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All of Germany is under Slaiv's control....


Slaiv announces his changes to Die Neu Bundesrepublikdeutschland:


"Today is a defining day in the history of our great nation. Acting in the best interest for our country, I am reforging the government and creating a new nation, a more powerful nation. We shall now be known as Neu Deutschland. Henceforth our government will be a Dictatorship. We shall use our military might to crush those who dare threaten us! I will lead our mighty nation onward! Onward, to victory!"


Neu Deutschland Dictatorial Palace:


Slaiv tells of his plans:


"I will not be in person for any government event. I will not be seen by anyone. I will do as I wish, and remain unnoticed by all. I will go and do as I please. Anyone who is opposed may escort themselves out now."


None exit.


"Excellent. I must be going now...."


Slaiv gets on his private jet, provided by Mojlnir, and flies to New Washington, D.C...

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ooc>sry for absence


New Earth: Prague, Ivanovitch second estate.


Beckam stands and begins to tell Ivanocitch of his past. "I tell you. I am Evan Mitchell. Your contact was misinformed. Only the highest ranking officers lnow of my mishap. Let me explain. Ten years ago, I and my platoon were performing a recon mission near Prague. Had to do with Russian politics and what not. Well, we had a target. I don't recall his name, but he wasn't the person we wanted to take over the role. Don't recall that either. Well, the point was to kill him and then the guy under him would take over. Think it had to do with the Russian Nuclear Board? Anyway, we were waited on the Russian border for him to cross. The moment arose and the mark had his wife and children with him. So I chose not to engage. When the Pentagon found out about that, they were ferious and blamed me for the whole lot. My team had to wait on the border for him to cross again. Six days we waited and nothing happened. Then he got the position and our mission failed. The KGB also found out about our little plot since we waited so long. Well, the US declined any knowledge of it and agreed to send in a force to kill us. We had no idea and then that sixth night three Blackhawks came rolling in and shot my entire platoon. I was the only survivor. Pentagon of course thought I was dead, and I wandered Russia until I was picked up by a small family and taken to Siberia. Where I spent the next eight years of my life. Thats the truth and if you dig deep enough you'll find the 'slaughter papers' signed by the president. I imagine Valkov had something to do with the whole mess, but who knows." Beckam lies back down on the bed and closes his eyes, as Ivanovitch leaves.


"Goodnight Beckam, tomorrow we have got some traveling to do." He closes the door and turns off the light.


Outside the hall he tells two gaurds to watch the door and not let Beckam out or anyone else in until the next morning. Then Ivanovitch takes off.

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The creepy man is back again.


"I haven't even opened ths cassettes," Malchik groans.


"I intend you to impersonate one of my colleagues. He has total control of the World diamond trade. This trade is very lucrative to a number of individuals. He is no longer so young and is seeking an ally among those who have importance into today's political climate. The real reason for the exercise is to test these people of power and find out what we can about their motives. Your identity is real, the prize you are dangling is great. They will all see you. Whether they will tell you anything this first time I do not know. Some may, most will not. But we can be persistent. No doubt they will look into you to establish the truth of what you say even before you meet with them. My colleague will be here this afternoon. You will need to study him carefully, he is very well known in his field."


"Why can't he do it himself?"


"He is not expendable!"


The man in black pauses to let the true meaning of his remark sink in. Then he adds: "I have heard that the president of Die Neu Bundesrepublik has rather strangely decamped to Washington DC. We will see if we can arrange an interview with him. There is something - je ne sais pas le mot juste- smelly about his sudden rise to power. Start sniffing, Malchik. Knowledge is power."


Malchik is presented with his lunch. A nutritious wafer, two sticks of celery and a glass of carrot juice.


"I want to feast, not fast."


"Fast so not fat!" The creepy man floats away with a dry chuckle.

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A small meteor (or so the newspapers said) mysteriously flattens the Italian Parliament during one of their sessions. All of the members were killed instantly, so a massive reelection campaign began. Most of her clones are elected to office, and quickly passed her bills, giving her total control over Italy.


Armiena appeared in public and solemnly accepted this power, and vowed to put it aside after the duration of the emergency.

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New Earth; Washington; White House.


A man enters the oval office and tosses a small red folder down on the president's desk. "This is all we could find on Evan Mitchell, but I believe you'll find that it explains alot." The man leaves and closes the door behind him. Parke opens the folder and begins to read it.




