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The Snow Arena


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CrazyGilbert sicks his mions on Chaosmaker who shot evil explosive hashbrowns and bombs on him while Gilberts plasma Cannon Fired up ready for another shot at chaosmaker.


Then suddenly out from the bottom of the blimp came out a HUGE


Plasma cannon glowing red the cannon fired at chaos, The huge rod of plasma was about three times the size of the whole blimp as it smashed through chaosmakers face killing him by


1. burning him into a crisp


2. smashing him through 1000000000000 miles of ground into the planets core expelling magma to soon come up and roast the whole planet.....



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CrazyGilbert Screams at the top of his lungs while singing: "The Logical Song" By supertramp



When i was young

It seemed that life was so wonderful

A miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical

And all the birds in the trees

Well they´d be singing so happily

Oh joyfully, oh playfully watching me

But then they sent me away

To teach me how to be sensible

Logical, oh responsible ,practical

And they showed me a world

Where i could be so dependable

Oh clinical, oh intellectual, cynical


There are times when all the world´s asleep

The questions run too deep

For such a simple man

Won´t you please, please tell me what we´ve learned

I know it sounds absurd

But please tell me who i am


Now watch what you say

Or they´ll be calling you a radical

A liberal, oh fanatical, criminal

Oh won´t you sign up your name

We´d like to feel you´re

Acceptable, respectable, oh presentable, a vegetable!



At night when all the world´s asleep

The questions run too deep

For such a simple man

Won´t you please, please tell me what we've learned

I know it sounds absurd

But please tell me who i am, who i am ,who i am.



If you want to see my poorly drawn blimp go here: http://photobucket.com/albums/y49/gelob/

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  • 4 weeks later...

-Can't get to it oww well-


Back on topic Chaos cover's his ears trying to supress the torture. He takes off his shoe and sock and throws it into Gilbert's mouth.

"Put a Sock in it."

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In the dust Chaosmaker Emerges from the Depths of Hell.


* If you throw a Chaos sock at somebody it will be stinky but if you throw a Chaos sock at Chaosmaker it will be all Hell to pay.


Chaos takes out a Labtop and goes to Acme.com and orders a Snowball gun for $20.00 and haves it sent instantly with gift wrap. He takes it out and assembles it and loads the chunks of snow and push's the "Fire" button.



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CrazyGilbert screams and launches his plasma supergun at the bullets decimating them and flying straight towards chaos maker than he orders his little blimp army to fire guns and chuck stones at him while peppering him with bullets
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Unexpectedly out of the blue everyone is frozen solid as liquid oxygen covers them. Malchik clone 666.666666 snaps them into bits and reassembles them randomly, Harem Sock is now in the blue corner ready for bare knuckle fighting with lazy git, Bret C.


Malchik Clone then disintegrates.

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OOC: Sorry for the delay


Adras walks over to Chaosmaker and picks up some white, fluffy snow and packs it into a snowsphere. He then proceeds to throw it in his face. "That's for being mean and not accepting my agreement."


He then watches as Chaos was buried 1000000000000 miles into the core of the planet then as the Malchik Clone 75343231.784 ressurects Chaos then dissappears. And something about a 'chaos sock'. Being distracted with this, he did not notice the rather large blimp in the sky with an even rather larger gun type thingy coming out of the bottom. Deciding that the gun was unsafe (being a cop in his former life), he proceeds to pull out his straw and wet paper wads and aims at the center of the balloon. His slingshot waits in his back pocket (with the kitchen sink) for backup fire.

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"What agreement?"


Chaosmaker wipes the snow off his face and sees Adras idea and takes out a paper clip and a rubberband and bends the clip into a U shaped form he pulls back the band and releases sending the clip straight at Gilberts Blimp and poping it Gilbert crashes into the ocean and dissapears in a show off fire works.

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