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The Snow Arena


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Armiena's comlink starts buzzing in her office in her hotel room in Turkey. As she is currently touring Turkey, promoting religious cooperation, she doesn't find it until a few hours later. By which time, a message is left for her.


"Sir, one of our scout ships has detected anti-snow explosions. We've done some digging, and the bombers that delivered the charges are based off of one of Peregrine's designs. The connection is weak, but they use the same chassis."


Armiena collapses in her chambers, believing that Peregrine has returned. She worries that she may have upsetted a god by believing that he was dead, and using the same technologies to ascend to godhood.

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"Ahh, Peregrine is up to his old tricks again..." mused the presence.


"This bears much consideration, the correct course of action lies clouded to my inner eye..."


The maelstrom moved slowly out beyond the reaches of the known Universes, traveling in the Space before Time. It was always watching though, and its questing gaze feel upon all those who moved within the Planes of the known Universes.


The presence sensed that its time was once again nearing, and that sides would be taken and blood would be spilt once more. It simply wanted more information about the situation before it deemed the time ready for it to reincarnate itself.

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Nearing the boundries of the alternative universe MyDogsTale still laid dormant, but he saw it all, Slugeworths minor loss of his fortress and the call for alliances...more will join was all that was repeated in his mind, his armada was strong, fully armed...but many more would have to join.


The Snow Titans ruled their ships with an iron hand...the slaves working in the ships did all the work they could find not to be included in MyDogsTale's black rituals of torment...then they would become nothing more than ghosts, killing tierdlessy, only obeing destruction itself...this incresed productivety by 150%.


MyDogsTale, then formed himself in Slugdewots's and Xeniorn's heads, so that none other but them could hear his message...when he formed they went into a trance, visiting their innerself in the halls of bone and flesh, strategies were made...

then he left their minds, knowing not to stay there too long...an act of mutual respect.


the time would be here soon...but not yet...a signal went out to all that would listen...a message of alliances...


the border line to the mortal universe was near, only 10 years left before he would unleash his horde of torment...

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But out of the ground my walls came back up with triple the soldiers and then An alarm went off but the alarm did something else..



A huge spiked ball then went straight over the fort and covered it like a shell..but hen 17 huge Gun barrels came out and launched the nuclear Bombs that they had


Straight through the air and then they smashed into peregrines ships causing destruction

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<ooc: please read. First, those ships are already in hyperspace and out of reach. Second, I suggest you review physics... A 5 ton projectile traveling at 80% of the speed of light is going to carry a lot of kinetic energy. You got hit by 800 of them. That thousand mile radius of complete destruction is massively underestimating the damage! That's 2.17E24 J of kinetic energy. Let me put it this way, an asteroid impact that would destroy all life on earth is about 1E22 J. You just got hit with 200 times that.>


Sludgewort's Fortress:




Sludgewort barely heard the yells as he lay dying on the floor. The blood loss was already clouding his mind... or was he finally departing the mortal realm? But that meant.... what was reality anyway? He tried desperately once more, trying to separate reality and his dying delusions.


He realized with disappointment that his regenerating fortress was little more than a cloud of steam, vaporized by the kinetic impacts. Only his deepest command center had survived. With a bit of sadness, he wished that his dreams of destroyed battlecruisers were reality. But with the ships in hyperspace, he could do nothing to avenge his own death.


The floor underneath him shook violently, and more snow collapsed onto him. Not much longer, he thought. His planet's shattered crust wouldn't last much longer. It was an interesting question, he thought... would his wounds kill him, or would his planet?

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The walls are covered in a huge spiked ball!!


All of the soldiers and MEDICS can hear him because they have radios withut having to press a button


The medics quickly ran over to him and poured melsional (medical fluids) that revived me quickly


then sludgewort went downan elevator that went waaaaaaay down into his real facility while his soldiers repaired the walls by hovering and spraying some repair stuff on em



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<ooc: PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING STUPID THINGS. You just got hit with 200x the energy needed to destroy all life on earth. Your fortress is a distant memory at the bottom of a very large crater.>
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Day One


Suddenly a great fleet of ships appear in the universe, they are the Tau. Usually fighting with their pulse and plasma technology but recently had to convert their rifles into high velocity snowball shooters. As troop transports close on any snowbattle near the capital ships start bombarding Peregrine's close to Indistructable Shape.


The Orca transport ships open and voleys of snowballs are being shot from orbit and from planets themselves. As soon as the Tau firewarriors secured ground the Crisis Battlesuits appear to hold ground until the Ethereal arrives.



Day Two



Entire Mars has been conquered and is now in accelerated echo-poces generation as well as the big snow-cannon that's being built there. A big bunker is built for the comming of the Ethereal.


On Terra (Earth) battle rages on with some of Sludgewort's men and lots of casualties are reported, estimated source is the deamonic presence of the bird from Hell.

Aside the losses a huge airstrip has been built for supplys.


More to come in later report.


Ethereal Ëlwe

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Xeniorn's rage grows as he watches Peregrine destroying Sludgewort's fortress.

"That's NOT FAIR!" We need more people if we are to defend ourselves against the hellbird. Anyone who is willing to help shoud contact the Anti-Peregrine Alliance, it's greatly appreciated! Xeniorn leaves his physical form and ventures through the ruined New Earth in non-corpuscular form, so Peregrine's cruisers cannot destroy him. But he fears that Peregrine himself will find him... so he readies a spell of return, just in case Peregrine tries to destroy him in the Outer Realms. While Xeniorn is looking for new allies, his troops build a massive snowball cannon and teleport it to outer space, to the area where Peregrine's spaceships are traveling. The cannon fires gigantic uranium snowballs, half earth's size, 10 snowballs per second at the spaceships, destroying each one of them. Xeniorn hopes that Peregrine hasn't got something that powerful to replace the casualties, because he

doesn't want his cannon destroyed like Sludgewort's fortress. "That's the spirit, Elwe! That Mars cannon is sure going to be useful in close future."

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