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The Snow Arena


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Adras, seeing the Argonian warlord rent a room, chased after him and told him that there were chicken wings at the bar if he was interested. Then he informed Ral'maager that there is free cable TV and satellite radio. He then quickly ran outside and grabbed one of the delicious cocktails that Malchik's recent clone left behind. After realizing that there was lighter fluid in it, he hoped that nobody had lit the candles in the bathroom again because he had to go. Bad.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Chaos clone #001 dies a horrible and terrible death after going inside to a nice fire to warm up and ended up buring from the inside out. Then the "Clonomatic 3000 Mark II Version 3.754.8 Model T" (Patent Still Pending) spits out another clone this time Fire proof.


Chaos clone #002 goes out to cause more Chaos. While doing so kills the Smurfs.

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Shinjioh, still walking around, having tried to look for Malchik's clone factory, curses under his breath, when he trips over a tray.


"What the?... judging by the shoe polish in this drink... I can only assume that was yet another Malchik's doing."

"But wait!, something is missing... of course!"


*Shinjioh bungs out a cavewhich... "mmm, cavewhich"

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Kid of Mother? Never I am the one, the always has been, the unchanging, the supreme uber-...


What pills?


Oh those pills.


All right doctor, I will take them.


Malchik clone 500 to the power of -20 below throws a snowball back at GM.

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Returning from the land of the smurfs Chaos finds the real world to be boring and decides to make his own cloned smurf army. He goes into his lair to formulate a plan.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Raven, after celebrating for 5 months, decides to its time to have some fun so she paints the red smurf blue, grabs a handful of snow, paints it yellow, and quitly sneaking up behind Gabriel pelts him in the back of the head with a yellow snowball. This amuses Raven so much that she goes to find out if the offer for free Pan Galatic Gargleblasters is still up for grabs.
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But instead of Pan Galatic Gargleblasters, there is a shop named "Gabriels Bra Corporation" right on the spot where the blasters used to be.


Gabriel ( who still suffered from "yellow-snow-in-the-back-of-the-head-syndrome" after Ravens attack ) stepped out through the frontdoor, with a big "Bra-Slingshot" in his right hand and an even bigger snowball in his left hand.

He load his bra-slingshot, aim, and... and... realise that Raven is gone...


- What the...


But Gabriel don't have time to say anymore, because...

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