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The Snow Arena


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Unfortunatly for Chaos and his crew this is exactly what Raven had planned for. You see the Pink Bunneh's of the 5th legion were no ordinary bunny rabbits, these bunnehs were genetically engineered to be an indestructable force. To accomlish this they were given the ability to regenerate as long as there were some tissue cells left intact.


This process usually took a little time and for the unlucky saps who consumed the rabbit stew it would be a fairly painful one.


It was at this time Chaos, syphon and adrias came running out into the snow pounding their bellies screaming in pain.


Raven, smiling, started crafting new snowballs as she watched her bunneh army eat their way out of their captors. And then, because its always fun to beat someone when their down, she started the snowball fight hitting syphon square in his face.

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suddenly a huge crack appears and widens the size of england and then The blimp rises back into the sky 100 times larger. Gilbert screams and yells!


then dwemer skygliders armed with vickers mark1s fly out of the blimp toward earth firing round after round at gilberts opponents!!


The big gun recharges and fires again and again over and over untill a hole the size of north america goes straight down to the eartes core, expelling lava from the hole which will soon cover earth and make it a big ball of magma lava




Gilbert than leaves the galaxy to his home planet made out of play dough.

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Running around in agony with small bunny kin hopping up his throat, Adras started stomping on them, doing nothing what-so-ever. After the agony was over, he called out to Chaos to come back in his impermiable igloo. Once inside the igloo, he set the computer so it would let only Chaos in (and anyone else, besides Raven *who had caused him much pain recently*, who wanted chicken wings). He went to the bar, went up the stairs and went to the top where he could safely get a view of the outside happenings.
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Gilbert (from his planet launched trillions of those plasma gun shots that destroyed earth into it again but from high powered canons. (trillions) you will all die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



*Gilbert then sits down and plays morrowind*

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Adras was safe with his chicken poppers because his igloo was indestructable. He also had a handy-dandy machine: The Earth-O-Matic-ma-bob 5783.98274~1. It brought the earth back to exactly how it was before it was turned into dust, without reversing time.
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Thats ok because it is airtight and has an oxygen machine too. But I dont want to be in deep space so Adras rockets it back to earth, slightly buried underground and is still indestructable. Even to rockets that destruct indestructable igloos.
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