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The Snow Arena


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"Rock on!" Tyjet simple rasied his hands and water come up in the shape of a castle...


"Hey, can we move forward in time? It's going to take a while for this to freeze..."

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Eiade concentrated hard...


She watched as Tyjet the water god moved in super-speed as time sped up 16x.

When he was done, she slowed time to it's normal succession.


She put her hands in front of her, and a mesh of space-time wrapped itself around the fortress, filling every nook and cranny, and holding the ice-snow mold in a temporal stasis, unbreakable by any means in existence.


"Shall we?" She and Tyjet strode into the fortress palace. Upon entry, Eiade created 100 psychic time-warriors, and had them take up posts at various parts of the palace-fortress. She then created two elite psychic temporal monks to be her personal retinue. The temporal monks were the best fighters one could ask for, and they had the power to slow down time, create temporal stasis fields, read people's minds, and use telekenesis. Eiade waited for Tyjet's contribution to their little army.

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Tyjet concentrated and brought forth 10 water golem warriors (armed with long range snowball lanchers). He placed two at each corner (yes, the castle has five corners...).


Tyjet then summoned 20 artic birds and each could drop a snowball the size of a coconut. Very good air defence.


He then placed two great Tyjet god-like spawns, they could summon water and water creatures (so tyjet and eiade could take it easy in the castle if there was trouble...).


"That will do..."

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A tremendous sound of blasting engines echos ... the great Tau army has arrived from their solar systems far away. No longer shall we show any remorse for the living and the dead, now we shall rule...


The capital ships hang orbit around some space debris of what once was Saturn. The great ships contain much equipment but even more working personel to set up space outposts.


Construction of an Earth size artifactial planet has commenced.

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OOC: Hey, that's from warhammer 40k! WH40k rocks!




Eiade the goddess of time sensed a disturbance in the space-time continuum because of the massive ships using warp travel to arrive. She sensed the arrival of a massive force, but didn't know what it was. She created 10 cloaked space probes out into orbit, wrapped in a temporal stasis field to protect them from radar and other sensing beacons. Their computers and sensing arrays had pathways to her brain so she knew instantly if they picked up anything.


She then began creating many anti-aircraft guns that shot high-power time-snow ion lasers (remember this is a snowball fight lol). She created many builders whose job was to run around buiding and repairing stuff. So they began adding on to the fortress and bolstering its defenses, as well as creating many footsoldiers and vehicles.

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On board of the massive planet like construction Aun'O Mal'Caor consults with Shas'O J'Kaara.


Mal'Caor:How is the construction progressing commander?


J'Kaara:All earth caste workers have been set to the task my liege, thanks to their new inventions and great numbers the artifactial planet will be done within a month.



Mal'Caor:If what!


J'Kaara: if we dont get intercepted by any hostile lifeforms for the structure is still weak and unshielded.


Mal'Caor: Well then, send all ships here, they wont be able to break such a line of ships... will they? *grin*


J'Kaara: There is something else wich has been on my mind for a while... isn't revenge something for the savage people? I know Aun'O Elwe was a good friend of yours but we must not forget his quest was folly.


Mal'Caor:IF YOU WHERE NOT THE BEST COMMANDER IN THE UNIVERSE I WOULD HAVE YOU EXECUTED ON THE SPOT RIGHT NOW! THIS UNIVERSE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE OURS, AND IT WILL BE!........... and if you ever again dare to doubt de command of an ethereal again i'll have you executed... BE GONE!


J'Kaara:As you wish... my liege. *grunt*

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OOC: ok dude, this is a SNOWBALL FIGHT. this isn't an epic science-fiction WH40k story. Even though Tyjet and I are gods, we still use snow in almost everything we create. Trash your Tau fleet and come down to earth here, buddy. If you wanna be Tau, just be a Tau army armed with snowballs. Or something.
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OOC: ok dude, this is a SNOWBALL FIGHT. this isn't an epic science-fiction WH40k story. Even though Tyjet and I are gods, we still use snow in almost everything we create. Trash your Tau fleet and come down to earth here, buddy. If you wanna be Tau, just be a Tau army armed with snowballs. Or something.

It isn't? You mean the 30 page epic science fiction story in this thread didn't happen? It was all a dream?


*runs off crying*

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