Operation Turnover:


Operation led Evan Mitchell. Objective was for the covert ops unit to assasinate Jeger Kelsmitch. Kelsmitch was the leading man for the promotion of the Russian Neclear Board (RNB). The RNB overlooked all nuclear technology and plants within Russia. In the event that Kelsmitch was assasinated then our undercover agent of eight years would be given the promotion. Then with the promotion the US would have access to all Russian nuclear weapon development progress, information, and plant placements.


Unfortunately, when the chance of engagement arose, Mitchell called off the information on the fact of "unneccesary civilian casualties would be inflicted". The covert ops unit waited for a period of six days on the Russian border and while there were found by Russian Intelligence. The KGB accussed the US of espionage acts and to disapprove any involvenment the US sent another force, along with Russian Ops, to kill the unit lead by Mitchell.


On the sixth night of operations, the US/Russian force engaged the covert ops unit with three Blackhawk helicopters and slaughtered the unit. The bodies were all accounted for except for two.


In conclusion, Kelsmitch was promoted and our undercover agent later discovered. Before he released all information concerning Operation Turnover he was executed by one of our own.


Parke turns through a few more pages of the file and then begins to read again:




Mitchell, Evan


History: Operation Turnover


Status: Dead


Parke then turns to the last page and reads that this file is the only file on Operation Turnover. Parke grins, "Such a pity, what us Americans do to fellow countrymen." He presses the red buzzer on his desk and asks for all files containing the name Mishkin Valkov. He then gets up and carries the Red File in his hand over to the fireplace. He takes one last look at the papers and then throws them into the fire. "No one ever has to know you lived." He opens the door to the office and brings the man that brought him the file back into the office. "Did you open that folde you brought me?"


The man is a little hesitant."No Mr. President." The rookie begins to shake.


"I think you're telling the truth, but I can't take the chance that you're lieing to me. Parke removes a silenced pistol from his side and fires two rounds into the young man's chest. The man turns white moments before he dies. He slowly falls down onto his back. Parke walks over and presses another button on his desk. Three men enter from a secret door near the closet and two of them pick the body up. Parke says to the remaining man, "Dispose of the body and call his family. Tell them he was a casualty of an assasination attempt . . . and he died protecting the President. Oh, and get this mess cleaned up ASAP."

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New Earth: St Peterburg: Valkov Manor.


Valkov stood in front of a large window in his office.

"You are certain Beckam is dead?"

"He couldnt have survived that... He isnt bulletproof."

"Very well..."

Valkov smiled. He didnt care about Beckam, he had his orders and couldnt finish them... Altough it suprised him that the Sovjets nor the maffia hadn't made any move yet. Aleksei problably had contacted former K.G.B members and those would be looking for them as well. After all, the K.G.B still had some unfinished business with him.


It had been strangly quiet in Prague too. The underground remained unusually quiet. Valkov expected an attack but it never came. This made him panic a bit. For now he didnt had a clue what the Aleksei or the K.G.B was up too.


A small van stopped far enough from the Valkov manor. Two Sovjets sat in front. Aleskei's orders were clear. Valkov would expect an early attack so they waited and waited untill Valkov wouldnt expect them. They opened the side-door and Sergei lay in the cargo-hold. An PSG-1 on statics in front of him. He aimed and pointed the crosshair on Valkov's forehead and pulled the trigger. A dry shot followed by the sound of broken glass. The last thing sergei saw was Valkov dropping on the ground.


"With the regards of Boris Selenikov", he spoke in russian. The truck took off with burning tires.

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ooc>Sry, had to fix post to correspond with preceding one.


New Earth: St Peterburg: Valkov Manor.


Valkov falls and lies behind his desk. He hears the van speed off and then slowly stands. He sees that his attackers had missed him but had shot a hole clear through a large, antiquite mirror on his wall. There was just a small hole in the mirror, but the glass in the window had been shattered.


"Good mirror. Then forces me into hiding oncemore for some time." Valkov walks over to the window and yells down at men below him. He then leaves the room and walks outside to a nearby waiting car. "They think I'm dead . . . well this most certainly can be used to my advantage. Driver, take us to the bunker." The car speeds off heading south into the night.


Miles Away


Sergie and his companion drive through the country roads and going back to Prague. "Well, the boss will be pleased. Valkov is dead.


