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Sludgeworts Soldiers suddenly come back through the ground


In Sludgeworts Control room:


Engineer Snowman: "sir I am traking an unknown humanoid that attacked us earlier


Sludgewort: Track it down and sent out the poison nukes,I want HIM dead!!!


Its S-L-U-D-G-E-W-O-R-T

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Everywhere, and Nowhere:


The last fragments of Peregrine's soul lie scattered across the Realms of existence, shattered by the 10cm broadside laser that had erased his mortal body from the universe. Centuries passed, and the wars that had torn the universe apart became distant memories. Habassa, New Earth, the Peregrinist Crusade, all of them were forgotten by passing generations. Now free of the Artifact's influence, Peregrine's sanity returned. Every detail of the universe became absolutely clear, and on an icy wasteland far from civilization, one of his soul's fragments found an interesting contradiction.


"and we`ll kill peregrine"


But he was already dead. Parke's fleet had seen to that centuries ago. Or was he? The fragments of his soul began to draw together, converging on this new curiousity. What mortal could have such a foolish thought? His attention found the mortal, deep in his fortress. Newly reformed eyes focused, and as the blur cleared, a mixture of hatred and disgust filled his new mind. This sludgewort would try to kill him? The aura of evil surrounding the mortal confirmed his worst fears. The man seemed incompetent, but his forces appeared to be winning the war. This outcome was unacceptable.


As the last bits of Peregrine's soul reformed, he began to reach out his thoughts, searching the universe for any hint of his former allies... or even an honorable enemy....


At last, a battlecruiser squadron caught his attention. The remains of Parke's fleet, he noticed... but still standing silent watch over New Earth, protecting the disaster that lie barely contained below. He could not draw them from this vital duty yet, but he sent a messenger fragment of his soul to carry a message anyway. In his ethreal form, he could do little to affect the Realm of mortals, he would need more firepower....



Sludgewort's Fortress: 3 Hours Later


A vision of terror filled sludgewort's mind. Every detail of of the Mad Bird God's history came to him in an instant. The deaths of entire worlds, and the millions who had died on both sides of the Crusade. The cloud of debris that was all that remained of New Habassa. The shattered remnants of Earth. And countless minor outposts, sufaces wiped clean of life by the artificial suns of antisnow warheads.


Then his mind drew closer, and he saw the price that had been paid to destroy or defend those worlds. The broken hulls still floating through space. The massive ancient juggernauts had been a source of confusion for present historians, and now he saw with absolute clarity their true purpose. Solid mile long mountains of snow, built for a single purpose....


His mind flashed backwards in time, and he saw firsthand the Hell of battle. Saw energy beams rip through those battleships with no apparent effort. Saw the flare of anti-snow detonations as massive missile salvos wiped entire fleets from the universe in mere seconds. Saw superweapons beyond any comprehension, and watched planets die under their fire. Saw the desperate last moments of the dying ships as anti-snow missiles battered away their defenses. And watched the last second intervention of Parke's fleet, the only thing that had saved his universe from a fate worse than death....


For one blinding moment he saw the truth. His words had awakened a force far greater than anything his pitiful war had seen. For a seemingly endless moment, Sludgewort looked into the eyes of the Hellbird. Its gaze stabbed through him, and for one brief moment, he knew true terror. But then the contact faded, and his vision returned. But the present war seemed a minor concern compared to the one he was about to fight...

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Hey, hey, I have to stick up for my fellow moderators.


(On a cold, snowy ridge far, far from the action...)


Dr. Corbett sights through his snow rifle. Pink bunnies are tormenting the corpse of his fellow staff member.


Not for long.




One, two, four, twenty...


The shots ring out and the rabbits fall to the ground, dead -- slain by snowballs through their eyeholes. Oops.

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Outer Rim, 2 Hours Later:


Peregrine watched in amusement as the "Ghost Busters" floated towards him on the Mortal Plane. He studied their primitive weapons.... perhaps a minor threat to him, but not one that would be reaching him any time soon....


The four battlecruisers that had answered his call dropped their cloaking ecm. The aftermath of the Crusade had not been kind to the universe. The technology level had fallen significantly since he had left the universe. The four battlecruisers were a threat beyond any comprehension of their targets.


