted by Dark0ne's snowball, right in the head. After launching Dark0ne made another move, he ran to the side and began digging a small bunker for protection.

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I want Elijah Wood, Billy Boyd, Dominic Monaghan, or Sean Bean to play me! :D


But Rud, I was thinking more along the lines of just taking each post, and correcting the grammar..... Maybe you could put it into book form, and I could take the raw text [only with corrected grammar] and put them together. In fact, I've formulated an equation for it:


Slaiv's Book + Rud's Book = BEST BOOK EVER [aside from all those better than it, such as LOTR]


But still, it would be kinda cool, wouldn't it? Harback, weathered leather book cover, weathered, yellow, dusty old pages, one part book style snow-arena, one part actual snow arena........

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