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The Snow Arena


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Having long since passed from thought and time, Mojlnir suddenly senses a flux in the sub-etheral wave patterns of the Universe...Peregrine stirs! This must be investigated, concludes the shade of Mojlnir...but Peregrine is reforming himself and so too must Mojlnir...


As Mojlnir's questing eye searches the Universe for signs of his once-enemy, he contemplates the possible courses of action...


"Mayhaps, this time Peregrine would prefer we fight together..." muses the Shade.


"Many ages of time have flowed around us since we last met...perhaps he will forgive my branding him?"

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Armiena finally awakens from deep meditation.


Armiena, in her infancy as a goddess, detected a presence in the Immortal Realms. Peregrine, once totally obliterated, had now returned.


She rises quickly, and reaches Chavez.

"Peregrine is back." She pauses to observe the tall, burly man's shocked reaction. "I don't know how, but he's back. Send word to the fleet. Order them to mobilize and search for anything unusual."


That evening, Armiena appears in public. She tells her followers to remain as faithful as ever, for the Judgement Day will come soon.

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Being highly trained in all that is magical, after 10,000 years of necromancy colleage, Xeniorn finally appears in mortal world. He instantly summons a horde of skeleton workers to build him a fortress, with Xeniorn's tower in the center. "Peregrine, nobody can harm you while you are a ghost, but I will return you to your old bird form. HAHAHAHAHA."

Xeniorn prepares a ritual to summon Peregrine from the Immortal Plane.

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Peregrine watches and laughs at the foolish mortal who would try to summon a god. He ignores the mortal's preparations, since it is impossible to summon a god against their will. And it is not Peregrine's will to return yet....
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Armiena senses Xeniorn trying to summon Peregrine.

You idiot, you don't just try to summon a god

She decides to teach this fool an unforgettable lesson. She signals her engineers in her fleet, and orders them to redirect a couple of small meteors towards Xeniorn's tower.


2 days later, a pair of meteorites streak through New Earth's sky, giving sightseers a real show. One falls harmlessly into the ocean, but the other , reduced to the size of a softball by Earth's atmosphere, slams into the tower's foundation. As a result, the tower topples over and rolls whimsically off a cliff.

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Smiling with satisfaction, Mojlnir's presence watches the destruction of the foolish Xeniorn's tower.


"Try to resurrect a God? Next time he should try to resurrect something easier, like Queen or Flock of Seagulls."


The questing eye finds Armiena and her followers as well, cowering behind their once mighty starships. The presence decides that Evil should walk again among the causeways of the universe...


A nebulous region of the outer-most reaches of the known Universes begans to slowly condense. Black within black, no light escapes and none can yet see it, save those who have passed beyond.


"Soon I will be among you..."

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MyDogsTale awakes, he has mutated into something unnatural...something un-heard of, a massive shape of frozen feelings, he does not care about the cassualties, but more about his plan for domination of all that is known...he creates massive ice-men balls of water and tourmented feelings, once they explode the ghosts of the past wil roam free at his bidding...now for his elite, they are what he calls snow titans...god like creatures with huge fleets at their command, armed with all the weapons of destruction known to the beeings of the universe...including nuclear titanium snowballs...

he sets out, slowly, not rushing himself like the last time...The defeat still taunts him inside...His lust for vengance blooms, and he calls for all those who wish to join his campaign of destuction to prepeare for war...The bird shall lose it's wings and fall to the ground!

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Xeniorn, being enraged by his enemies' taunting, decides to hide in the shadows of his thought, while magically barriering himself from anyone's reach. From there, he tries to contact MyDogsTale and Sludgewort, for he knows that they feel hatred against Peregrine as much as he does. "I want to join you in your battle against the bird, for he must pay for what he has done to me, he doubted MY POWERS." Xeniorn starts yelling at Peregrine in Croatian: Smrdljiva ptico, nitko neće osporavati moje moći, mogu prizvati boga, mogu te vratiti u tvoje tijelo, Peregrine.
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Sludgewort's Fortress:


Only two more hours, the sentry thought as he scanned the horizon for approaching threats. Two more hours of this boring duty before he could return to the card game waiting for him inside. Not suprisingly, his search was far from careful. Besides, it's not like anyone could hope to destroy the invulnerable fortress anyway....


And so as the eight points of light streaked across the sky, his attention was focused on the money his new strategy would win him tonight. And he never reported them to the defense commander, the only one who could save them. The fortress' point defense guns sat cold and unpowered as death approached.


Unharassed by counter-fire, the eight bombers had no trouble lining up their attack. Finally, their engine noise caught the attention of the sentry below. But it was far too late. As he finally recognized an attack and began to yell to the gunners inside, the bombers released their warheads.


Sixteen anti-snow bombs slammed into the fortress' defense controls and detonated. A wave of energy surrounded the fortress, melting away most of the outer wall... and the delicate defense systems with it. No guns remained intact to fire at the bombers as they pulled up and headed back to the carrier that had delivered them.


BCG Stormwind:


"Crash translation in 5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1...."


Reality shattered and the sickening effects of a hard translation clawed at the crew's minds and bodies. But as fast as it had arrived, the pain disappeared, leaving the pair of battlecruisers in realspace, diving for the planet in front of them. The dangerous translation had carried over significant velocity from hyperspace, and the battlecruisers slashed through the system at a speed few defenses could hope to intercept.


Captain Airen Tabanne looked over at his tactical display. His own Stormwind was flanked by another BCG and a six ship escort squadron. In front of him, in orbit, the carrier Guardian began pulling away from the doomed planet, her fighter squadrons already back in the hangars. He glanced at the range to target. Almost there.... the speed of his approach would give them only one shot, but that was all he should need.... the pods trailing behind him should see to that....


Sludgewort's Fortress:


As his engineering crew listed the damage to his fortress, Sludgewort was far from happy. The attack had stripped him of his active defenses, and now only the ice walls stood between him and his enemies.




The sensor officer's report interrupted his thoughts, and he turned to look at the map display that dominated the room. Two points of light closed on his planet. But even as he watched, a cloud of much smaller points detached from the pair, and the first contacts turned sharply away.


An icy blade of fear stabbed into his heart as he realized the meaning of what he watched. The firepower he was witnessing had not been seen in the universe for over six hundred years, and no defense in his fortress could hope to stop it. In desperation, he began praying to any gods he could think of. And then the missiles hit.


Close to eight hundred missiles hit his fortress, and the land around it. But these missiles carried no warheads. Their mass and velocity alone were more than enough. Combined with the base velocity provided by the battlecruisers, their drives had accelerated the five ton ice blocks to almost .8c. Kinetic energy sledgehammers ripped apart Sludgewort's fortress with a blinding flash. The shock wave alone leveled everything within a thousand mile radius, shattering the crust of the planet. Mile deep cracks opened outward from the impact center, destroying what little remained of the planet's civilization.


Captain Tabanne watched all of this with satisfaction from the bridge of his flagship. Even if Sludgewort himself had not died with his base, it was enough of a blow to buy Peregrine time. As his ship vanished into the safety of hyperspace, he was already planning his next move.

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