The other Russian grins. "Indeed he will Sergie. Indeed."

Edited by Nailo
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<ooc: Please don't do that again... assuming minor reactions is one thing, but that post was completely out of character! Oh, and Parke isn't American... he's the same one that killed Peregrine's fleet.>


President Jonathan Parke collapsed into his chair as the full meaning of what had just happened hit him. The assassin had come far too close, and it worried him. Danger in battle is one thing, but to be murdered unexpectedly is an entirely different thing....


A minor detail or two the other way and he'd be dead right now. Only the man's nervous response had betrayed his true intentions... a real member of his staff would have not only opened the folder, but studied its contents and prepared their analysis of it. His failure to present the analysis could be explained away, but his denial of doing his expected duty... The outline of a poorly concealed weapon had been mere confirmation of what he already knew. Thankfully his reflexes were still good enough to get the first shot....


And making things worse was the knowledge of just how fragile his hold on power was. He looked over at the fire where a few traces of metal could be seen. Fortunately for him, he'd acted his part from the initial suspicion, and the recording device had sent exactly the lies he wanted it to. As well as the one his intelligence staff would inevitably be finding on the assassin's body. But nobody could be perfect all the time, and the thought of the consequences of failure sent an icy dagger through his heart. Death and loss of power would be a minor concern compared to the disaster that would result if he failed....


The sound of the door opening interrupted his thoughts. He looked up to find Ryan Tabanne, his second in command and covert ops expert, standing beside the desk. "Ah, finally someone I can trust in this mess.... I've got an important job for you. The situation in Europe is getting ugly fast. And I've got too many things here to deal with it myself, so I'm sending you. Prepare our forces there, but stay out of it as long as you can. We can't afford to get drawn into this if we can avoid it. I'll leave the final orders to your discretion, but if you have to take something out, keep it quiet. I'm sorry I can't give you more to work with, but we have no choice. Your flight is standing by to leave as soon as your team is ready."


He slid a stack of papers across the table. Intelligence data, and a full report on Evan Mitchell, provided by his near flawless memory. As much as he sometimes wished he could forget things, his ability to recall any detail, no matter how minor, was a priceless asset in this case. Every detail of the now burned folder was recorded in the papers, and his intelligence staff was already confirming every word of it.


Ryan's reply interrupted his thoughts again. "Understood. We'll keep things from blowing up too badly. Just be sure we've still got a home to come back to..."


As he turned and walked out the door, he missed Parke's whispered reply. "If only I could be so sure..."

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OOC: Wait a sec.... I thought Parke was one of Peregrine's guys. Man, that screws everything up for me...


Plotting to consolidate her rule over Italy, Armiena orders assassinations on most of those who opposed the laws that gave her her newly won Theocracy. She appears at all of their funerals, saying that they were "useful men and will forever be missed."

But, Armiena uses them as martyrs.


She releases a statement to the public....

I have found, after deliberate and painstaking investigation, that the recent destruction of Parliament, and the deaths of several speakers, were the direct result of terrorist activity.  These pathetic attempts to frighten our people will not go unpunished.  Investigations will continue to determine who is to blame for these attacks.


Hmmmmmm... which country should I attack? England? Spain? Saudi Arabia? Japan? So hard to decide....


An hour later, she receives an unexpected phone call from the Prime Minister of France. He offers any aid necessary to make sure justice is done.

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*Shin ois standing outside of a television shop watching the news that he has so obviously missed... so many new names, so many new powers.


*Shin realises that to become reinformed he must also be one of these powers, he turns around and starts another cavewich store.


"Get your genuine cavewich created on the very first Earth!"

It was an instant sucess and he become very wealthy very quickly, and so bought 2 KFC franchises but changed all the rcipes of the food so now everybody in the district hated KFC. The plan was coming to action...


Shin built a rather large tower in the middle of Sydney, the new biggest building in the world now from which, he looked down apon the world he created his own country in the Australian Outback and through many pay-offs was now the leader of the state of NSW. It was now he ran for election, because shin had that much more money,


he out bought the country's debt and was voted into power by a narrow vote. Now having a country under his belt, he made a massive trade deal with China, making China an ally.


He tried to make contact with Malchik only to get the same message on his answering machine...


Believe it or not,

Malchik isn't at home,

So why don't you leave,

A message on my phone?,

Where could i be?,

Believe it or not,

I'm not home... <_<

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