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The Snow Arena


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Postaldudeleo descends into Hell, where he becomes Satan's latest toy. For the remaining few seconds of his existence, he discovers absolute pain. With his last thought, he wonders why the concept of not using offensive language was so hard for him.



(Postaldudeleo, since you apparently can't understand simple concepts, you are banned from this thread. End of discussion. Post again in this thread and you get a strike.)

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Frosty the Yellow Snowman decended into hell and threw a yellow snowball at Satan. He fell over and had an icecream headache for the rest of the day. So, Soriron spent the rest of his afternoon freezing up pits of lava and hell demons. He then took all the people in puratory and gave them snow to throw at each other. Oh yea, a never ending snow war.
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Élsúch flies around all of the universe on his blessed-cow-of-über-speed+4(Yeah, it upgraded) and shoots planet after planet with his snowazooka+2 while holding his breath for a really really long time(no air in space). Finally, he arrives at the strange planet of cows, where he encounters a snowcow+3 that tells him to go throw a snowball at the snowcow+7, since this cow is a silly meanie.


On the way to the snowcow, the small frosty guys in his head orders him to go throw snowballs at someone important, like.. um.. whatever, they tell him to. As he turns his blessed-cow-of-über-speed+4 around, he thinks of Frosty, The Yellow Snowman! "Mwahahaha!", he shouts and almost chokes on his own toe, that was stuck in his nose. He grabs a handful of snow and turns his cow around to face hell and the yellow snowman.

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So Tyjet and Eiade are standing on the water (like jesus!!!) and they are talking...

"So, we have water... Hey if I bring a comet down here and cause an ice age can you move us forward in time?" Eiade nods and Tyjet raises his hand and summons a large ball of ice to fall in the direction of Ohanla. "Well, your turn..."

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Eiade controlled time easily and sent the planet's clock on overhaul (not affecting the rest of the universe, only the planet). The two gods saw before them in fast motion: the ice meteor hitting, ice age coming and passing, new creatures being created and evolving, and civilizations of sentient creatures being formed. Eiade returned time to normal.


OOC: Tyjet decide what we see.

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Land was created on this planet finally and life started to evolve from water creatures to land. Plants started to grow everywhere and millions of speices were born. By causing a little destruction, we were in fact incouraging life. Many races came and went and Eiade had us continue at a time when one race was becoming very intelligent and advanced. They had managed to create fire, harvest plants and animals, and even create well structured buildings. The people there were simple creatures... very similar to humans. "Hey how about we show ourselves to them and they start worshiping us!! That would give us a huge army!!.
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"Hmm... That would be a good idea," said Eiade. "But let's introduce ourselves, and tell them that they need to advance in technology and worship us, and tell them we will be back in 100,000 years. Then we could have an advanced army."
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"Sweet!!" Tyjet jumbed on to a land mass near a village. "Ladies first..." Tyjet said as he held out his hand in direction of the village.
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Sorrion saw the Cow-of-uber-speed+4 coming his way. What in the world is that thing he wondered. Who honestly has a super fast flying cow. And then he saw the huge snowball coming at him extremely quickly. It put a hole in his middle segment the size of a piano. Darn it I HATE it when people put holes in me. Sorrion now kinda fell in on himself but he was more compact now and harder to break. So he picked up a ball of dripping snow, and hurled it with all his might at the cow..............
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Has-Big-Axe's mysterious masters, Time and Space were at work once again to entertain themselves with their little Argonian plaything. Space whirled around the disorientated Argonian and suddenly he found himself alone in the middle of space, somehow able to survive in the freezing emptiness and he looked around. The mysterious masters has done this to their plaything many a time before and Has-Big-Axe sighed. "What now?"


He watches as a Blessed Uber Cow of Speed zips past him and blasts a distant planet with its snowzooka. Has-Big-Axe sighed again, Blessed Uber Cows of Speed were a sure sign that his mysterious masters were really having fun. Any more, and the masters would be lending their powers to mere mortals soon.


Trapped in his bubble of space and time, the Argonian watched the creation of a certain galaxy, a certain star, a certain solar system, a certain planet and wathced in dismay as the inhabitants of the planet bowed down and worshipped a...Bosmer? and a...Breton? Has-Big-Axe sighed again, he mentally went over how the masters had fun 'whirly space, huge battle, blessed ubercow of speed, lending mortals power...' he paused as he had forgotten the next one... "OH *censored*!!' The Argonian shouted when he remembered..."Not the Randomly Exploding Snow Ostriches of Doom..." The Argonian dejectedly walked around through the emptiness of space, a feat that somehow his mysterious masters had granted him the ability to perform.


An ostrich made from entirely snow walked out infront of Has-Big-Axe. "Hiya" it said. On its forehead was a number. It changed constantly to being a completely different random number. The Argonian looked up at it and replied, "Hi, how are things?" The ostrich opened its beak to reply but suddenly the number on its head changed to 0. "Uh-oh" said the ostrich and it exploded in a shower of snow. Has-Big-Axe walked on in his gloomy mood, multitudes of the ostriches were appearing everywhere as far as he could see, multitudes of explosions too.

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