The "Ghost Busters" turned away in a desperate evasion attempt as their sensors finally noticed the ships blocking their path. But it was far too late, and over a hundred 10cm lasers reached out across an impossible distance and erased them from existence.


Peregrine contemplated the debris now floating through space, and his mind wandered to a much different battleground. This one could very well be every bit as bad, he reminded himself. This simple battle was far from the end of it...

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After constructing Bismark II,III and IV MyDogsTale set's out on a expedition to find peregine.after 5 years the SUPER DUPER AWSOME radar system picks up the faint signals from the wretched bird from hell!


FIRE A BROAD SIDE!!!!!!!!!!! YE SCURVY SCALLY WAGGS!!!hundreds of thousands of laser beams are now on their way againtst the little birdy vurdie!


...Sends a lvl 99999999hitman after dr.corbett...hey, it's nuthin personal, i just like rabbits...


MyDogsTale on the other hand is sitting comfrtably on his throne in the castle of Shizzy manizzle, sipping down a cold cold beer.

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<ooc: be reasonable here. Posting 5 years at a time makes it impossible to do anything>


Castle of Shizzy Manizzle:


The soul fragment hovered over MyDogsTale's bed, recording every bit of his dreams. Finally, Peregrine had seen enough. The fragment formed itself on the Mortal Plane, then plunged deep into MyDogsTale's heart. The would was not enough to kill him, but it shattered his dream world around him. He awoke, his mind filled with terror, and sheets wet with blood. As the doctors hurried to bandage the wound, one vision remained in his mind.




The massive fleet converged on Peregrine's homeworld. Mojlnir's fleet had one goal... the complete destruction of the Mad Bird God. There would be no return from this mission, but they were determined to have their revenge. At its core were the five massive c4v-17s, superweapons that could shatter a planet. Flanking them were a sphere of battleships, battleships would dwarf the tiny Bismarks that would appear 600 years later.


A wall of brilliant light exploded around the attacking fleet as they hit the outer minefield. The battleships that had looked so impressive only moments before shattered under the assault. The impossible fleet emerged from the explosions, greatly reduced in strength, and its survivors trailing debris and melted ice armor.


But even as they began to regroup, a formation of distant lights came into view around the edge of the planet. Over 5,000 missiles closed with the attacking fleet. Point defense guns tried desperately to stop them, and the flashes of early detonations appeared in space outside the fleet. But there were too many of them, and five battleships simply disappeared from existence along with over 25,000 people.


Finally, the attackers closed into range, and the first reply shots slammed into the defending battlecruisers. Ships on both sides were ripped open by unbelievable weapons. But his attention was suddenly drawn elsewhere. The five dreadnaughts had reached the planet, unbelievable shields simply absorbing all fire directed at them. The ships activated their drill lasers and disappeared into the planet. A few seconds later, a massive explosion ripped apart New Habassa, and smashed most of the fleets to burning wrecks. The brilliant flashes of anti-snow warheads continued to flicker around the wrecks as Peregrine's fleet finished off the attackers.


Reality returned to MyDogsTale. He now lie alone in the room, his wound bandaged. Thoughts of terror filled his mind. The ships on both sides of the battle he had watched were far beyond anything his universe had seen. The beams and missiles that had proved so deadly there would rip through his poor fleet effortlessly. He lunged for the comm system, praying that it was not too late.




But there was nothing left to do, his mistake had been made. If his fleet engaged Peregrine, even in his weakened state, the pride of his navy would be nothing more than expensive target practice.

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In his bed lies MyDogsTale, beer in hand and seriously wounded,

altho something has happend a new ability appears, the power to move between the universes.

MyDogsTale sets out for the alternative universe where his fleet easly conquers Peregrine's puny fleet.


He also creates a clone of himself, thus connecting himself with the mortal realm...his goal is one: TO DESTROY ALL THAT IS BIRDY!

but one problem appears, he acannot unite the two universes yet, thus he cannot conquering peregrines army...yet, but when the universes collid ,then none will escape. But that needs a higher state of mind...MyDogsTale lays dormant...but he sleeps with one eye open

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